December 6th marks the beginning of a six-day killing of NJ black bears. Efforts to postpone the hunt have so far ended in failure. The Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection stated that the bear hunt is necessary and refused to cancel the hunt despite desperate attempts from animal rights organizations and NJ citizens. This will be the first bear hunt in NJ since 2005.
The bear population has increased but that does not require the killing of black bears in New Jersey. Many bear complaints are simply sightings. The bears are usually frightened of people and aggressive behavior is rarely seen; they have never killed anyone in NJ. The Commissioner claims that hunting them is necessary, but it's not. It may be more cost effective, but why should the black bears pay for New Jersey's financial woes with their lives?
It's not the fault of the black bears, they are simply living out their lives and having families. They live in the forests and are losing their homes due to constant development of land. Their habitats are stripped away from them to make way for human structures and when they have no where else to go, their lives are taken from them too.
The excuses used to justify the hunt are just that - excuses. Killing the black bears may reduce the population temporarily, but the reasons given to justify the extermination will continue regardless of the hunt. Non-lethal measures can be taken to handle the issue so residents and black bears can co-exist in NJ but government officials are choosing a more simple way to temporarily deal with the issue without considering the welfare of the bears.
-Mark V.
Good information there Mark. It isn't right that we take the animals' home away from them then want to kill them, isn't fair!! They should relocate the bears instead of killing them & shoot them up with some birth control.
ReplyDeleteI agree, it's very unfair taking the homes away from these bear, but we as humans hold a sense of fear that we may be attacked by these bears, so it seems like a win...lose situation.
DeleteI disagree with the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection who said that bear hunting is necessary. There are a very small percentage of people who actually hunt bear for food. I believe that most people kill bears for the pleasure and make them their apart of their trophy wall. I think relocating the bears would revolve this increased issue of the bear population.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth White
I must admit this topic confuses me a bit. I wasn't aware that this was even going on until I read this blog. Is injecting the bears with birth control an option? If so that is a really neat idea that could benefit so many diferent animals in the wild, and domestic animals for that matter. I know bears can without a doubt cause harm on a human, but that is only in self defense, right? Killing them is the easy way out. I can only imagine what goes through the minds of these poor animals being hunted. Can you imagine hiding and knowing that everyday could be the day you die. People don't give animals enough credit for experiencing emotions like fear, and sadness just as we do.
ReplyDeleteKate, I heard about the birth control thing before on TV; I think they've done that before on deer or something, but I can't be positive. But it definitely seems like it would work. Yes, killing them is the easier cheap way out.
ReplyDeleteMelissa, birth control has been done on other animals and it has worked. So, why doesn't the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection try that and see if that will control the populations of the bears. I rather see our tax money go towards birth control instead of hunting.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of the South Park episode where hunting got outlawed so you were only allowed to kill what came after you, so the hunters said "It's coming right for us" for every animal and shot it. This is a completely different scenario, but the idea still applies. Nothing is harming anybody and this should be a hint hint to STOP DEVELOPING. Pretty soon Jersey is going to end up like Delaware. Streets everywhere, barely any grass, too much traffic. I like the woods. And the wildlife. Except the deer, which are actually dangerous. Bears know not to play in the street.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with killing the black bears in NJ. I do not agree with killing any animal let alone any bear. it is wrong and people should be punished for such a crime. They should just be left alone in the wild un harmed.
ReplyDeleteYou raise a good point Melissa. I wasn't aware that animals could receive birth control. But if that option is possible why not use it and save the innocent bears' lives?
ReplyDeleteI do not think that the black bears should be killed in NJ. I feel as long as they arent hurting anyone thann we shouldnt hurt them. I know the birth control thing is in effect with different animals. Like on Chingoteage(not sure if that is spelle correctly) island with the ponies. the shot them from a far distance with birth control so they can keep a handle on the population. those ponies are just like the black bears they dont hurt anyone unless messed with. people should be warned enough and that should be that.
ReplyDelete6 days of hunting an animal isn't thattttt bad. Both of my brother's hunt, as well as our friends. Deer season is much longer than this new black bear season, and honestly, if they are capable of bringing home an over-populated bear, I think that's pretty awesome. They would be so excited. I don't hunt. I could never personally shoot an animal, but I do fish, and its a very competitive, fun, sport. As long as the hunting is limited and doesn't become an issue with illegality, I don't see where its a serious threat to the black bears in NJ. Though the idea of birth control or other ways to control the bears could be more efficent :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure that they're not thinking of the welfare of the bears, I'm thinking that maybe their thinking more of the welfare of the residents. There's not an easy answer to the problem. Face it, bears and humans can't live side by side. I do believe that we do have to sometimes make calls on certain issues that we would much rather not but if we do nothing then pretty soon there will be more bears than residents. You say that the last "hunt" in 2005, well that was 6 years ago. Now if they were doing it every 6 months I might be more inclined to think that they were doing it more for the sport than for the safty. I think that we have to think of the safty of the people too. And also, what happens when there's soooo many bears that they start fighting with each other? Then they could and would be dying a much more painful death, not to mention more inhuman. Just my opinion, hope I didn't offend anyone.
ReplyDeleteMalissa S.
I agree with this article because there are so many other ways that can be used to reduce the population of the black bear. By hunting them is one way but its not the most peaceful way. Just by relocating them it can be a win-win scenerio for the government and the bears.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the article as well. Black bears aren't very popular here in NJ. I think no species should be hunted if is isn't very popular. It's not fair to the animal. What if a bunch are killed and that sends the population here dwindling since there aren't even that many to begin with? It's not like people eat bear meat, they really do kill just for the kill. If you are in a desperate situation and in need of food I could understand. But other than that leave the bears alone! If they start becoming overly populated then action should be taken.
ReplyDeletehunters are just trying to find ways to hunt and not get in trouble. Thats all that is.
ReplyDeleteTaShanna Parker
All of this is new news to me. I had no idea this mass murder was taking place. I don’t know anybody that hunts bear but obviously many people do. On one side I feel as though the bears shouldn't be killed. The black bears were most likely here in New Jersey first. As far as the Bible goes God created animal first then man. So the bears have a right to the area. People should respect the black bears. Since the bears aren't hurting anybody then let them be. It’s a shame that people want to kill the species. People have taken just about everything away from animals there life just tops it off. On the other side of this topic a hunter will most likely say it’s there right to hunt the bears. The bears may be overpopulated but there is other means to assist the problem. I guess bears could be a source of food but people don’t need food that bad. In conclusion I disagree with the killing of black bears.
ReplyDeleteCamille Nicole D.
I'm on the fence about this one. It says a black bear hasn't killed anyone in NJ yet, and I do emphasize YET. Under the right circumstances there is no doubt in my mind that the black bear would strike against a human being. I feel like this is simply for the safety of the human population. If there are other non-lethal ways to do this, what are they? Relocating them would probably cost a fortune that NJ obviously does not have. The hunting only goes on for less than a week. I'm sure they're not going to kill off some immense amount during that time (which still isn't very beneficial to their purpose) This one is a tough one. I'm going to stay on the fence.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why it is necessary to go on a 6 day killing spree of these bears. I have never heard of a bear killing anyone around here nor have i ever seen a bear around here. The people of New Jersey obviously have nothing better to do with their time except kill innocent animals for their own entertainment.
