Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are dolphins people?

Scientists have increasingly become more fascinated with the cognitive abilities of dolphins and some are even suggesting that they be regarded as non-human persons.  They are identified as the second most intelligent animal species on earth, next to humans.  Dolphin DNA is also very similar to humans.  They have unique personality and are overall similar to humans with their social networking by interaction with friends, partners, and family members.

Only a few animal species can pass a self-recognition mirror test, which is used as an indication of self-awareness.  Some primates (like chimps, bonobos, humans), elephants, and bottlenose dolphins are able to recognize themselves in mirrors.  Magpie birds are also able to recognize themselves in mirrors (interestingly enough, magpies have unique parts of the brain different than most other bird species).  Some may say "they all pass the self-recognition test, but their intelligence levels vary.  How can we be certain they are actually self-aware?".
Human babies and human adults both can recognize themselves in a mirror.  But without a doubt, you know that your current level of consciousness is much higher than it was when you were a baby, even though you were technically self-aware in both stages.  This is because intelligence directly correlates with the level of consciousness and self-awareness.  It's the same for other self-aware animal species.  Dolphins, who have the highest intelligence, are likely to have an individual consciousness that is much greater than a magpie bird because their brains are more complex.

Dolphins display behaviors of empathy.  There are many reports of cetaceans helping injured swimmers or swirling around someone in the ocean to protect them from a shark attack.  They also display behaviors of helping each other when injured or protection from being harmed.  It has been observed that dolphins will teach others around them how to play certain games, tricks, and unique behaviors.
Because dolphins do not have limbs and hands like primates, they evolved differently.  They don't require large amounts of general intelligence because their ability to manipulate their environment is very limited.  As social beings, their emotional intelligence may be even higher than suspected.  They have the ability to feel sadness, happiness, and other basic emotions.

It is becoming more evident that dolphins may be capable of language.  Researchers are trying to decipher a communication that sounds to us like meaningless whistling, but may actually be an underlying language that only dolphins can understand.   Human conscious thinking is grounded in spoken language, so a dolphins ability of language may indicate they have a thought process similar to ours.

Because we are human, we are able to confirm that the human species is capable of self-aware conscious thinking.  We are unable to access the mind of a dolphin, but we can use the human brain as a model to make a suggestion that certain cognitive functioning is close to humans because of similar brain activity and regions.
Dolphins, whales and other cetaceans are not safe, despite the evidence suggesting that they are likely self-conscious individual beings.  In some countries, it is still acceptable to kill dolphins and whales for food (falsely advertised as research purposes).  Many thousands of dolphins and whales are killed every year in Japan, Peru, Solomon Islands and elsewhere.  The meat is contaminated with high levels of mercury.  Some dolphins are spared and sold to aquariums where they live the rest of their unnatural lives in captivity.  Many times the "fishermen" doing the killing are not aware that dolphins are mammals and not fish.

Basic humans rights are a result of high cognitive ability and conscious thinking.  In an objective morality, we would not accept humans being captive, killed, forced to perform for someone else's profit, tortured, or unnecessarily harmed in any way.  The value of human life does not exist simply because we are of the human species but is a result of our cognitive abilities.  Therefore it is only logical to extend these same basic rights to other animals who show reasonable evidence of having similar cognitive abilities or self awareness as humans do.

How you can help:
1.  Spread awareness.  Educating others about the similarities of cetaceans with humans is an important first step in trying to have international government action made to protect them.  Sign petitions when possible and get involved in community action.
2.  Don't support Seaworld and other cetacean entertainment practices.  They exploit the lives of the whales and dolphins for profit and human entertainment.  Captivity and forced performance for animals with such a high intelligence, can be exhausting, psychologically damaging, and inhumane for them.  These animals travel miles upon miles in the wild with their pods but are in small pools without enough interpersonal communication when captive.
3.  Avoid seafood products.  Dolphins and other cetaceans are injured and have their lives disrupted by human ocean activity.  Fishing ships can harm and frighten them.  The fishing industry can also be deadly for dolphins.  Dolphins and tuna normally feed on fish together, and fishermen take advantage of the opportunity of catching tuna while they are feeding.  Dolphins are also captured in nets along with the tuna and are killed.  The oceans are being over-fished as it is and human activity is quickly destroying the ocean and its ecology.
4.  Reduce pollution.  The oceans are becoming more polluted by factories and human activity.  Chemicals, plastics, and general dumping is rampant in some parts of the ocean.  Exposure to these can harm cetaceans and other sea life and disrupt their biological functioning.
5.  Take Action.  Save the Dolphins Day is October 14th, every year, and is a worldwide day of protest to fight for the rights of whales and dolphins.  You can find an event to attend in many major cities in the US.
For more information on the dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, watch the documentary The Cove.

Dolphin complex play behavior:
Dolphin parenting:

Dolphin saves whale:



  1. Good points Mark. Dolphins are amazing. It really is sad that they can feel so many emotions yet some humans still inflict unnecessary pain on them. Makes me so angry.

  2. Before I read this article, I had no idea that dolphins had so many similar characteristics as humans. Clearly, it is unethical to allow dolphins to be held captive or tortured. Humans would frown if they held about someone be tortured so why do they allow dolphins to experience unwanted pains.

    Elizabeth White

  3. I have to agree with Elizabeth and that before I read this article I had not idea how many similar characateristics humans and dolphins share. I can not imagine how any person would feel being held captive and constantly used in many experiments. Inmates talk about their struggles and how tough it is being locked up and kept away from society. Seems to me that they are luckier than some animal species, because they are locked up for no apparent reason.

    Linda Smith

  4. I can't understand how people can find it in their hearts to literally torture something so innocent. To find out that dolphins can experience some of the same emotions as us even makes it worse. After reading this article my skin felt like it was burning from anxiety. I wish there was something more I could do, but i promise to take the actions recommended above. Every little effort helps and I WILL do my part. Thank you for such an informative article.

  5. Very informative and eye-opening article. I watched the videos, very amazing creatures. I couldn't get myself to watch the slaughter video, but I'm sure it's brutal. People are just so heartless to look at these sweet, beautiful creatures and only think about the money they could gain from their meat and entertainment. Animal cruelty makes me ill and I'd love to see big changes, but you can't force people to "have a heart".

    Whitney Clemmer

  6. I totally agree. I seen The Cove and I was in shock. I couldn't believe it. The water was all red, the baby dolphins were leaping out of the water, trying to get on land. It might have made me cry. Dolphins are amazing and awesome. I don't think any living thing should ever be treated like that.

  7. Dolphins are people too. They are beautiful beings with intellegence beyond our thoughts. I really can't watch any slaugther video's on any animals it truly makes me ill. weather we are animal or human we all live on the same earth and should all be treated equal. Here is a link to sign a petition to help stop dolphin trade.

    You never know it could make a difference!!

  8. Last year at an show at Disneyland a dolphin grabed his trainer by the ponytail and pulled her in the water until she downed. So even though these animals are highly intelligence they are still wild animals and a certain amount of caution should be shown in handling them.

