Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Adoption is a Better Option!

Would you make your dog live in a wire cage its whole life? 
Would you have a dog and never give him/her any love or companionship?
Would you have pets and not give them toys or play time?

Most likely you answered no to all of the above questions.  Well, that’s what happens to the dogs who live in puppy mills.  Why should that matter to you?  Because if you get your dog from a breeder or from a pet store, then most likely the dog came from a puppy mill.

I personally don’t agree with breeding dogs.  Yes, I know there are reputable breeders out there, but I can’t understand the concept of “creating” new dogs when millions are killed each year because there’s no room for them in the shelters.  Why buy a dog when you can adopt one from a shelter and save that dog from being killed?  Mutts need love, too.  Puppy mill dogs live in prisons and breed babies over and over again until they die.  What kind of life is that?  No kind of life at all!!
These disgusting people who own the puppy mills and call themselves breeders are greedy and all they care about is money.  It is up to people like you to end this cruelty by not buying dogs from breeders or from pet stores.  According to the US Humane Society, about 3-4 million dogs and cats are euthanized a year in shelters.  That is ridiculous when there are people "making” new dogs for money.  If it wasn’t for the people who buy these animals, the puppy mills would shut down.  Let’s end this nightmare for puppy mill dogs.  



  1. As I mentioned before I'm personally not an anmial lover but my family has two Golden Retrievers and I love them. We got them both from the same breeder in Lancaster, PA and they take very good care of their dogs. The first time we took them to the vet (their names are Butter Scotch and Lilly) they were ignorant because they assumed we got them from a puppy mill since they were from Lancaster. It wasn't until then that I understood how bad puppy mills were frowned upon.

  2. If the breeder allowed you inside the house and on the property, then they are probably a reputable breeder. If they met you at the end of the property or somewhere unless, then they own a puppy mill, no doubt. My aunt bought her dog in Lancaster and was not allowed on the property at all, so obviously the woman was hiding something!

    1. That is good information to go by. I would have never thought of that.

      Misty F.

  3. I agree with the not "creating" new dogs when millions are killed each year. Puppy mills are no way for any animal to have to live. I always seemed amazed at what people will do to make a buck. This has been a very informative topic. I used to think that dogs that came from the pound came with a ton of problems and that is not the case. I know three people who have adoted dogs and they make excellent pets.

  4. I do agree that adopting an animal is a great option. But I also believe that there are wonderful breeders out there. I personally got my puppy from a loving family in Pennsylvania. They welcomed me into their home and I felt very comfortable purchasing a puppy from them. I would never support a puppy mill. The next dog that I get will definitely be adopted. I think the bottom line is that you have to be responsible enough to do the research before bringing any animal into your home.

  5. Adopting an animal is the best ever. I don't think I will ever buy a dog from a breeder because personally I believe it is expensive. Rescuing a dog gives you a great feeling to know that you did something good. Puppy mills are awful and I have seen shows about them and it makes me sad to see that there are people out there that are so heartless and greedy.

    Keishla Davila

  6. I agree that more people should adopt animals. Although I don't own a pet, I do believe that since there are so many that need to be rescued. Some people don't realize that animals need love and affection just as much as people do. When I'm able to get a pet, I will adopt.

  7. Adopting a pet is a great option for people who do not want to spend a lot of money on a pet. You take a risk doing adopting, only because you do not know what problems that animal could have or carry with them. On the other hand, all of the people that I know have adopted have not had any problems. I believe the only people that should breed them should be observed and be able to take good care of them. It is heart breaking to see that people could be so cruel, heartless, and greedy only to make money.

    Alyssa Liber

  8. Adopting a puppy is so much better than a buying a one. As much as I and others want to shut down puppy mills. Its not easy because people are not informed enough about this topic, and they think its better to buy a puppy than adopt one. Most of the families don’t research before they buy pet for their kids, and that’s why its never ending cycle. People are going to keep buying puppies, breeders will keep making money, and animals will suffer because of us!

    Sukhwinder Kaur

  9. I agree that it is better to adopt than to buy from a breeder. No doubt, there are great breeders out there but many own a puppy mill and care only about profit, not about the animal's health. Regardless of where you get your animal from though, you need to make sure you do your research first.

    Terry Bradford

  10. When it comes to adopting a pet, I am totally supportive. A few years ago, my family decided to adopt a dog from a shelter. She was the best dog we have ever had. She brought so much joy to the whole family. I will definitely adopt again.