ReplyDeleteK. Ballentine
I feel like theres not nearly enough bears in NJ to have an organized hunt like this. I'v lived here my whole life and have never seen one. I agree that sometimes animal populations need to be controlled, which is the reason for deer hunting seasons and things like that, but I don't think, at least in NJ, that bear are overpopulated enough for this.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Morris
This is crazy, if no people are being killed by these bears then why kill them? That makes no sense. I understand that there might be a lot of them however there is also a lot of people and we do not go around killing people for 6 days straight. I feel the more bears the better, they are beautiful animals and deserve and a life and home just like people. There is no good reason to kill bears, this should not happen.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Yeich
I have been in NJ my entire life and have never been attacked by a Bear. I have never even seen one before. We as people are not the only things that occupy this Earth animals do to, and they have every right to be here as we do. Hunting them down is wrong and cruel. I doubt that there will be a Bears going on a killing spree in NJ anytime soon. There should be warning signs put in place where Bears heavily occupy, but they should not be hunted down and killed.
ReplyDelete~Stacie Hill
I agree that black bears should not be killed for a sport to be used as a trophy on a wall. In all reality we are taking away the land that was once their home. On the other side, we cannot live in harmony with black bears. Bears are carnivores and under the right circumstances a bear will again a human being, especially a child. Until we find a way to relocate these bears, these hunts will have to continue. I do not condone these hunts; they are absolutely terrible, but I rather see bears killed humanely than have to hear about a child mauled to death by a bear.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Tighe
How can there be a hunt to kill black bears in New Jersey to try to control the population or whatever it is if I have never seen a black bear in my entire life. One has never harmed me at all. I can't even fathom the idea of killing bears for no reason. What if the bear they killed happens to be a mother of cubs now the cubs might not have a chance to survive since their main source of food and shelter has been killed. This is just mean.
ReplyDelete-Rachel Aronson
I don't understand why developers have to move out into the wild to build when their are so many buildings and developments alone that are abandoned? Why cant developers knock down what they do NOT want and rebuild on the same land what they DO want? If this would happen so many animal lives would be saved and not be forced into "human territory". The people who make the decision to go on the killings sprees should really take a step back and think of other options that are quicker cleaner and easier to go through with.
ReplyDeletePaige M. Johnson
I think if there was like an imediate danger of black bears killing people than go ahead and kill them first......but that's not the case. If no one has died in NJ from a black bear why are they going to do this?
ReplyDeletei dont think thwey should kill them at all... taking them away from their home is enough..why dont they just relocate them? killing them is just dumb if they cause no danger..
ReplyDeleteI think that having black bear hunts is 100% necessary. Black bears do not exactly belong in such a populated state. If you think about it, there is not much else larger than a black bear that could sustain a healthy lifestyle in the area. This means that if their population is not controlled, it will most certainly begin to overrun the state. I know people that participated in this hunt and it was by no means out of cruelty but because of the fact that without some population control, especially in the north east part of the state, black bear sightings and incidents will become more and more frequent.
ReplyDelete^^^ Rachel Layton
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with any kind of hunting for any reason. I don't think it's fair to the animals that are hunted just for the heck of it. I understand population control, but I think the hunt should have been postponed until the black bears became an actual issue.
ReplyDeleteIm actually in a tough spot on this one to be honest. I watch the show swamp people which is the hunting of alligators in lousiana. They hunt because those thing run rampid and are actually a danger. On this subject you can go either way. I think its wrong but at the same time do you want that population getting out of hand to the point one bear does injure or kill someone. That to me is what you have to ask.
If the black bears have never killed anyone nor harmed people than i think they should be left alone. Until they do start to get out of control. Hunting black bears is not necessary at all.
ReplyDeleteHunting due to over population is totally reasonable!! If you are one of the people who has seen a black bear wonder into your back yard, where just moments previous your children were playing, you also would agree that these animals need to be reduced in number. However, I do not think this should go on all the time.
ReplyDeleteAmber Seibert
i think hunting them is necessary for the commissioner to have some bear meat which he has not had in a long time. people need to leave this animals alone because very soon we will run out of many species and we have any to replace them for next generations to see.
ReplyDeletei believe in hunting due to over population, in my opinion its ok to control the population so it doesn't get out of hand. But i could not hunt an endangered species, you can't kill the few that are left, thats terrible
ReplyDelete-Davey Sutton
I believe that the hunting is actually un-humane. Do you kill a cat/dog everytime it comes near you? I think that even though these bears have potential to be dangerous, they have not killed anyone, therefore should not be hunted period.
ReplyDeleteWhy do they want to kill the bears? It makes no sense because it is not like the bears are killing people or something. Sometimes I wonder about the thought process of some of our Government officals.
ReplyDelete-Jonathan Mahoney
I have had a run in once with a Black Bear in NJ before, two to be exact. I was camping with my family at High Point (I think that is where it was. It's been years.) one year and we had left pizza on the table one night. Before you knew it there was two bears at the picnic table scarffing down our pizza. Through all this though the bears never came near us, and we sure as hell didn't go near it. The park rangers came and chased the bears off. Had the bears not left they would have tranqualized them and taken back into the woods as they claimed they usually do. This was a while back however, before the six day killing spree that was issued.
ReplyDelete-Carlos Jimenez
We obviously cant afford to move them so what else is there to do? Its not really, "pointless," if you use the bears for things like clothes and food. As far as being necessary, it might not be, but there are a lot more unnecessary things going on that no one really cares about so what makes this different? It's not like they're hunting the bears into extinction.
ReplyDeleteWhy kill the bears if they haven't even hurt a single person. I often question the motives of the government. It is things like this that cause the intinction of animals.
ReplyDeleteI think people should just leave the bears alone. I would see if they are killing people, but if they aren't causing harm or distruction leave them be.
ReplyDeleteIf these bears have not harmed any people then what is the big deal? They are doing exactly what God intended them to do and that's just roam and eat. To do just what bears do! They're not harming anyone so leave them alone!
ReplyDeleteI think that finding a way other than having open hunting to lessen the bears in NJ would be great, but I do not have a problem with hunting the bears either. Since there are many bears and hunting them does keep the population down and because shooting them is not torture I am okay with them being hunted.
ReplyDeleteHunting is okay if it is done properly, I get really sad when I see a roadkilled squirrel because it died senselessly. If an animal is killed, it must be used entirely.
DeleteJoshua Squires
I thank god for the fact that you need a hunting license to legally kill animals. If there wasn't a such thing, human beings would be the last living thing on earth within days.
ReplyDeletefirst killing for sport is wrong. but i understand people need to eat but not 10 different meats a day.
ReplyDeleteHunting should be stop because people are killing innocent animals. Killing black bear should not be necessary.
ReplyDeleteHunting should be stop because people are killing innocent animals. Killing black bear should not be necessary.
ReplyDeleteHunting should be stop because people are killing innocent animals. Killing black bear should not be necessary.
ReplyDeleteHuman's are destroying everything nature created. We take what we want, live beyond our means, ans someday we will get to a point where we have become our own worst enemies and have destroyed everything we need to survive.
ReplyDeleteCynthia C
I agree with you that bears, like most animals are more scared of us than we are of them. If they have not harmed anyone I do not see the point in killing them. And when will the say they have killed enough? When they are all gone? It just like how they brought coyotes to kill other things into NJ and now there is a huge coyote problem and people have to kill them because they are attacking. Also just like the black bears, the snow geese get killed for money. Certain ones have ankle things and when you bring them in you get money. This is not a game, and should not be done.
ReplyDeleteMelissa F.