  9. I've seen The Cove, and it was an eye opener. According to scientists, the amount of intelligence an animal (including humans, we are animals) has is directly proportionate to the amount of folds their brain contains. Dolphins have more than we do and really are thought to be more intelligent than us. Think about how much they do with what they have to work with. Fins. The Cove was a documentary on the cruelty that is used to kill and capture dolphins. Babies were killed, mothers, fathers, there was no care for their lives. The water was dyed red by the end of it. Dolphins also have to think about breathing. A human can breathe all day without really thinking about it and it you have to think to stop. Dolphins have to think to breathe, and in an aquarium a perfectly healthy dolphin died. Its trainer knew of this and said the dolphin must have committed suicide. Yes, dolphins are animals, but so are we. Just because you can understand your neighbor when he or she speaks and not a dolphin doesn't mean they aren't speaking. Dolphin cruelty is not that highly publicized but it is real and it needs to stop.

  10. I feel that dolphins are humans to an extent. They follow directions very well as humans do sometimes, but are still wild animals who can kill you in an instant. So to answer that question, I do feel they are human as wells as dogs and other aniamls to a certain extent, but they are still wild animals to.

  11. It's all really a matter of perspective. Humans ARE wild animals. We consider ourselves civilized but, really, are we? We still kill, maim, and destroy. We drive, maybe hit a squirrel, and forget about it by lunch. We are just the same as them only we start the violence without provocation. Dolphins, and most other animals for that matter, don't attack without being provoked. That's one thing that we, as "civilized" beings, have made an artform out of.

  12. Dolphins seem to be very smart. Some people say they are dangerous and still should be treated as wild animals because some of the incidents that happen with them, but if you think about it a lot of the incidents were due to them being tortured by being put on display and forced at of their habitats. They were probably feeling a lot of stress so really what do you expect alot of us humans would react the same way if people were torturing us.

  13. While dolphins may have many similiar characteristics I don't believe that dolphins are humans but, this article was definately an eyeopener. Until now I had not ever given it much thought. I think dolphins are fascinating and do not agree with the cruelty they endure. Honestly speaking it may hard to avoid SeaWorld at least once in my life.

  14. I do think doplhins are very similiar to humans. They may not be able to communicate with us or have to go to college but they are pretty much the same as us with feelings and such. I can't understand how anyone can hurt a animals in general, but dolphins have saved humans lives before. They are remarkable animals with amazing characteristic's. It makes me not only upset, but angry to think that anyone would want to hurt an animal that symbolizes so much in today's world. This article opened my eyes and also made me cringe at the thought of some of the things they do to these animals.. it's really sad.

  15. This was actually very interesting and informative. I love dolphins, seeing them in the ocean is the most exciting thing! I now realize how similar they are to humans, they just communicate differently! Like in previous posts I have mentioned how I don't understand how a person can hurt an animal, and honestly I never will. It doesn't matter how big or small, they are still living, breathing organisms that deserve to live. It is very sad the things people can do without shame, not only that, but it is also very scary. If they can slaughter an animal, what makes it any different from killing a human? SCARY!

  16. I think as human, it is wrong to hold any animal against their will.Their are many ways to have fun instead of putting ths animals life at risk, they should be set free to go back in the ocean.

  17. Dolphins are truly amazing. I was in the navy for twelve years and everytime we went out to sea the dolphins were there to guide us ( at least it seemed like it). Some time i thought it was the same dolphins like they were assigned to our ship or something.One thing we were tought though is that if our ship goes down and there are dolphins present we didnt have to worry about sharks. I guess the dolphins attack sharks and protect people. Navy divers have specially trained dolphins that help with salvage operations and rescue missions. The dolphins are like really happy to help almost like they cant wait to get into something. very smart mammals.

  18. Its surprising to see how research can show us the capability that these dolphins possess. For Fransisco it was prolly really interesting to see how excited dolphins would get to help you guys out in sea. REAl nice article!

  19. I love Dolphins ! There got to be a better way !! Tamara Chew

  20. I kinda knew that dolphins were pretty smart but not to this extent. They seem so at peace with theirselves and with humans. Maybe humans should take a lesson out of the dolphins book on modern ethics!!! I totally disagree with the brutallity in captivity but does that mean that every place or person that has a dolphin in captivity is treating them terribly. If their being treated good and fed good and loved maybe those dolphins don't mind being kept. After all, they won't have to worry about other creatures attacking them either in the big blue ocean or what ever color it is these days. I would love to work with dolphins, it would be kinda like having a dog or a cat. Like a pet. No matter what the animal is, I don't like to see or hear about them being mistreated. but that doesn't mean that they are all being mistreated.
    Malissa S.

  21. I agree with Maxine, I remember that story well. Although dolphins are pretty smart and follow directions well people/ trainers needs to be cautious. We never know when a dolphin will attack, the trainer that was attacked did not appear to provoke the dolphin. Be cautious people.

  22. @ Francisco, that probably was really cool to see the dolphins out there with you all.
    And really, we humans are the worst! We call ourselves civil and all this junk; I know animals who are more civil than some of the monsters out there that we call people.

  23. wow, I've heard some of this stuff before and its nice to learn more. I personal do not like seafood so i was doing my part before i knew i was

    TaShanna Parker

  24. I think this is really amazing. I had had no clue they were this intelligent. I think keeping animals captive is unnatural and very unhealthy, so they should be let go. I do think it is very interesting how many people take not just dolphins but all animals for granted.

    Francis Yangello

  25. i always knew dolphins were beautiful and intelligent animals but people are ill knowing to the fact and treat animals badly

    Nicole Knight

  26. I'm astonished that dolphins consist of this much cognitive thinking and intelligence. I heard they were smart but I never knew to what extent. I do not think other countries should be allowed to kill dolphins for food if they hold this much empathy, thought process, and obvious awareness. I don't think they should be able to be held captive either since they most likely know what's going on. If we had access to their thoughts, we'd probably be upset to know the treatment they've been entailed to all these years. Awareness needs to spread.

    -Bria Kinder

  27. I was amazed that a dolphin can recognize its own reflection,but even more so a magpie. Dolphins have always cought my attention, especially, what I beleive is their curiousity getting the better of them, when a group of them swim along a boat or ship. Now knowing that a dolphin is intelectual with thinking processes, I truely believe that dolphins can and may evolve to become the next human like species.

    Melinda Wine

  28. I am obsessed with dolphins, not to be weird or anything. I am going to school to be able to one day help save them. They are so intelligent and people just do not understand. The people that do mass fishing with nets do not realize that they are catching more than just fish and destroying the bottom of the ocean. Dolphins are amazing animals and it would be ashame if my dream is crushed because there are no more dolphins to save because countries like Japan have killed them all for "research".