  11. I agree that you shouldn't breed animals because there are millions of animals out there that need homes that are either homeless or kept in a shelter until they are killed. I have 2 cats and 1 dog, my family got our dog and one of our cats from a shelter. My whole family loves them and they are apart of the family.

  12. I answered no to all of the questions. This is a shame for dogs, they are treated like last years toy. I hate when I see or hear about irresponsable people buying dogs because they are fun when they are puppies but when they grow up sometimes people dont take care of them anymore and that's why they end up in the shelter. Either they went and turned them in or the humane society had to come save the dogs' life. However, sometimes the way the humane society handles adopting out their anomals is a little annoying. My aunt was going to adopt a dog from the Salem County Humane Society, she lives in a very clean home with 3 daughters a my uncle and has had dachsunds before but they all died from old age which is the way dogs should pass away. Anyway she currently has Gus, a german sheppard and she wanted to get him a companion and instead of getting a dog from a breeder she went to the shelter. The people told her that they had to come out to her house and then do annual check ups, well my aunt did not like that, and i know my mom is the same way, in this day and age it is unsafe to have a stranger come to your house and look around. So in the end my aunt got a lab from a breeder. My best friend adopted a dog from the spca as well almost a year ago, and her mother was infuriated with the person who came to her house trying to tell her how things should be and how her house needs to be set up properly and cleaned. She thought that was not the purpose of a home inspection. The only reason they should come look at your house is to make sure u live somewhere where it is safe for the dog, they have room to roam, and that your not an animal hoarder.

    For dogs at the pet store I have heard multiple stories of the pet store in Pennsville having sick dogs. A co-worker of my mother paid thousands of dollars for her dogs life after discovering he had a disease that is usually caused from being in puppy mills.

    Tiffany Asher

  13. I think it is much better to adopt than to buy from a pet store. Dogs that come from puppy mills are kept in horrible conditions. When I was little we got one of the dogs that I have from a pet store and I was too young to know what a puppy mill was but I learned when I got older, they are horrible and because of how the dogs are bred and kept my dog has had a lot of problems over the years. As for home breeders, I think it's okay as long as the conditions the puppies and dogs are kept in are good. We got our yellow lab from a home breeder and they treated each puppy as if it was their own. They treated their dogs very well and showed us around where the puppies stayed and played etc. But adopting is the way to go because not only are you going to get a great dog, you'll be saving dogs lives.

    Ashley Mahala

  14. Interesting points Tiff. I do agree that sometimes the shelters give you too much of a hard time when adopting. Most of them are great, but we also experienced some annoyances. They did not want to come and check on the dog or anything but they wanted to know who would be home with the dog all day, etc.. Since my dad and I live together and he is retired then someone is here all day, but normally people work. Would they not have given us the dog if we all worked all day, We still would have took care of him properly. I guess they just have rules to follow and want to make sure the animals are going to the best homes.

  15. I agree that adoption is a great option. I have always grown up around animals & my mom works at a vet's office. I think that it is horrible to keep an animal caged up! Adopting a puppy from a shelter & saving them can make anyone feel great & not only that it can give that puppy another chance that their previous owner couldn't. Animals need to be taken care of just like children & should be treat right. They should be able to run around, have plenty of food, & have toys to play with when their owners are not around. Shelters have such cute animals that need good homes. There are a lot of needy animals out there. I hope everyone considers adopting an animal now.

  16. After reading this I feel guilty about buying my dog from a breeder. The next time I do decide to get a dog or cat, I will adopt one from a shelter.

    On the subject of shelters. Is adopting a pet from a shelter that will put them down better than a no kill shelter? I noticed that there is a link to a no kill shelter, but I figured rescuing one that may be put down is better.

  17. Matt, I got my dog from a no-kill shelter. Buying a dog from any shelter is great, but I would say go to a no-kill shelter because sometimes they have so many animals since they won't kill them, plus sometimes they go and get animals from other shelters who are about to get put to sleep.

  18. This article really hits home for me since Papi(my beautiful,sweet,amazing,intelligent toy fox terrier) came from a puppy mill in Lancaster. Unfortunately at that time I didn't know anything about what the word "puppy mill" entailed, until my vet informed me that Papi's toe(which had been ripped off before I got him)was most likely caught on the side of cage when he was thrown in. He informed me of the abusive treatment they suffer through. I know I tend to repeat myself, but it baffles me that people can actually go through life committing these crimes against animals and have a clear conscience. I can gaurantee that my next pet will definitely be adopted from a shelter.