Allowing the hunt of black bears is horrible. These are innocent animals that live peacefully in their home. The only reason they are considered aggressive is because they are afraid. If someone destroyed your home to create a shopping mall, houses, or some other building, would you not be defensive. Black bears are beautiful in my opinion, and don’t deserve to be hunted down.
ReplyDeleteBethany S.
Just because you see a black bear does not mean that it is causing harm to you or your property. I think NJ should let the bears roam free until they give the state a reason to maybe move them, but not exterminate them.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrbile. It's when I read things like this that makes me feel like animals should be the ones going on human hunts. We're the ones that destroy the land, pollute the air, kill animals and other humans for no reason. While the bears are just living their lives and not even killing humans. Some people need to have a reality check.
ReplyDeleteChristina M.
I live in NJ and there are many new uprisings in the real estate industry. These expansions are probably forcing the bears out of their homes. This is the garden state and there used to be many forests here for many animals to live here. We need to consider they are losing their homes to people and are trying to defend their lost. We should not be forced to kill them they are just being animals. New homes and businesses are forcing them out of their homes.
ReplyDeleteD Robinson CSC115 2/21/13 1:18pm
DeleteI dont believe in killing the bears in new jersey or anywhere for that matter. Unless the bear kills or harms someone. But they should be left alone in there habitat and then they wont harm anoyone.
ReplyDeleteAmanda S.
I feel like people are so quick to wanna fix something that cant be fixed. The bears are going to reproduce and to kill them off isn't going to solve anything.
ReplyDeleteI think there are better answers than killing innocent animals. Just because it cost a bit extra money to possible put them to sleep and transport them to a better, less populated area does not justify killing.
ReplyDeleteThe killing of Black Bears in New Jersey issued by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection was a horrible hunt to ensure. Innocent animals should not be killed under any circumstance. I feel Black Bears should continue to live in the wild like they have done for many years. Just because humans want to take over their land to make more houses or buildings should not result in a hunt to kill animals. Humans should not destroy more forest land but should get rid of old building and houses and put up new ones so animals can continue living in the forest.
ReplyDelete-Danielle G.
I agree that it is not the bears fault that they are there. The people in this country have caused the animal populations to change the way that they have. The animals are mass hunted and killed for being so populated when a lot of the time it is the people that are causing it to be that way and causing populations to go to areas that they do not belong in.
ReplyDeleteI work at a diner and a customer I wait on actually witnessed black bears being brought in to the area in barrels. When he asked about it, the people "state workers?" acted like nothing had happened. Their answer was "What bears". I don't know why it is happening, I don't know the reason behind it, but, it is making it a problem here. The bears were not raised here, they don't know where to get is upsetting. And then to have a HUNT! There would be nothing to hunt if they didn't smuggle them in. It is just sad!
Deletethis practice is not fear to the black bears. its their home and not the home of humans. maybe if humans stop building on their lands they might not see them too often. if this animals are not causing harm to the environment, i think they need to be left alone
ReplyDeleteWe have to many homes now that are in for-closure to be stripping more land from the animals. These poor bears are being forcefully pushed into the human population due to the developers greed. Going on a shooting spree was clearly not the long-term answer.
ReplyDeleteMy father was working in a state park and saw a dead black bear on the side of the road. He commented on how it was such a shame that the bear had died due to humans in an area where he should have been protected. The poor bears are running out of safe land to be on.
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardiner
All the money that is spent on the land and surveys, why can't someone figure out how to relocate these bears to safer environment? This could solve most of the problems, put them back in an environment where they will hunt, reproduce and be what a part of the circle of life? Is that so hard?
ReplyDeleteBlack bears are becoming more and more rare and it is extremely sad to see. They need to be in a safe environment where they have control over reproduction and their own food. They can be independent however humans can also make sure that they have the necessities to survive.
ReplyDeleteI believe there are other ways of cutting back on the bear population besides killing them. They are able to relocate them to other areas if need be. If other states can do it why can't we? The black bear population isn't as populated as it used to be due to hunting, poaching or so called "nuisance bears". We need to stop chasing them out of their habitats and they will not come into ours. We can live with the bears like they live with us.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason one of these black bears should be killed is if it was immediately threatening ones life. A more humane and respectful way to deal with the ever growing bear population in NJ is to trap and relocate them. Killing these bears just so the government doesn't have to deal with them is absurd!
ReplyDeleteI think the reasons for killing the bears are so stupid. There are so many other options, but of course they pick the easiest one.
ReplyDeleteSome species do require a hunt to bring down population but in this case, if the bears aren't hurting anyone then leave them alone. It might be a different story if they were hurting innocent people but they're not so let them live their lives. Our kind kills humans everyday and you don't see anything trying to hunt us.
ReplyDeleteThey didn't give a reason to kill these bears. Its so pointless. They are wasting money to basically just kill. The bears are no harm to anyone. I don't see what the problem is.
ReplyDeleteIts ashame that the bears have to suffer being picked off for pointless excuses. The human population is over 6 billion and suppose we were not at the top of the food chain, we would not appreciate being picked off by another species that are higher than us. If the bears aren't harming anyone leave them be.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what gives humans the right to decide who's population need to be controlled. I think it's disgusting we allow deer and bear to be hunted down to an amount that's easy to deal with. No other species decides for humans that we are growing to rapidly, and we are the ones who are actually ruining the planet. Maybe the other animals should take after us, and control our populations.
ReplyDeleteI think that hunting is a normal thing in today's society. Back before they had grocery stores, that's how people survived, by hunting for their food. I hunt all the time and don't see a huge problem with it. I've seen black bears in West Virginia and they didn't seem harmful but seemed intimidating. I know a couple people that have been encountered by a bear and the black bear reacted aggressive. In places that have a lot of black bears, I believe that there is a threat to them and it's okay to hunt them. I would never go hunting with the intentions of killing a bear unless it tried to attack but I understand other people's point of view with this debate because a part of it all is inhuman but my point of view is that there is a huge difference between killing a deer or bear compared to killing a dog or cat.
ReplyDelete-J. Keen
Wow! what a wonderfully written article about this subject! Bears are something we fear because our human nature is fragile and weak minded. We are taught to cower in fetal position when a bear comes close and hope it goes away. There are not many positive educational influences that indicate we are safe living in close proximity to bears. Many people are uncomfortable and feel they should not have to live in fear but you make a good point that bears are running out of natural land and are just living their lives and trying to have families as well. Extermination is not the answer and the hunt is a sad excuse for the lazy government officials who do not want to spend money on other means of resolution.
ReplyDeleteI respectfully disagree with your notion that black bears can co-exist with humans in NJ. While these bears have not killed humans, they do pose a threat under the right conditions and children, whom should be free to play and roam around their neighborhoods while supervised, can not remain calm, or be told how to act when they see a bear. While animals should not have to die, a child's life and human life should take precedence, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteDelia W.
I respectfully disagree with your notion that black bears can co-exist with humans in NJ. While these bears have not killed humans, they do pose a threat under the right conditions and children, whom should be free to play and roam around their neighborhoods while supervised, can not remain calm, or be told how to act when they see a bear. While animals should not have to die, a child's life and human life should take precedence, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteDelia W.
I feel that if children are supervised correctly, and there were plans in case of a sighting or god forbid, an attack, a hunt wouldn't be necessary. Bears are curious and are mostly looking for food or wandering around hurting no one. I don't feel that they should be hunted because they COULD pose a threat to a child or a person. A lot of animals could pose a threat, it's the parents responsibility to ensure the safety of their child/family.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't even aware that this was an issue until I read this blog. While, I do not believe in killing these bears I do feel as if measures should be taken to protect us. Im sure there are possible ways to control the population without killing them.