    Jessica Immediato

  29. I have always been interested in dolphins. I feel they are beautiful, interesting mammals. I knew they were considered as very intelligent creatures. I’m not certain about assuming they are part human. I feel it’s taking their intelligence a little far. As far as the fishermen killing dolphins, I feel it’s wrong. I don’t agree with people killing such a smart species. I hope scientist take the time to study dolphin patterns more. Since dolphins are so close to us maybe they can help the human race. I have never been able to see a dolphin face to face but hopefully one day that will change. I guess you can say it’s one of my bucket list dreams, to swim alongside a dolphin.

    Camille Nicole D.

  30. I knew dolphins were smart mammals, but I had no idea they were so similar to humans. Not only do they have feelings or help protect people from areas where sharks are in, but they also created a language so they can communicate with other dolphins. If a human has a voice to say no I don't want to be apart of something than dolphins should have the opinion too. The rest of the places where it is leagal to still kill dolpins and whales should be banned. There is no need for this nonsense!

    Kirsten Rebyak

  31. I have done a few research papers on Dolphins over the years because they interest me. I have never read about the horrible things they do to the dolphins. I have never heard that people kill dolphins for food or profit. That is very sad. It is horrible that people can get away with killing animals that are just like us. I do not think dophins are humans however, I do believe them are very similar humans. I have read the ways to help save dolphins and I will try to Spread awareness, not eat seafood, and will not be attending seaworld. Dolphins are very intelligent aniamals who communicate just like us just in a different way and can see themselves in a mirror and know what there looking at. This Blog and comments have shown me that dolphins are being killed and there is ways that we can help and I plan on helping keeping the dolphins save and alive.

    Tiffany Yeich

  32. Since dolphins can't communicate with us we may never know if they really are self aware but either way when the fishermen capture them they should kill them humanely. They don't need to torture them or let them suffer because its just not necessary.
    -Ryann Dyer

  33. It's horrible to think that people would harm dolphins for food/profit. It's not like there is no other way that the human race can eat unless we kill dolphins. They would think twice about it if the tables were turned and humans were the ones being hunted for sport.

  34. I think dolphins are truely amazing and beautiful animals. I was obsessed with them when I was younger and at one point wanted to be a marine biologist that worked with them when I grew up. Although I changed what I wish to be for an occupation, I still think dolphins are amazingly smart and can help us humans learn more about what time of thinking and feelings animals are capable of.

    -Ashley Morris

  35. It amazes me that dolphins have intelligence similar to that of a human. Dolphins communicate in a more complex manor than humans do; they use a duel sonar system. I am even more shocked that people destroy these innocent animals daily. Not only it is sad that these animals are killed for food but they are also taken out of their natural habitat to be used in shows. No animal should be taken out of its environment.
    Joseph Tighe

  36. I loved learning more about this. I never knew that dolphins were so smart and have feelings just like humans do. In fact they are very similar to humans, it amazes me that they communicate with each other. Not only do i think its wrong that they are killed and eaten in other countries but also that it is wrong to keep them held captive for our own entertainment, especially considering they might know exactly what is going on because of they're intelligence. As i have said in my post on the circus, Its unnecessary to hold any animal captive and abused for entertainment.

  37. Its amazing how similar the cognitive function of dolphins and some other animals are to humans. They are very smart and are able to communicate and recognize themselves. Dolphins are so cute, and sweet loving animals. They are so harmless and would never hurt anyone. It is aweful that people can kill dolphins like that, and capture them to be held in captivity. No humans would want to be captured and put in a cage with other humans, not to mention im pretty sure thats not legal..? So what makes it ok to treat the dolphins like this, OR ANY ANMINAL FOR THAT MATTER.

  38. I don't think that holding any animal captive is the "right" thing to do... I think that they should be in their own environment, unless it's a hurt animal that needs help living, so then it doesn't die. I knew that dolphins were smart, but I didn't know they were actually as intelligent as they are.. and I don't like the fact that they are abused.. why abuse an animal that is as smart as a dolphin, we never know maybe their intelligence could be used in our benefit later down the road.


  39. Dolphins are not humans and should not be clasified as we are. Dolphins are so much better than the human race, they are based on family, helping one another out, and basically protecting each other and more. If humans were like this every where there wouldn't even be websites stating that people need to stop torturing innocent animals. Its wrong for any animal to be torured, killed, and or forced to do unatural things in their life. I don't care what level their brain is. If it feels wrong, looks wrong, sounds wrong chances are it is wrong and therefore should stop.
    Paige M. Johnson

  40. I think it's ridiculous to think of dolphins as people, but that doesn't mean they should be treated horribly. No animal should. I do think it's interesting just how intelligent dolphins are though. It could be easier to explain to people why animals should be loved with dolphins. Some of the things they are capable of are just astounding.

  41. i love dolphins, truly amazing creatures. i will definitely help spread the word.

  42. Ha, I already keep my seafood consumption pretty low! But it isn't just for the dolphins' sakes, but for environmental reasons in general. Many inedible/undesireable animals can get caught up in nets and lines and needlessly killed. That's a shame and I won't contribute to it if I can't help it.

    - Jay

  43. It's interesting to see exactly how smart another animal can be compared to us, at least that's what everyone says, it doesn't surprise me because many other certain animals must be almost as smart as us as well. Considering were just mammals that seem to be very gifted and lucky.

    - Robert H.

  44. Wow, Dolphins are humans too! I liked the part that said Dolphins show empathy which is true. Knowing this i can never condone a Dolphin being injured or killed.

    Jeffery Battle

  45. Dolphins are extremely smart and wonderful creatures, but I do not believe they are on the same level as humans. However, this does not make the captivity or dolphins acceptable. Capturing a dolphin from the sea and forcing it to live in captivity for the remainder of its life is just like kidnapping a person straight from his home and placing him in prison for no reason at all. Dolphing belong in their natural habitat, along with every other animal.

    Emily Murschell

  46. Honestly I completely agree with what Emily said 100% Dolphins arent on a human level and to me nothing in this world is. But that does not give us the right as humans to treat dolphins or any other animals for that matter inhumane.


  47. i think its wrong to capture any animal, Dophins of course, but any animal. No animal is on a human level but that still doesnt give us the right to treat them poorly. Dophins are amazing creatures and its nice to see them when u go to the zooo but its better when u see them free.

    brianna ottinger

  48. Dolphins are argueably the smartest animal next to humans. They have shown on multiple occasions to have complex problem sovling abilities as well as emotions. There are documented cases of dolphins saving people who were caught by currents and dragged to far from shore, people who were drowning, shipwrecked sailors, and pods of dolphins have even fought off sharks that were attacking people. This earns more than respect for them and they should be treated like you would treat a person.

    Alec Gruetter

  49. No matter how "smart" dolphins, or any animal for that matter, is should not give anyone the right to treat them differently. The dolphins should just be left alone in their natural habitat.
    -Jessica Scull

  50. Dolphins are my favorite animals. I just wish that they could be taught in a nice manner you know? They are very smart and pretty cute to watch in the water. I feel bad that some entertainment spots treats them badly.

    Priscilla Mosby

  51. I agree with Jessica Scull from two posts above. Their military use include locating underwater explosives. Their entertainment uses include SeaWorld. But let's be serious, there are other ways of finding underwater explosives, and there are other ways to get kicks on a Saturday night than going to SeaWorld. Dolphins, and other sea animals that may be used for our own entertainment, should just be left alone to be in their natural habitat, where we may study them to further our knowledge of the natural world.
    Dallas Duffield

  52. Selman G.

    These people cares about the entertainment they get. I do not think we should be capable of captivating those beautiful dolphins for any reason.

  53. It's horrible to think that people would harm something this fascinating. I really don't understand why people feel the need to create such form of entertainment. These acts are simply unethical. we should just keep animals in their habitats.

    -Mitulbhai Patel

  54. Its sad that these "mammals" just like we are, are being killed for no reason. These are smart beautiful animals that literally have alot of differnet things to offer, How could someone kill them ! It really is sad. They should just be left alone.

  55. Dolphins have always intrigued me. The way they move, speak, and do tricks always furthered my interest in them. I feel that they could possibly be a smart species just like humans.

    -Jonathan Mahoney

  56. An animal being smart is no reason to use them for our own benefit. An animal should be kept in its own enviroment. Humans feel intitled to manuipulate any enviroment around them, with no thought to the consequences.

  57. I just wish there was a super human race to come to earth and take all theese people who think they are better than animals and treat them the same way. treat others as you would like to be treated, same goes for animals.

  58. I think as human beings, we are lucky that dolphins do not have limbs and can not travel on land. If they are as smart as we believe them to be we would be in a whole mess of trouble. If I were a dolphin, I know i sure would retaliate because of the things the humans have done to my family.

    In all honesty though, I do not agree with the captivating and slaughtering of dolphins. They deserve to be free and run wild with their family and friends.

  59. no dolphins aren't people every living thing should have aright to life

    Carla Tull

  60. I dont believe that dolphins are "people" or even have people like characteristics. They do not have any kind of decision making skills, other that to survive. There is no rational thinking. However, that does not mean that they shuold be mistreated, just as any other animal shouldnt.

  61. Dolphins are not people, but Dolphins have emotions just like the people, maybe more than people.
    I think Dolphins care about each other more than people do, they always around each other they don't go far.
    last month there was a big news that catch my attention it was Collective suicide of dolphins but I don't know where exactly, but I really wonder why would Dolphins did such a thing like that every year in a different place they do a Collective suicide of dolphins.

  62. Dolphins should not be classified as "people" even though they are self-aware, that does not mean they are aware of what is going on around them, and even out of the water like humans do. Dolphins may have emotions and intelligence, but there is no true test to see if these theories are true.

    Karly Turner

  63. I think that dolphins should not be thought of as people at all. They are clearly a mammal. They might be aware but that does not make them a person.

  64. It's very interesting, because there are also a lot of dolphins who will participate in what would be seen as criminal acts. These dolphins are often rogue or in small groups and go about doing criminal acts. It is very cool how similar they are to us.

  65. I love dolphins! I have always heard that they are very smart animals. And now after reading this blog it just proves it, with all the research.

  66. Vincent Wood

    From the years of visiting different city zoo's and i have been to Miami several times throughout the years and i will say that i dont believe that dolphins are humans, but i will say that they have human ways when it comes to help. Seeing them in Miami close up, makes you believe in them even more.

  67. Even though I do not believe that dolphins are "people" I have interacted with them and can tell how intelligent they really are. They do not deserve to be captivated for our pleasure and entertainment. -Bob Ferrell

  68. This article is very interesting. It doesn't surprise me at all that dolphins would have such large intelligence. On my last vacation, during a dolphin watching boat trip, it was amazing to see the interaction with these sea animals. It's as if they were excited to see us, just as much as we were excited to see them. They appeared very docile and friendly, and never once was I concerned for my safety. When I compare this visit to a hike in the wilderness with bears and lions, it extremely evident which creature has more intelligence and emotion. Dolphins are one of the most intriguing animals I would love to learn more about.

  69. i think dolphins are some of he most amazing animals on this earth. I once read an article where dolphins have begun to play with rings they have made from air bubbles. the amazing thing is that this trend started in captivity, and is now taking place in the wild. How this is possible i have no idea, but it sure does show that this worl is amazing if you just open your eyes and look around

  70. I think dolphins are one of the most coolest animals out there. Even though I don't believe/consider them people, I do know that they are extremely intelligent! I don't think that they should captivated for our pleasure

  71. Tears. Its saddens me to know that someone could actually do this to an dolphin. They are extremely intelligent beautiful animals. It is going to be very hard for me to enjoy another dolphin show after this.

  72. It's amazing the level of intelligence a dolphin has. You wouldn't ever think something that is not a human being, could have so many range of emotions and empathy. I have heard stories before about how they have protected humans in the water from animals such as sharks, and think it's pretty incredible.
    -Kristen Gehret

  73. Wow! Before reading this article I was not at all aware of the simmilarirites between dolphins and humans. I remember my mother taking me to see the dolphins at a show in Philly, where I was amazed at how smart the dolphins seemed to be (I was also jealous of the trainers who got to work with the dolphins).

  74. Dolphins are very smart animals and they understatnd as do chimpanzees. they have a language and have emotions too! please be aware.and start spreading the news



    ENG 101

  76. i had no idea that dolphins were that smart. i knew that they were intelligent animals but not that smart.

    mary stigliano

  77. dolphins are smart but they're not humans in the least bit
    steve stopper
    com 101

  78. dolphins are not exactly a person they are smart but shouldnt be compared to humans they are definately not speaking or walking
    nick tucci
    com 101

  79. Our level of intelligence is a product of evolution that we needed to survive. It doesn't surprise me that other species would follow the same path.

  80. i believe all animals are people and should be treated as such.

  81. Obviously dolphines arn't people. They live in water. But the way they act is cool! They are very nice, and care about people. They're also very smart. I really like dolphines!
    Shelby Ahl

  82. No matter how high an IQ of dolphins and even if they could self-awareness, they can not be treated as a person. There is no reason to think badly about eating dolphins because it the same thing with we eat a fork or beef. It a culture differences.

  83. I always knew that dolphins are incredibly intelligent, but I never knew that we were actually trying to compare them to people. They're clearly not people, but it's amazing to see how many similarities we have with them.

    Jessica Z.

  84. This is a very interesting read, I didn’t know most of this information about dolphins. I will sure think twice now before going to an aquarium. I didn’t know they can experience feelings and teach each other things, to me this is amazing. All precautions should be taking in order to protect these amazing creatures.

    Bethany S.

  85. I do not think dolphins should be viewed as people but they are very intelligent and beautiful animals. I did not know anyhting close to the amount of info about dolphins.

  86. I watched this documentary in high school Ethics class. I nearly cried. Dolphins and humans are very very similar. I vowed to never see a dolphin show. The loud noise hurts their ears, since they use echolocation. I can see why they sometimes go crazy and turn on their trainers...