ReplyDeleteI do understand you being against this killing of black bears to an extent. I do agree that the killing of the bears is not an adequate decision or solution to the problem. However, I do not believe that the problem can simply be ignored and that the bears can continue to roam where every they please. It poses a safety threat to the people in the area. In my opinion relocation of the bears is a more effective and humane way to eliminate the problem that is at hand. This way the safety issue is done, and the bears do not have to pay with their lives.
ReplyDeleteI have always known of this were people would kill animals because of over population. I couldn't agree more with you that these animals are coming into developments because we as humans are taking their lands away. We are always knocking down forest areas to build homes and developments. So really where do they expect these animals to go? Of course we will have sighting of animals when we keep building up. I don't believe we need to kill them we should be relocating them to other areas. I understand that we have safety concerns however we shouldn't just kill what we are afraid of.
ReplyDeleteI would understand the concern of an overpopulation of black bears however I do not see a need for extermination. We will soon be approaching the next five year mark and I would guess that this issue will arise again. What we need to do in our community is raise awareness of how to react if you come into contact with one. It is easy to spread awareness about something before it becomes a problem. If we wait until people start complaining about the sightings again it will just cause the government to panic and search for yet another quick fix.
ReplyDelete-Caitlyn Perry SCC
If black bears are rarely aggressive, then why the hurry to exterminate them? Even if they were aggressive, then maybe people should stay away from their land. It angers me to see that these hunts are created for the simple fact that there are "too many" bears. If human beings were executed because of over population, we'd all be in trouble.
ReplyDeleteD. Gearhart
This topic brings to light (very greatly) the need for both sides to be educated before making remarks in any situation. While some comments were educated solutions or simply suggestions, those calling this "a mass murder" and "a shooting spree" are ill-educated on the situation and part of the reason those speaking with actual knowledge are not taken seriously. A hunting season is not in any way a free-for-all, extermination or genocide. If this were the case, white tailed deer (who have an extended season every single year) would be extinct. A hunting season is tightly controlled and regulated, with the number of permits being specifically calculated to get the proper results. Those who do not follow these rules do not only do so during the appropriate season Regardless of which side you support, hunting is a much better solution in some cases than allowing populations to run rampant. Yes, we should stop encroaching into the animal's home. Hunters and those for animal rights share the same view on that. If we can educate ourselves and see where we agree instead of bashing and attacking and start there, perhaps a middle ground can be found where progress is made, instead of degrading the character of the other side and accomplishing nothing for humans or the animals.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mark E. that there is an obvious lack of education on both sides of this issue. Hunting wild animals is a humane, strictly controlled, respectable way to control overpopulation problems. When a species of predatory animal becomes overpopulated, it is not only dangerous for humans, but it also becomes a problem for the food chain. The larger predatory animals can wipe out an entire species of smaller animals like rabbits and fish. Bears in particular also eat berries, nuts, and other plants that herbivorous animals like deer, squirrels, and birds depend on to survive. Overpopulation also causes inbreeding (which leads to dis-temperment and birth defects) and diseases. I would venture to say that hunting wild animals is more humane than the treatment of the animal that supplied the meat that is sold in the grocery store. At least that animal had freedom to roam and a fair chance of escape.
ReplyDeleteI think State should control the Hunting because there are only few black bears left. State should control what people can hunt and what they can't hunt. Most of all people should not be hunting just for fun.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the bears should not be hunted. Many use over population as an excuse to create a hunting season for anything. If over population of animals is such a problem, maybe a human hunting season should be created! The bears could be killed in such abundance that they could potentially be eradicated from New Jersey completely. If the bears are simply trying to live their lives in peace, they should be left alone. Now, if a bear continually goes into populated areas and tries to attack without provocation, there might be an argument to whether or not that particular bear should be put down or not. A better way to deal with the bear "problem" would be to create a refuge. Keep a large portion of their habitat in tact, and let them live in a mini wildlife refuge. It keeps the land and helps the bears, along with a multitude of other species as well.
ReplyDeleteKendra Beyl
Killing any type of animals is cruel. People just choose to chase bears for their own adventure is not fair to them. If it is for our protection, it is another story (safety first), but I still do not think that killing them is the right solution. It is the State's responsibility to find out what to do with the bears instead of killing them.
ReplyDeleteClaudette D.
I don't understand why people get so scared of bears. In most cases like Mark said they are scared of humans. I also did not read that one person complained about being hurt nor destroying anything. If this was the case, death is still not the answer. I think the State should of relocated them, send them to a less populated area. There is plenty of open land in New Jersey or PA for the bears to go to!
ReplyDeleteChris K.
Rebecca S.
ReplyDeleteIt's a pity that we have taken away their land to build on, and when they come through to look for a new home to live, we then have a hunt for them cause they are "imposing" into our territory.
I agree that the culling of the bear population in New Jersey is unnecessary at this time. It may be more cost effective to do a statewide cull, it will likely be only as effective as the current deer seasons, which have yet to reduce the deer population to pre-colonial levels.
I completely agree! The black bear hunt needs to be stopped. These bears are simply doing what they know how to do, survive! With their homes being destroyed and torn down, they're running out of habitats and places to live. Places that were once their home are now homes to humans and because the bears are roaming around familiar territory they deserve to die? This hunt is just inhumane and unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteDesirae P.
I also agree that we must stop the black bear hunts. I believe that they will not bother you if you leave them alone. They are doing what they are suppose to do they are in search of finding food and water in which they need to survive. These bears are probably more scared of us then we are of them.
ReplyDeleteWhy would we go into their home and hunt them they don't come into ours. We should just leave them alone.
Thomasine J
I'm still confused as to why there is a need to hunt black bears in NJ. I do know that there are an abundance of them, however, hunting and killing them is not the answer. They can be removed in a harmless way and relocated to less populated areas.
ReplyDeleteKrystal M
A majority of the problems that we face with animals being too close to homes and business are OUR faults. If we didn't over develop and bring animals illegally across state borders then there would have never been problem and they would be exactly where they were before we were even on this earth. Most animals being unfairly killed had their space overtaken and now they die because people want to build big houses "in the country".
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jess S. We have taken there homes away from them, so what other choice do they have. All the sightings and videos of these black bears and what harm have they done. Knock over the trash cans? Come on, kids now a days do way worse. I am pretty sure if they had their land and homes they wouldn't be walking around our streets.
ReplyDeleteKristal J
Black Bears have been around for quite sometime now and they are traveling through the suburbs and aournd our families. I think it is time for them to be gone, I know that seems mean but I'm just looking out for my family and others. Everytime I look ont he news I see another Black Bear coming around homes looking for food. I'am frightened of them and I hope to never see one.
ReplyDeleteSince the black bears haven't been reported to kill anyone in NJ, why is there hunts going on? they should be able to live peacefully in the forest where they belong.
ReplyDeleteDanielle C
I don't think the bears are the problem the people are. its not about the bears its about the peoples selfish erg to hunt for fun and entertainment.