  87. This was highly interesting to read. I knew that dolphins are mammals and that they are intelligent. However, I did not know all about the mirror test and self-awareness. I think it's great that there is another type of mammal that has a high level of intelligence. I like to think it puts man in their place and lets us all know we aren't the only smart ones out there.
    Christina M.

  88. I have always viewed dolphins are extradinary mammals. This is so close to having some real smarts kinda like monkeys. What we call a brain has to be a whole lot advanced for animals to immitate what we ask them to do because they DO obviously understand our body language and maybe our words too. Who know. ..... D Robinson CSC115

  89. I did not know we had so many similarities with dolphins, but I do not consider them people.
    Amanda S.

  90. I think dolphins are fascinating but to consider them people. i don't think so. We have very close similarities but, there are many animals that share the same similarities also.

  91. I did not realize that dolphins DNA was that similar to ours and that they were the second most intelligent animals. I would have guessed that primates were closer to us. Very interesting. I have read about dolphins protecting each other and humans in crisis. They are amazing animals and I have had the pleasure of swimming with them in Miami.

  92. I have always known that dolphins are intelligent, friendly, and have many characteristics similar to humans. But I did not realize that dolphins have similar DNA to humans. I feel there should be more awareness about dolphins and how they are loving and caring creatures so that the cruelty against dolphins can be stopped by creating international laws to protect dolphins.

    -Danielle G.

  93. this article is an eyeopener for me. its amazing how similar we are to this animals and yet we treat them differently. i just don't understand why we humans like to bother this animals in their own natural habitat.i don't find animal entertainment outside of their natural home fun. i think it will be more interesting to watch them in their natural habitat.

  94. We treat these animals like they owe us something and this is what they were put on this earth to do. Then every time something goes wrong and the animal acts out, people act like the animal wasn't supposed to do that. I dont understand why people cant just let them live where they belong and leave them alone.

  95. I definitely will sign a petition whenever I can about saving the dolphins and will spread awareness to others about how similar they are to humans. I pray that one day all beings are free form torture and the hateful acts of others.

  96. If dolphins can experience complex emotions, just imagine the thoughts they have as they are being hunted and killed! It's like imagining that we are being killed since we have a higher intelligence as well.
    Emily Garidner

  97. Dolphins are very much like humans. How can you murder such an innocent creature. This site is so sad.

  98. This was an eye opener for me. I knew dolphins are smart but I did not know to what extent.

  99. I think dolphins are really nice, almost like humans just like any other animal. They are also very smart. Why would someone want to murdered something for no reason.

  100. I did not know that dolphin's are almost as smart as humans. It is good to know that such a beautiful animal can have such high intelligence. I feel as if murdering them is equivalent to murdering a human due to their intelligence level. It is very sad to know that such beautiful, friendly, and graceful animals can be murdered for no reasons.

  101. It would seem that dolphins enjoy playing around and having fun so I don't belive that we should stop going to sea world because of this. They enjoy it so why stop them? As to the dangers of sea fishing and hurting them I agree these amazing animals don't deserve to be hurt. Don't make crazy reasons like, "they are close to humans so don't hurt them" because that has nothing to do with it. Animals shouldn't be treated wrong. Period. You don't need some crazy excuses.

  102. Dolphins are amazing, intelligent and peaceful creatures that are clearly are in need of our help. The fact that they are so intelligent and human like in so many ways is so true. In fact the one way that they differ from humans is that they have not damaged their environment the way that humans have.

  103. I read recently that dolphins are being used in research for children with autism and aspergers. They are highly intelligent creatures. i wonder what thy think of us. They probably think the same thing, that maybe we will have potential one day, lol.

  104. I do agree that dolphins are in need of human intervention. Many companies profit off of their suffering and even go as far as to hunt for them. Though I don't really see why being intelligent makes you more deserving of respect and life. I know plenty of people who aren't intelligent that I would not wish death

  105. I always heard that dolphins were smart but I never realized to what extent. Its very interesting that they will help each other and play games. I agree that it seems they have the potential to evolve emotionally. Second of all, how could you not know a dolphin is a mammal? That's ridiculous. If you are a fisherman, you should not the different species of sea life that surround you.

  106. I think it will be very difficult to stop fishermen from fishing and disturbing the waters where dolphins live. Human consumption has driven fishing to the extreme. It is interesting that they are self-aware, but in my opinion, that does not make them greater than other animals in the ocean, and basic human rights are to protect humans from each other. We should be concerned about their well-being just as we should be concerned of over fishing. We should also take into consideration the abuse of other sea life such as sharks that are killed for fin soup. That is irresponsible fishing.

  107. Wow, I did not realize how intelligent dolphins are. It makes sense that they are able to communicate with one another. Fishers should be required to become educated about all the species that exist in the regions they work in.
    Delia W.

  108. We all in all need food. Fisherman have a job to do to keep their business running and many people happy. I understand the dolphin situation but it have to be a common ground.

  109. I think that fish are a very important part of a healthy diet. Dolphins are very intelligent and should be protected but it's such a thin line because we need food. Fisherman have a job to do with the human population rising.

  110. Great information. Especially the rationality that dolphins are close to humans in some ways. This hopefully will help people understand why these creatures should not mistreated, caught, killed, or sold off for pure profit. I understand the world population is growing and people need to be fed, but I think we have to draw a line somewhere.

  111. This is just amazing, I love dolphins they are just the cutest animals. The fact that they are saying they are just like us is awesome, because they do basically do everything we do. They protect there young from danger , they will help people stay safe from sharks, and they communicate to each other. We all as humans do the same thing. Hopefully with the great information that was discovered it will stop them from trying to hurt these animals and stop them from stealing there food supply. This is a great discovery and I hope that the dolphins are just like us.

  112. I have read many places that dolphins are a very superior animal species And it is quite amazing. And to think if dolphins are very smart and are thought to have a language of their own, how do they know other animals are almost to this point yet? Also it was stated that dolphins can feel empathy, which other animals may be able to do as well. For this reason animals should be protected instead of hunted dolphins as well .

  113. I was aware that dolphins were very intelligent. In regards to Seaworld I always believed that they took very good care of their animals. I know that animals are kept out of there natural habit.But, perhaps the dolphins used aren't able to survive in their natural habit.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Dolphins are so awesome! I have been fascinated with them since I was a child. I did visit a Dolphin Sanctuary in Key West In 2008. It was a very fun time. I can only hope that they were taken care of properly. That trip taught me how smart they were. All the tricks they were taught and followed and the strong relationship shared by the dolphin and trainer. They are such beautiful animals that need more recognition for how smart and talented they truly are. They can even paint!

    Pam F SCC

  116. I understand that dolphins are extremely intelligent, however we are the ones that need to stand up for them. We are completely responsible for giving them a voice and unless we research their abilities, we will never know the potential they truly hold. I feel that instead of places like Sea World and other attractions getting attention, we should focus on promoting Sanctuaries like what Pam mentioned above. They are who will uncover what is yet to know about these amazing creatures!
    -Caitlyn Perry SCC

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. I've always loved dolphins, and have always known they were very smart! But it's interesting learning more about dophins and how similar they are to us humans. Its amazing how similar the cognitive function of dolphins and some other animals are to humans. It's amazing how they are able to communicate and mimic their parents. I think Dolphins are adorable and loving animals. They are harmless and i think it's not fair that people still kill and capture dolphins. It should be banned. If we wouldn't want to be treated in this cruel way, then what makes people think it's okay to treat dolphins poorly?

  119. Dolphins are extremely smart, and friendly. It's a shame that such a calm animal is killed everyday during the search for tuna...or because someone want to eat it. It's just not right, and they should be protected better.

  120. A lot of the information that I read in this post I was already aware of but I was not aware of how we should not eat seafood. I always figured it was fine to eat seafood as long as it was something like salmon or tuna but the fact that the tuna and dolphin feed together and dolphin are then killed because of it really disturbs me. Why do fisherman need to do this when the dolphin are doing no harm and just eating?

    Courtney R.

  121. Before reading this I had no idea just how smart dolphins truly are. However, to call them people seems a bit of a stretch, and considering some people treat each other just as badly as they treat animals, what would really be the difference? I do however support research into finding out just smart dolphins really are.

  122. I think that dolphins are wonderful creatures. I am glad that there is research being done to discover how intelligent they are. However, deciding how someone or something should be treated based on intelligence level seems a little off to me. I don't think that dolphins are people. Dolphins are dolphins, equipped with the brain power that God gave them to be necessary to survive and outsmart larger predators. I do agree that we should stop polluting our oceans but I think that trying to ban commercial fishing would be devastating to the economy and put a lot of people out of work.

  123. Reducing pollution in the ocean is not only creating a safer environment for ocean life but it is making a safer environment for humans as well. More awareness of this issue needs to be brought upon and everyone can help

  124. Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, and there is a new threat on them recently with Fukushima. Reports of mass dolphin beachings haven't been making news headlines, but its happening due to the massive amounts of radiation being dumped into the pacific ocean. It's not just dolphins dying, it's other sea life in the area as well. This is the biggest disaster for ocean life, and there is nothing we can do about it, except listen to politicians promote more nuclear energy.

  125. Ingrid S.
    This blog post was very informative and an interesting read. I believe dolphins are very smart.

  126. One word: Blackfish. That documentary was one of the saddest I've ever seen, and I 1000% do not support SeaWorld or anything that has affiliation. Institutions that keep marine wildlife in captivation are constantly in tabloids with rumors and accusations of animal cruelty and mistreatment. Blackfish proved that all of them were true. On another note, I have heard many things about marine life being caught in fishing nets and being struck by boat motors, injuring and more often killing them. Since dolphins are naturally playful creatures, who like to travel close to the surface of the ocean, human-dolphin encounters happen quite a lot. There needs to be some better way of catching fish without also catching other wildlife. I wouldn't call dolphins people. That would be an insult to dolphins. In some ways, I think dolphins are smarter than humans. They don't kill their own kind for fun, and they don't mass murder other species like humans do. I recommend Blackfish to any animal lover. The information needs to be spread.
    Kendra Beyl

  127. I actually have a buddy who is an amputee and he said the best medicine he ever has received with PTSD and his amputation, is DOLPHINS! I think dolphins could be used in many different ways, especially medically. As most of us have probably seen A Dolphin Tale, well my buddy now goes and sees this amputee dolphin every month from the movie, and the dolphin relates to him! I think its amazing, and it has improved his status of being an amputee and making the struggle easier!

    Chris K

  128. Rebecca S.
    I would love for them to unlock a key to their communication. I would love to be on that team of researchers to decipher and figure it out! :-)

  129. I have also read several articles on the intelligence of dolphins. I think that dolphins are extremely intelligent and are likely to have the potential for self awareness. I think that if dolphins were subject to a similar set of selection pressures as humans that they would be at a similar level of intelligence as humans. Humans being adapted to adapt to all environments, and dolphins being adapted to oceans. I think that more research needs to be done regarding their intelligence, at the moment I see no need to ascribe the status of people to them but I am not opposed to doing so if their intelligence is sufficient.

  130. Although i know dolphins are extremely intelligent, i would have never thought about them being human like. I guess due to the "fish-like" appearance and lifestyle, many people would over-look their abilities. This blog was very informative and a great read.

    Desirae P.

  131. 3. Dolphins are such intelligent creatures who feel things, recognize things, and have crazy similar personal qualities to us in so many ways. which is why it completely baffles me that people can kill them. It is dangerous and cruel to both animals and humans.
    -Sarah Dickinson

  132. Previously to reading this post, I did know that dolphins were like humans in the fact that they have one mate for life (the perks of being related to a small animal science major), but I did not know all about their cognitive abilities being so closed to humans. It is very interesting knowing how close they are.

  133. Great points! I had no idea just how similar humans and dolphins are! I do remember going to sea world as a child. It was fun and exciting! Now I see things in a different light and it's just sad really. To take such beautiful creatures from their natural homes and keep them locked up in tanks for entertainment purposes. It's slavery!

  134. I knew dolphins were intelligent creatures, but I had no idea how similar they are to humans. To kill dolphins for food and to take them from their natural habitat for entertainment purposes is terrible and ethically wrong. It is basically like doing those things to humans because of how similar our cognitive levels are.
    Ashlee M.

  135. I was taught on the intelligence of Dolphins and I think they are amazing creatures. They should not be insulted from their intelligence and force to preform acts. These creatures should be loved and enjoyed. They have so many similarities to us that it is a shame people do not value their capabilities.

  136. I knew that dolphins were intelligent creatures but i had no idea it was on this such scale. Once again another animal being treated in a poor manner and for what?

  137. Dolphins are my favorite animals. I just wish that they could be taught in a nice manner you know? They are very smart and pretty cute to watch in the water. I feel bad that some entertainment spots treats them badly. Lauren Cooney SCC

  138. I aspire to be a Marine Biologists some day, and when I say this people ask, "so you're one of those girls who wants to swim with the dolphins?". As I hear that question I think of a dolphin and myself in the water alone and it all of a sudden turning evil on me. I have to answer no with disgust because I hate dolphins. I think they are too smart and can use that against us whenever they would like. I now know a little about the slaughtering of dolphins as well. It is wrong and I do know something about how they have too much mercury in their systems to survive on so they are pointless to eat. And I am very against the killing of whales! I was into that show Whale Wars and that show helped me decide what I want to pursue as a career and lifestyle.
    Devin M.

  139. I always knew dolphins were smart but I didn't know that they were that smart! it's crazy to think that they all have their own unique characteristics. I don't like the fact that some are killed off or forced to live in captivity for the rest of their lives. they're wild animals, they should be free
    Danielle C.