ReplyDeleteBlack bears are a problem? That's news to me. I live in a highly wooded area of south jersey and I have never seen a bear, nor have I heard of any sightings so its obviously not as big as a problem that people think... certainty not a "hunt" worthy problem. KH
ReplyDeleteLike you said it is very wrong for the state of New Jersey to allow bear hunting when they are spotted around homes. I believe people are just frightened and the bears won't harm you unless you make a move first. It is unfair to take away all of the living spaces for the bears and I believe we should have to keep so much free land in the state in order for our wildlife to survive. It is expected for the bears to have no place to go when their homes are taken from them. I agree that this should not result in them also loosing their life.
ReplyDeleteCGuglielmo scc
I believe there should be no bear hunting anywhere at all. The bears are most likely trying to look for shelter or food for their young or for their selves. And because we keep cutting down forest after forest, they have almost no where to live anymore so they are forced to come out and try to find it themselves. Amy T.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! I didn't realize people were such idiots! Its amazing how close minded and uneducated 99% of these comments are. It makes me sick that this is the world we live in. Damn liberals
ReplyDeleteHow can "residents and black bears co-exist in NJ" without putting residents and their children in danger? I know PLENTY of parents who would be scared to let their children play outside knowing that there is an over abundance of dangerous black bears in their woods.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why people worry so much about bear sightings. If the bears are not harming us, why are we worried? I don't believe in hunting unless you are going to eat the food and I don't think many people eat bear.
ReplyDeleteAt the rate this state is growing and the rate that the black bears are reproducing, something has to be done I am sure that this is a hunt that was not easily passed and came with debates, discussions and facts. With so many strict regulations on hunting, there is very little room for hunters to act out of line and with proper education and techniques hunters become skilled and allow the least amount of pain to the hunted
ReplyDeleteIts a shame that they had to hunt black bears because we decided to build our homes near where they live. They should only be allowed to hunt them if they are going to eat the meat and use the products from the bear, and hopefully do it in a way that is an humane as possible. What would be better is if the area that populated by black bear was more protected from us building there.
ReplyDeleteKristin J
I don't understand why we have to kill the black bears. The only videos I have come across with NJ black bears were them going through the trash and playing in someone's front yard. Not attacking anyone etc. Plus we are destroying their land, pushing them into our neighborhoods. There's enough empty houses in NJ to home all the homeless in NJ but we are building houses, cutting down our oxygen source, and taking away natural land.
I never realized that killing Black Bears was such a problem in NJ. You don't really hear much about them or even what they are killed for. I think we should just leave them alone if they are not harming us.
ReplyDeleteLand has been taken away from many animals. Sometimes animals lose their way and end up in residential areas. I do not think this is grounds for killing them. I do not think people should hunt black bears unless they are doing it for food.
ReplyDeleteDeana Gearhart
Being a hunter myself I don't find this an issue. Hunting is all part of animal population control. If the population was that low Nj would not allow us to hunt.
ReplyDeleteI love to hunt and have no problem with hunting animals. Its the way the food chain works. Living in the wild its kill or be killed. Besides the fact that black bears can be a danger to our society it is a right to hunt.
ReplyDeleteWhat right do these animals have? I would hate for someone to take the place I live in, without dispute. They should put together some sort of relocation plan when they decide to take the land, so that these black bears aren't killed by hunters.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that this was ever happening. I do not believe in the genocide happening to the NJ Black Bears population. I would hate to enter as an endangered species because I was being killed in my own habitat. I believe this needs to have a better plan than just killing off the bears. They need to be relocated or an alternative plan needs to be done for the humans (maybe look at another area).
ReplyDeleteE. Mitchell
The fact that we are taking the natural homes of these bears and expect them not to roam our neighborhoods in search of food and shelter is ridiculous. With all the abandoned homes in NJ we could rehab and live in but no land is being taken over and luxury houses being built.
ReplyDeletePost #3
I am always amazed at the people who cannot figure out why the animals such as the bear, are coming into communities more and more. I always feel like saying "you are tearing down their homes (the woods) and they have essentially become homeless, they need to eat just like you do, where would you like them to go?"
ReplyDeleteI agree with the reply above me about how the bears are coming around more now because they are cutting down forest like crazy. I hunt myself , but i do believe that if there is a decline in population of animals that the law should change and you should not be able to hunt that certain animal anymore or at least for awhile.
ReplyDeleteAlexus E
I agree with this 100%. It really annoys me that some humans think that animals need to be killed or need to be put somewhere else. We have people in this world that cause more problems than animals and yet they are still breathing the same air and living their lives. It would be a different story if we were to say lets start killing people that are doing nothing with their lives and are more of a negative to our world than a positive. Animals are doing the same exact thing we as humans are doing. Breathing, eating, reproducing, and living life to the fullest. These animals are doing absolutely nothing wrong and like it was stated, these bears have not killed anyone. Everyone just gets so scared, just like the bears do, and calls in the sighting. The only difference is the bears do not have anyone to call to come kill us.
ReplyDeleteJordan B SCC
I agree with this 100%. It really annoys me that some humans think that animals need to be killed or need to be put somewhere else. We have people in this world that cause more problems than animals and yet they are still breathing the same air and living their lives. It would be a different story if we were to say lets start killing people that are doing nothing with their lives and are more of a negative to our world than a positive. Animals are doing the same exact thing we as humans are doing. Breathing, eating, reproducing, and living life to the fullest. These animals are doing absolutely nothing wrong and like it was stated, these bears have not killed anyone. Everyone just gets so scared, just like the bears do, and calls in the sighting. The only difference is the bears do not have anyone to call to come kill us.
ReplyDeleteJordan B SCC
I agree. I think instead of just killing them they should capture them and relocate them to a place where its ok for them to be at. And figure out a way to control the population of the bears.
ReplyDeleteJannelle H.
I have to say that I would like to see an updated blog on this topic. I can understand the fact that this may be a difficult subject for many, but no matter how one looks at it, animals have always been hunted by human. Is there a right and wrong? Absolutely. Any hunter who takes himself serious and does right by the laws and regulations, has every right to hunt what it permitted. I have zero tolerance for people who hunt illegally, poach, leave behind carcasses, I feel that these are the people who need to be punished.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I wish people would take a minute to think what it would be like if the roles were flipped. Like you said the Bears are living out their lives, making a home, having a family etc. The bears did not cause any harm. There is no need to kill them, they should simply just be relocated.
ReplyDelete-Dana Y
I agree with you. NJ is OVER developed. We continue to build houses that are not affordable, and abandon the ones that need fixing. The housing market is a joke to me, economically. We live in homes with 2 acres of land, and have the nerve to get upset that a deer is in our backyard. If we stop trying to separate ourselves from animals, we may start to remember that we are animals too. And were once uncivilized, and still are in some parts of the world.
ReplyDeleteI do not see the harm with the bears. They are not hurting people, so they should be left alone. We continue to build on the land and take from the animals.
ReplyDeleteD. Gearhart
I have mixed feelings about this subject. I don't exactly want to have to worry about Black Bears in my backyard while my children are playing (although there have been few sightings in my area), but if there is an alternative to killing these animals, it should be done. Relocating the bears to more rural areas or other places would be a great alternative and prevent the animals from being killed.
ReplyDeleteThis can go both ways. Some people are hunters and may hunt black bears as their choice of game. I don't see an issue with this as long as the hunter follows the correct laws of hunting and does not over hunt. That being said, if the population is dipping to low, then no one should harm the black bear population until it has recovered to healthy levels. If people are killing them just to kill them, then that is wrong. But if these people are killing them for the sport of hunting and following the law, then I have no issue. Corey M.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe killing bears is the way to go about the situation. Of course I wouldn't want a big bear wondering into my yard and walking down the side of the road, but is killing really the answer. If the bear poses an immediate threat to a suburban area, i feel as though the bear should be humanly captured and then released into a more rural area. Has any one considered an animal sanctuary for the growing population. Some where the bears can roam safely with out posing a possible threat the people? There are just so many other options besides killing.
ReplyDeleteBlack bears are losing their homes due to constant development. They roam into suburban areas in search of food because their food sources are being destroyed. And the only solution is to exterminate them???? I understand that they pose a potential threat to the community but there are more humane ways to resolve the problem.
ReplyDeleteAngela T.
Who knew all this was happening right under our noses? I for one never knew that NJ hosted a bear hunting season. I think more awareness needs to be raised for this cause! Perhaps there would be more support to stop it. Not only that but who can blame the bears for accidental contact with humans? WE are the ones taking their homes from them, it makes me so sad. Why do we feel the need to build million dollar homes when there are so many houses available for sale, rent, sheriff sale, etc. It just never made much sense to me..
ReplyDeleteMegan W.
It's a shame to see such majestic animals hunted for sport. They can be dangerous to humans, however humans are arguably more dangerous to other humans.
ReplyDeleteWell my goodness they shouldn't kill the bears. They should capture the bears and take them where they belong or something. Why kill the bears? Sometimes I wonder if people get a rush from hunting and killing animals. To see anything or anyone suffer is something I cannot take. To be totally honest the bears are roaming in THEIR territory!!! Leave the darn bears alone! If they haven't killed anyone then why is it such a big deal?
ReplyDelete~T. Dixon
Well my goodness they shouldn't kill the bears. They should capture the bears and take them where they belong or something. Why kill the bears? Sometimes I wonder if people get a rush from hunting and killing animals. To see anything or anyone suffer is something I cannot take. To be totally honest the bears are roaming in THEIR territory!!! Leave the darn bears alone! If they haven't killed anyone then why is it such a big deal?
ReplyDelete~T. Dixon
I do not find it necessary to kill black bears. People do take their homes away and then kill them when they have no place to go. The population will always increase unless they become extinct, which will happen if people keep killing these bears for no reason. People should educate themselves about this topic. Do not destroy their homes and they will not be in your way.
ReplyDeleteCourtney S.
I don’t like the idea of NJ black bears being hunted, but I don’t think I would like to co-habitat with them. It’s like opening your deck door and the first thing you walk out to is a Bear in your yard. Harmless or not, I would probably go nuts! I’m sure there are other ways to rid them from the areas where people live without killing them.
ReplyDeleteKenyetta C.
I don't agree with killing the black bears in NJ. Why not sedate them and move them deeper into the woods. The problem is people keep moving and building deeper into the woods. When they see a wild animal they want to kill them. And honestly even if they move the bears deeper into the woods the bears would probably find their way back to where people live because not only are people taking these animals living space but also their food sources away from them so they need to seek out other options.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you! I never wear or own anything with real fur or leather. I'm all about the faux clothing despite opinions! First of it I cheaper and secondly its not used to harm any animals! Animals should never EVER be used for clothing or any type of human source.
ReplyDeleteThe bear hunt is most likely a way to generate revenue for the state. In order to hunt you have to pay for special licenses and registration as a hunter and other pricey expenses. The bear population is more than likely a scapegoat to get more money. The black bears have not hurt nor interacted with and people so there should not be a problem with their numbers growing.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to hear that there are bears near their house. I do not think it is necessary to kill black bears, because what have they done? Nothing. They are just trying to find a place to live and have fun in their world, and it isn't their fault that forests' are being torn down for other development. If the bear isn't doing any harm to you, then leave it alone.
ReplyDeleteKatie W.
I do not understand this article. Why is there question about killing the bears if no harm has been done? If anything, there should be other non harmful resources to use. Maybe relocation, or something that doesn't consist of killing.
ReplyDeleteJaquan d
DeleteIt seems like people are a little too paranoid about black bears in NJ. If there's been no attacks, why kill them? Leave them alone and they will do the same. We shouldn't be reducing their population while it's still so low most people in this state have never seen one. It may be necessary at a certain point, but I think this decision was made a little hastily in exchange for some temporary profit for the state.
ReplyDeleteIf the black bears haven't done any harm I don't think there is any reason to kill them. I'm sure it might be scary to see one near, but if they aren't hurting anything or anyone I see no reason to hurt them.
ReplyDeleteJena B
Humans have always been and will always be destructive. Everything we touch is the result of destruction before we recreate it. One day we will run out of space, run out of clean water and nutritional food. We will keep working to please our short term needs and rarely take into consideration the long term affects. The bear is only protected its self. Matt Hassler
ReplyDeleteThis blog entry was written in 2010 and the author says that no one has ever been killed by a black bear in the State of New Jersey. Unfortunately, since that time (on November 25, 2014) a Rutger's University student was killed. Personally, I am not a hunter and do not really understand a hunter's mentality. Then again, I am spoiled and have never had to kill my food to survive. However, I do realize that, for instance, deer are killed for population control. I did some research on the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife website and have noted that in the last few years, approximately 250 - 280 bears are killed in the five-day permitted hunting period in early December. While I am not certain I support hunting the black bear, I think it is important to note that people must have hunting licenses and only have a relatively short time period (along with other harvesting restrictions) to hunt. People are not legally allowed to kill as many black bears whenever and wherever they want. J. Scull
ReplyDeleteBlack Bears are not food for me. Anything that could possibly attack and kill my child needs to go. They may not attack often enough but when your child gets mauled by what you may consider a random attack I don't want to hear a single word about the bear come out of your mouth. Maybe instead of killing them we can cage them in your yard and let you become one with nature.
ReplyDeleteBlack Bears are not food for me. Anything that could possibly attack and kill my child needs to go. They may not attack often enough but when your child gets mauled by what you may consider a random attack I don't want to hear a single word about the bear come out of your mouth. Maybe instead of killing them we can cage them in your yard and let you become one with nature.
ReplyDeleteI feel that if these bears are not a danger to anyone then they should be left alone. I dont understand why is it up to us to say there are too many animals of any kind, and to deal with it they should be killed.`Harmony H
ReplyDeleteBlack bears are just like any other animals. They do not deserve to be killed, especially if they have not done any harm. Yes, bears are big scary animals, but until they come in your yard trying to attack, I see no reason to just go on a hunt and kill everyone you see. There are other ways to take care of the ones that come in people's yards.
ReplyDeleteAlexis L
I don't believe in killing for fun. I just really don't see the point in it. I know a few people that do go hunting and they don't even like to eat the meat. They do it for fun. I don't think its right.
So lets kill the bears because they are around our living environment. hello!! i am sure they lived there before humans. your are building your fancy development on their home and now they are forced to move around. how about instead of killing them lets try to move them to another Forrest or wooded area where less people are.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a black bear in person in New Jersey. When it comes to hunting, I'm all for it when it has to do with eating a providing population control for animals such as rabbit and deer that you often see dead on the side of the road anyway. However, if there are a limited number of bear and they are simply hunting them for sport, it is wrong and needs to stop. I'd like a bear to walk up in my backyard like the squirrels and deer do. Shelby E
Killing black bears for the sole purpose of population control is cruel. The bears are in their natural habitat. In all actuality, we have invaded their space. If the animals are posing a serious threat to the safety of the community maybe they should be relocated, but euthanizing black bears as a general practice is not humane.