  140. I had no clue that dolphins were so much like us. I do agree that it is wrong that they are captured and brought into captivity for our entertainment. It should be that way. KH

  141. It is very cool to find out how much dolphins are like humans. While we have recently been hearing about them being the 2nd smartest species to humans I have not yet heard much of the other information in this article. I believe that it is very wrong for people to be killing dolphins for food and that awareness does need to be raised on this issue. I also find it cruel for these animals to be kept in the small areas of water in the Sea World facility just for our viewing purposes.

  142. Learning about the mirror test was interesting. I never knew that there were animals that recognized themselves in the mirror like that. It makes me really think about how we treat animals. They are not that different in some aspects of life.

  143. I did not realize dolphins had so many similar characteristics as humans. Clearly, it is unethical to allow dolphins to be held captive or tortured. People are just so callous to look at these innocent, beautiful creatures and only think of the money they could gain from their meat and entertainment.
    Shayna H.

  144. Its Interesting to learn how intelligent dolphins are. I was aware they are considered the closest to humans, but was not aware that they are self aware and can recognize themselves in a mirror. I do think dolphins have a way of communicating with each other even if we do not understand it and it is very wrong to have dolphins in captivity for our enjoyment.

    Kristin J

  145. Dolphins are extremely intelligent and its crazy my son just did a essay regarding how dolphins and humans are alike. There are so many similarities its crazy but most people don't know that much about these animals but they live in the ocean and you see them at the aquarium.

  146. The fact that humans and dolphins are extremely alike is scary. Dolphins are fun creatures and should be treated as nice as they are to us. Yes it may be fun to see dolphins at seaworld and to swim with dolphins on vacation. But in all reality the deserve to live in the ocean not a tank.

  147. It's amazing to know that dolphins are just as smart as humans! Watching the video of dolphins parenting was amazing how dolphins can mimic there mothers in just a minimal amount of time. Learning how the dolphins search for their prey was just amazing! It was sad to learn that fifty percent of calf dolphins didn't survive during their first year was sad to hear, knowing that it's because they can't defend themselves.

  148. I have always been fascinated with Dolphins.. I agree that Dolphins are the most intelligent non human creature on the planet.. I don't know why people want to kill Dolphins and I think that is very cruel because Dolphins are no threat to anyone. Markeda C.

  149. Dolphins are very intelligent and I don't understand why people want to harm them. They don't belong in cramped little pools in Seaworld and other places similar to that, they belong in the ocean.

  150. While humans and dolphins do share many of the same characteristics they are nothing like human beings to me. They are not smart enough to develop the english language, and they can live under water where as us human beings cannot. 2 major keys
    Stephen Mainart

  151. I agree with captivity for the sake of rehabilitation. All other captivity is unnecessary.


  152. Dolphins are very intelligent. In my senior year in oceanography we watched a documentary about them. It showed the slaughter that happens after trainers have chosen certain dolphins to use in places like seaworld. It was absolutely appalling and horrific to see the water turn red and to watch one dolphin escape only to drown because he couldn't swim anymore. Dolphins can and will commit suicide so any type of captivity that is not for their sake shouldn't happen.
    Somer K

  153. I believe dolphins are amazing animals. I feel bad that they are being mistreated, but I also understand why they are being experimented on. I respect everyone opinion, but if we did not learn more about different animals science would not be where it is today. Scientists learn and develop treatments that help the human race.
    Elizabeth M.

  154. I agree that dolphins are very intelligent. I have seen shows where the dolphins do tricks and entertain the crowd and while I do find it entertaining that dolphins are capable of doing so much, they do belong in the ocean and not in a tank.

  155. I knew dolphins were fairly smart but not that smart! And i never knew that they could feel emotions. dolphins are beautiful creatures and to know that they have such similar traits to human brains is amazing. They shouldn't be mistreated, we should learn from them. Of course it is amazing to see them perform in show like in seaworld but they deserve to be treated right and taken care of.

  156. It is truly amazing just how intelligent dolphins are. Even if they were not "as smart as humans" they still need to be treated humanely. Our oceans are polluted and over-fished. I do not go to places like Sea World because I cannot stand to see these creatures trapped in tanks. I felt guilty when I had a fish tank because the fish was so limited on its movements. It is not fair to keep these beautiful creatures caged up like this.

  157. I agree that more people need to be aware of how important dolphins are and how intelligent they are. I also believe that it should be illegal to kill dolphins and whales all over the world. dolphins and whales are amazing creatures and it amazes me how smart we know dolphins are.
    Alexus E

  158. Dolphins, dogs, monkeys, and all animals all have feelings. They are all certain aspects that relate to humans and I personally believe that no animal should be torture, beaten, hurt, or killed. Dolphins are very intelligent animals and have feelings just like humans. Dolphins should not be animals that are caged in and trained for entertainment for people. I believe that some animals need to be taken in or rescued and helped to become more healthy. I do not agree animals should be caged in their entire lives though.
    Jordan B SCC

  159. Dolphins, dogs, monkeys, and all animals all have feelings. They are all certain aspects that relate to humans and I personally believe that no animal should be torture, beaten, hurt, or killed. Dolphins are very intelligent animals and have feelings just like humans. Dolphins should not be animals that are caged in and trained for entertainment for people. I believe that some animals need to be taken in or rescued and helped to become more healthy. I do not agree animals should be caged in their entire lives though.
    Jordan B SCC

  160. This is so interesting I am amazed at how incredible Dolphins are. I am definitely going to look further into this.
    It saddens me to know that they are abused and tortured. No animal deserves to be treated like that. How can humans be so cold? Every animal is unique in it's own way and all have something to offer. It is not right for these innocent animals to be beaten, caged, drugged etc.
    -Dana Y

  161. I did not know dolphins were similar to humans. I do believe they are smart mammals. I did not know too much about dolphins until I read this article. This has raised my awareness about dolphins.
    Elizabeth M.

  162. I knew of a few similarities between humans and dolphins, but I learned a lot from this blog. I especially found it interesting that dolphins have been known to help humans and other dolphins that were injured.

  163. This is horrible. The Canada government should put an end in slaughtering these seals.
    Merasol D.

  164. It is surprising to know that dolphins have many similar abilities as humans. Dolphins are beautiful sea animals. They always fascinate me every time I see them. People should stop using them for profit.
    Merasol D.

  165. Dolphins are such amazing creatures. I'll never forget the time my brother and I were swimming in the bay and had about 5 or 6 dolphins swim right past us and hang out. Its amazing that even dolphins in the wild were so open to us. I knew they were similar to humans but its neat to see even more then I was aware.

  166. It is fascinating to see how quickly dolphins learn certain behaviors so it's not surprising that they are self-aware and that they are cognitively similar to humans.
    Angela T.

  167. I love seeing the positive side of animals and their positive contributions in the world. Their similarities to humans and their level of intelligence is extremely amazing. I never knew how empathetic they could be and can't wait to possess more information about them as I research and look into them more in the future.

  168. Dolphins are incredibly smart animals, I watched a documentary once that showed dolphins actually scaring away sharks and other predators. It makes me sick to think there are still countries out there with no laws against trapping and killing these kind and loving creatures.
    Megan W.