ReplyDeleteAngela T
I have lived in new jersey my entire life and have yet to see a black bear. That being said I doubt that the population of black bears is at an extreme and needing to be taken action on. Action does not mean hunting spree. The bears have never hurt anyone in NJ and react of out fear. I see no reason these animals should be killed.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I too lived here forever. A few years ago someone spotted a black bear within spitting distance of my back yard. They got a picture of it and it was on the local news stations as well as the papers. As you can imagine the headlines contradicted the photo. The bear was juvenile and not much bigger than a large dog. Just as quick as he surfaced, he disappeared - never to be heard of again. It's been about 5 years I suppose and nothing to the likes. If he ever did surface though, I think I'd just take my pictures from a safe distance and keep my mouth shut so he could wander back deep into the woods.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI did a report on this topic in the past. The people who are building these homes in black bear territory are at fault.What did they think would happen? Their homes are being taken from them because the developers want more money. The wildlife should be left alone.
ReplyDelete-Ainedra Hudson
When I had to write about speciesism for a previous assignment, I didn't understand it. Now I do. I wasn't aware that things like this went on. This clearly makes it seem like humans are more important than animals. Some places are horrendously overpopulated with people, but we don't go through and start killing them off. It's a nerve that humans have to think that this is acceptable. Animals were around before people and will probably be around after us. This is a terrible act of speciesism. -Savannah C
ReplyDeleteI was born in raised in New Jersey and I can honestly say that I have never seen a black bear. The article even states that most bears are usually frightened by people and they have NEVER killed anyone in New Jersey. That being said, I do not think that these bears should be hunted and killed. They should be left alone.
ReplyDelete-Cassidy Raleigh
I don`t think bears should be walking around with us. I think they should be captured and sent to a forest area not New Jersey. I wouldn`t know how to react about a bear next too me. I don`t think they should be harmed but put in the wilderness.
ReplyDeleteOh wow. So, in history, we have given justice to people that were in harms way of their land being taken and families being killed. I understand that we need more houses and things for the never ending growing population of humans, but does that really mean destroy the homes of innocent animals and taking their lives as well? I see so many empty fields everywhere I go, no crops, no nothing, just sitting there and we take animals lives. What the heck people!? -Vickie Smith
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't believe there is any reason to postpone the hunting season. I am a hunter myself and believe we have the right to hunt anything as long as it fits within the legal boundaries. Where I'm from there is a serious problem with population control over the deer. Come hunting season the need to hunt them is crucial because of the increase in car-accidents. As long as the bear are plentiful, I see no issues.
ReplyDeleteHarrison C
I believe that if the bear is not near you or harming anyone, it should not be killed. If the bear is in the wilderness and you go to its home, that crosses the line and I don't think they should be killed because someone wants to go see one. Now if the bear comes to you and feel threaten, by all means we have the right to defend ourselves.
ReplyDeleteAlexis L
I feel as if the bears stay in their lane and we stay in ours. Theres no need to kill them unless they are intentionally trying to harm us. Hunting is something that we could do without. We are intruding wildlife territory of course theres going to be bears but theres no need to go hunt them I don't think thats my idea of fun.
ReplyDeleteMike Roccia SCC
Wow, I never knew they killed bears in Jersey annually. I would be a little more understanding if the bears have been killing little kids and old people or if the bears had rabies or diseases. But come on I think they were there first, so we have to kill them off so we can live in a high priced new development that will maybe and possibly go into foreclosure. Its pretty ridiculous that they cannot come up with new ways so we can coexist.
ReplyDeleteThis is a tricky one to navigate. Although the killing of NJ black bears may not be necessary, animal overpopulation is an issue as well. Where I'm from in Allegheny County, PA, whitetail deer overpopulation is a serious issue. In the past two decades, the number of car accidents caused by deer wandering in the road has grown by as much as 40% annually. Although we may have encroached upon their space, it is because we have gardens, fruit trees, and well manicured lawns that that they are able to live and repopulate so steadily. Within that, do animals know any better than to stop producing children when their resources are starting to run dry? That isn't to suggest that killing them off is the best solution or our decision to make in the first place.
ReplyDeleteBeing from New Jersey, I honestly never knew this was an issue. It opened my eyes to see this article and to know this is an issue. That being said, I also know a lot of people that go hunting. They always talk about over population. I don't know if this may be the reason they allow them to do it or not, but seeing how many deer we have in this state and how many accidents are caused by it, I can see why some people may feel the need to go on these hunting sprees for the black bears.
ReplyDeleteThis is one thing that I always struggle to understand. What sense does it make for us to kill bears just because we sighted them? As you rightly said, theses bears are terrified of us and they are completely harmless. It is very unethical for people to kill them in order to make space for them. If we can refrain from looking from at them as food, we will be able to coexist with them without any issues. Irene T.
ReplyDeleteThis is one thing that I always struggle to understand. What sense does it make for us to kill bears just because we sighted them? As you rightly said, theses bears are terrified of us and they are completely harmless. It is very unethical for people to kill them in order to make space for them. If we can refrain from looking from at them as food, we will be able to coexist with them without any issues. Irene T.
ReplyDeleteI remember when they gave this the OK and remember thinking, "I don't know why they're automatically killing them. That seems a little excessive instead of relocation."
ReplyDeleteI agree that we as humans are cutting the homes and habitat of black bears for our own housing and sometimes our own recreation areas. I also agree that there may be other options than senseless killing of bears, however I do not agree that just because there are no reported cases of bears killing people in NJ when this blog was written we should just leave the bears alone. Bears no matter what state they are in are wild animals that can become dangerous to people at anytime and I think that we can and should look for alternative ways to deal with a potential nuisance bear.
ReplyDeleteAs humans continue to forge homes and businesses closer to animal habitats it's only obvious Bears and other wildlife will roam closer to their dwellings. I remember sometime last year on local news,a bear was seen in a Jersey neighborhood walking on it's hind legs. I suggest that these animals can be treated humanely and relocated to areas uninhabited by humans. In this way safety can be had by animals and humans.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I fully understand why a black bear hunt is necessary. These bears are living how they always have. Who are we to say they don't belong there? I just fully don't understand.
ReplyDeleteChristina L.
We as people are constantly destroying the habitats of wild animals but then get upset when those animals relocate to our territory out of pure survival. There is no reason to open up a hunting season for bears that are more afraid of us than we are of them. The human race is so focused on money and development that we forget we are not the answer to divine intervention.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely barbaric. This has always been a huge problem with me. Killing off animals in their natural habitats. People need to remember that they were here first. This is their home. Human invaded their homes and are currently killing them and their environments.
ReplyDeleteAmy T.
I am in full support of non-lethal methods of population control for wildlife. While it is true that overpopulation can lead to some detrimental effects on the natural and human environment, they should not be punished with their lives. It is also a problem that our need to build more homes and factories has come at the expense of the ecosystems of the bears and other wildlife. Conservation and business can both flourish, but there is no easy answer.
ReplyDelete~Vincent W.
Humans do not like to share space with animals. When there are bears or any other animal who is threatening to humans, humans think that means they need to kill off the threat. Not knowing that bears and all other creatures have the right to inherit the earth also. Wild animals surely may be a threat to the humans, but this could be handled in a different manner. I am not a pet owner type of person at this stage of my life, but I love nature, and I view animals as a part of nature. Although we are two different species, how do another species interact with bears? There is a common ground that all animals should be on.
ReplyDeleteDe'Ja M
Hunting black bears in NJ, should not be the only fate of an option that this state has for them. I love animals, and I do get the threat and fears that many people have towards animals that are feral. What I don't get is the only option that the commissioner has is to hunt them.
ReplyDeleteI understand the fears people may have of bears but I do not think hunting them is the answer. We as humans need to learn to coexist with other species.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Q
Black Bears can be dangerous to people, especially if they are provoked. This being said, we do not need to kill them all to prevent this. I am sure there are preventative measures that can be taken instead of killing them all, but we cannot just let them wander the streets of NJ. Unfortunately they are still wild animals, so regardless of how one has treated people, another might be vicious.
ReplyDeleteJennifer W
I do not know very much about black bears, and where I live in NJ, there are no black bears to be seen! However, if I saw a huge bear, I would be scared too! Now, if the commissioner of NJ is saying that hunting the bears is necessary, then it probably is! We should not undermine authority just because our opinions are different. There might be other ways to contain these bears and keep them away from people, but whatever measures need to be taken to ensure safety, should be taken.
ReplyDeleteElena H.
I am torn on this topic because I feel I should defend both sides. I do believe that citizens of New Jersey have intruded on the bear population, as they were here first, and the fact that many of bears habitats are being destroyed is obviously not helping the problem. However, I can defend the idea of the bear hunt because the citizens of the state need to be protected and if the population gets too high, it can cause more bear sightings and possibly danger for the people of N.J.
ReplyDeleteRebecca N.
ReplyDeleteI do not remembered hearing about the increase of black bears in New Jersey and defiantly did not hear of them being killed. Parts of New Jersey are their natural habitat, I've even heard of a sighting down here in south jersey (Salem county). They aren't hurting anybody, maybe just destroy some trash cans, there is no reason to rid the state of them.
-Jeffrey L
I come from a family of hunters. Whatever we kill goes in our freezer. Contrary to popular belief, we don't just kill to kill. It all has a purpose; that is to feed our family. That being said, killing just to kill is wrong and that is what's being done here. We have a camp in Northern Maine and up there bears, moose, coyotes, etc all live very easily in conjunction with the humans. There is no reason why we can't down here as well.
ReplyDeleteI have lived in New Jersey my whole life, and have never seen a black bear, and doubt that I would ever get attacked by a black bear. They should not be hunted and killed, there is no reason for it. The black bears live here too. Most people do not eat bears, so killing the bear is just for show, which is mean and cruel because the hunters are invading there home and killing them. The black bears deserve to live a happy life without fear of being hunted down.
ReplyDelete--Alexis P.
There are so many alternatives than hunting. Hunting innocent animals for anything other than survival should be a last option. Bears can be relocated if necessary. I personally live in an area that is great for bear sightings, and still have never seen a bear. Never have I seen a bear, heard of a bear injuring or killing anyone around, nor has my property or pets been threatened by bears. What most people do not understand is that humans and wildlife can COEXIST. We do not have to be the only species around. We can live around bears without needing to control them through hunting!
ReplyDeleteI've personally never seen or encountered with a black bear in the state of New Jersey. I will say that hunting and killing an animal that is not often seen can lead to the possible risk of extinction. Sharnice W SCC
ReplyDeleteI have lived in New Jersey my whole life and I have never seen a black bear before. It's unnecessary to kill them if they aren't seen often and aren't hurting anything.
ReplyDeleteLauren T.
I understand that the black bear is no longer becoming instinct. But, how long did it take for them to get to that point? If people hear about being able to hunt the black bear again they could quickly drop in numbers again. Yes, there are rules and limits you have to follow but many people don't. I would hate to see this animal back to being endangered.
ReplyDeleteWhy kill these bears if they aren't hurting anything or anyone. They live in the wild, that's their natural habitat!!!
ReplyDeleteJessica E
I do not like to kill animals if it is not necessary. When it come to killing bears for population control, as long as it is justifiable, I am ok with it. In the long run, if they are not killed now, they will suffer later from a lack of resources. Yes, there are other ways to live with the bears, but at a certain point, living with humans is only going to result in their harm in the long run. Essentially, if we wanted to stay out of their habitat, we would have to kill ourselves and that is not going to happen. Even if we did, our families would suffer the loss of losing a loved one. Bears are free roaming and do not have feelings the way humans, elephants, and dolphins do so they would not suffer such a loss. Therefore, it is best to humanely execute them before they get out of hand.
ReplyDeleteThis is just awful. If the bears have not hurt anyone why do they need to be hunted and murdered? If they are remaining peaceful they should be able to stay in NJ. If they truly fear an issue then why can they not just simply relocate the bears to a safe place that is further away from people? There are so many other options that are better than killing them.
ReplyDeleteCourtney C
I am a active hunter and I don't really agree with this post. There wasn't a bear hunt in five years in that time the bear population is growing so now they are letting hunters bring down the numbers and keep the population in control. If you let too many bears in a area is could cause negative affects. Yes its sad, sure but it is needed.
ReplyDeleteI am not an active hunter, but have several extended family members that are. This is unfortunate, but necessary. If the population is not controlled to some degree, what will happen when one or two of those bears becomes agitated and attacks some family pet or, God forbid, a person? I would hate to see a band of people go out and butcher these animals in a hate-filled rage rather than a controlled situation.
DeleteI can see why hunting is needed to keep populations down, but I do not agree with it. Population of humans has reached an all time high and I we don't see a government issued limit on how many children people may have or killing people. The bears haven't hurt anyone and therefore a hunt on them is unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteI can't understand the thought of killing an innocent animal for no purpose. There are many humane options - like relocation - they could use. But I'm sure that would cost money, and everybody is so greedy. Why spend money to do the humane thing when you could just kill the bears? It's mind boggling to me that this is still accepted. Shameful.
ReplyDeleteGiven that there are no relevant explanations why people should be killing, I believe that these bears should not be killed. There has been sighting of bears, but the bears hadn't killed anyone.
ReplyDeleteI did not know that black bears even lived in New Jersey. It is pretty sad that most people do not know this because the constant killing of them has dwindled the numbers down dramatically. I do not believe in killing animals just for having control over them. We are taking over their homes and they are only looking for new homes, they are no threat to us.
ReplyDeleteI realize that this post is quite old so I wanted to go ahead and see how the black bears in NJ are doing now. I came upon this article and it seems that due to new regulations they are doing much better.
ReplyDelete"The black bears were almost wiped out about 100 years ago as their habitat was destroyed, combined with indiscriminate killing. Today, as most have noticed, especially in the state's northwestern areas, the bears are thriving.
Bears tend to be wary of humans and will approach only for food."
Hopefully things do not change and they continue to thrive and grow. We as people need to be aware of the situation and be ready for any possible bear sightings. There is no need to harm them just follow the steps explained in the article and all should be good.
-Yazmin G
I believe if the black bears haven't harmed anyone than why do we need to kill them. If people have just seen them and they went away there shouldn't have to be a hunt put in place to kill them. Yes i get humans get a little on edge when they see a bear, but most of the time the animals are more scared of you than you are them. There is no need to spend unnecessary money to kill something that isn't doing any harm.
ReplyDeleteSavanah B.
Killing of black bears isn't 100% necessary but it may be for the better. Doing this could prevent a future killing of a human by one. Instead a better alternative would be to relocate the bears. Someone's kid could be eaten by a bear if the child is left alone. Tis is simply for the safety of people. Eddie B.