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. After watching the movie Black Fish, I was disgusted from all the awful things that go on in Sea World. It's heart breaking to see how people can be so cruel to animals and all for money. As a child I used to beg my parents to take me to Sea World. I noticed how Dolphins express their feelings similar to humans. And that's makes it even more disturbing. To hear a mother cry out for her baby after they were taken away in a fishing net is one of the saddest things I've ever seen in my life. For people to witness this and continue to hurt these animals is mind blowing.

    ~T. Dixon

  171. It is very disappointing that people kill dolphins and such for food. Dolphins are mammals. Would humans like to be killed for food? No, they would not appreciate that at all. People should educate themselves and others and spread awareness, that was a good point. Thank you for educating me about this.
    Courtney S.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. As I am reading these animal blogs, I’ve learned a lot about many animals that are being killed everyday for whatever reasons and it’s sad and it’s overwhelming. You want to do so much, but we can’t control the laws of other countries and territories. I was aware sometime ago that Dolphins were being hunted and killed, but I believe the U.S. banned the hunting of Dolphins so that helps to ease my mind. I like Dolphins and I would like for them to be around forever. I believe that they are one of the most fascinating creatures outside of monkeys that relate to human life.
    Kenyetta C.

  174. I have always admired dolphins and whales. They are beautiful and enchanting creatures. They are welcoming when you are on a boat or in the water and often want to engage in play. Because of their nature, they fall victim to slaughter. It is shameful how human beings are ignorant to other creatures on this earth. I also can't stand these places that have swim with the dolphins. They should not be used for entertaining and making a CEO rich. I refuse to stay at hotels or amusements that have these dolphin experiences.

  175. I don't really care if dolphins are intelligent or not what we do to them is purely cruel. if we were to judge who superior by traits (like our ability to talk then wouldn't that mean that dogs can be far superior than us. their sense of smell is better than us. Every animal including us as something that makes them special, but only one thing makes us the same which is the ability to feel.
    Esraa A

  176. Before reading this article, I was unaware of unique similarities dolphins and humans share. That doesn't exempt the cruelty that being made towards them. No harm should be made on any animal. Also we as humans, and owners of these lands need to work harder and prevent the ocean and land from pollution .
    J. Dunn

  177. I would have never guessed that dolphins were so similar to humans in these ways. At first glance, you really would not know that dolphins have the intelligence they do. This article revealed quite a few things that i had not known before about dolphins, all I had known was that they were pretty smart. They definitely deserve the right to better protection and should stop being treated so poorly. This really applies to all animals, but with dolphins intelligence levels they should be treated with more respect and dignity. Brandon S.

  178. Dolphins have good qualities along with some overlooked bad ones, not matter they still should not be hunted. If one were to catch or kill one by accident it could be accepted to purposely murder a creature of such a high intelligence is wrong. There are no instances where I would say animals are on the same level as humans in my opinion but dolphins are very close and they should be treated with a level or respect similar to the one we show fellow humans.

  179. I agree completely that dolphins deserve much better treatment. Their confinement in places like SeaWorld is like a prison for them and they're intelligent enough to be completely aware of it. They need better protection globally because they're still treated like fish in certain parts of the world. Hopefully, as more scientific discoveries are made, news of their capacity for intelligence will pusuade other cultures to value their lives more.

  180. I never knew that Dolphins were so intelligent. I agree that we should be protecting them more than we do now and they shouldn't be forced to live in places like SeaWorld, as I've previously heard they don't treat the animals well in amusements places like this one.
    Jena B

  181. I have heard before that dolphins are very intelligent mammals. Unfortunately, just like many other innocent animals, dolphins are often being used for profit. They are being killed for food; they are captured and used for entertainment purposes. This is very sad. I really with that dolphins including other innocent animals could be just left alone.

  182. Dolphins are very intelligent animals but they are not human. I am in favor of saving the dolphins though. Who knows, maybe they can be the next man's best friend when we live in our water world that we created by melting all the polar ice.

  183. Dolphins are definitely intelligent animals and they should be treated with respect. Thousands of dolphins are killed without regard to their population numbers. They aren't the only sea animals that undergo this abuse, as whales and sharks are treated the same way. Brandon S.

    1. I agree with you bsam that dolphins are very intelligent and they're not the only ones being killed. Life in our oceans are important to support on land. If ocean life is killed due to over fishing and pollution then we don't stand a chance sustaining life on earth because one way or another everything is connected.

  184. I think dolphins are beautiful creatures. I agree that dolphins are very intelligent and should not be killed or used for money just like any other animal in the world. I loved SeaWorld as a kid, but knowing the facts and hearing how they treat the animals, it is absolutely horrible!
    Alexis L

  185. It is amazing to know that dolphins DNA are somewhat similar to humans. We must protect these beautiful animals.
    Jaime D.

  186. This comment has been removed by the author.

  187. I love dolphins. i believe these are one of the coolest animals out there. it is interesting to think that their DNA is very close to a humans. I still do not think that Dolphins should be classified as "people" even though they are self-aware, that does not mean they are aware of what is going on around them.

  188. Are African Americans People? What about Muslims? Africans? Sorry about the dolphins but lets make our people people first.
    Shakira Brooks SCC

  189. Wow.....I wasn't aware that dolphins had such high levels of cognitive, emotional and social awareness. I've never really thought of animals in terms of what experiences we have as humans. I find it interesting that only a select few species of animals have these abilities. Makes you wonder.......
    Angela T

  190. Wow.... That was so mind blowing. I had no idea of these information that I just read. Even though I find dolphins fascinating and respect their rights, I really don't think that it will be a good idea classifying them as "people."

  191. I didn't know that dolphins could display emotions like that. That's completely amazing. It's also really interesting how they'll help others in need. It's a little upsetting to see them in those little tanks at sea world and places like that. I didn't really think that much into it until now.
    Marie z

  192. I found this blog interesting. I did not know that dolphins had some similarities to humans. I think dolphins are beautiful creatures. I would love to see the outcome on whether or not they are human.

  193. I had no idea dolphins had so many similarities with humans. I love the fact that they display emotions and help lost swimmers.

  194. Well regardless of dolphins being considered a human. Even if it wasn't, they shouldn't be killed and abused for food. But I do they should be considered human because they really do have an intelligent mind and communicate in such an awesome way. They deserve much more credit and a much better life.

  195. Well regardless of dolphins being considered a human. Even if it wasn't, they shouldn't be killed and abused for food. But I do they should be considered human because they really do have an intelligent mind and communicate in such an awesome way. They deserve much more credit and a much better life.

  196. This is all very fascinating. I heard that dolphins were smart beings but I wasn't aware they are that smart. I think it's amazing that they may have some sort of language only they understand. Although it's all very fascinating I'm not sure if they should get their own set of rights.
    Harrison C

  197. Before reading this article, I had no clue how much humans and dolphins had in common! It's crazy to think that they can recognize themselves in a mirror just like humans. There is no reason Dolphins should be killed for food regardless if they are humans or not.