  19. Kate, I have no idea how people can abuse animals. All I can say is "what goes around, comes around."

  20. I agree it’s better to adopt a dog than to buy. Even if you buy from a private person, it’s very expensive to buy these puppies because they are usually full breed dogs and come with papers. I think the only time you would need a full breed dog, if you are going to show them. I agree some adoption shelters do give you a hard time adopting dogs or cats but if you search, you can find a good shelter that cares to find homes for the animals. I adopted my part lab, Andy from the Pennsville Pound. They didn’t want any money and they paid to have him neutered. But, I gave them a donation because they have to care for the other dogs that were waiting to be adopted. When I got him home, he did have a problem with a urinary bladder infection, and I took him to the vet right away. All I needed to do is give him antibiotics and he was healthy within two days. Another problem I have; he is afraid of the hose. So I feel where he was before he must have been sprayed with the hose to correct behavioral problems. Other wise he is a great dog, a good companion, and outstanding watch dog. So go adopt a pet, and it can change your life and his life too.

  21. I completely agree with what you are saying, no animal should have to live like that. In the past my family has always bought mutts from the pound. My dad use to say that they are better tempered then the ones at the store. The dog I have now is named Brandy; we got her from a pound in Kentucky. I remember that there were two of them in one cage climbing on top of each other. I wanted to get them both, my dad smiled and said ask your mom, well needless to say we only when home with one dog that night.

  22. I work at a pet store, and I have personally been to some of the breeders where we get puppies and these dogs live like kings and queens. And there are also others that I never have been to that I don't know about.

    I completely agree with adopting dogs from shelters. Dogs are killed every single day because their isn't room for them, but people don't want these dogs because they're not the cute cuddly puppies that kids and even adults want. No one really thinks about the other dogs that sit in cages for portions of their lives and then are just killed because there isn't room for them.

    I don't understand why people don't understand the concept of animal cruelty. One of my dogs is from a puppy mill because my mom had no idea what a puppy mill was. For some reason, the people she got him from thought the way that they were having their puppies live was ok because they let my mom in to see this hell hole that they call a home.

    My mom explained the conditions that she saw and said she only bought a puppy from there because she knew that she was saving at least one. A year down the road, my mom spend over $5,000.00 on our dog because his bones in his arm weren't growing properly and this is probably because he was born as an insest puppy. With a mother and a baby or whatever it is that they do.

    People need to look more into shelters. There are shelters that have puppies too if that's what you want. But, a lot of dogs that come from shelters are the best dogs because they truly appreciate being treated well and being loved that all they want to do is make their owners happy.

  23. Alot of the dogs being breeded then abandoned are pitbulls. I own a pitbull and he is the sweetest dog in the world. I think about if I couldn't take care of him anymore, more then likely he would end up being put to sleep without even having a chance because of the kind of dog he is. There is so many dogs who want to be loved but are looked past because they arent a puppy. Its so sad to just keep breeding dogs and there is a local shelter with rows of dogs waiting to die.

  24. I own a dog and reading the first three questions was kind of depressing. Thinking that some poeple actually do that to poor loveable creatures is just depressing. I could never imagine breeding a dog. The dog I have now is from a shelter. She looked so depressed and lovable that we just had to take her home. I cant imagine torturing a dog like this until it dies. That's just wrong!


  25. I agree with you. It is better to adopt than to buy from breeders. It is a waste of resources to continue to breed animals when there are more than enough to adopt from the shelters. Those who patronize the breeders think that those animals are better than the ones from the shelters. That is just false impression. I personally prefer to adopt from the shelter because those animals are able to move around ane exercise and interact with people. The animals from the breeders are caged and that might have both physical and psychological impact on the animals.

  26. I feel that their are good breeders, and then their your bad ones. The governement, Humane Society or someone has to come up with a solution to weeen those bad breeders out for good. For example, they need to send special units that deal only with these situations to make sure animals are being brought up correctly, and make sure their is no foul play what so ever. It can be just like child services, but for animals. If any thing seems out of place then action can be taken, and punishments can be handed out.

  27. I have saw first-hand a so-called breeder, right in my own neighborhood. After countless phone calls to the police over the inhumane conditions and how the puppies were not feed properly and not being let out of their cages. She was shut down and ordered to pay a huge fine.I think this kind of action taken by the authories would prevent someone from getting into that type of bussiness just for montery gain. It makes it harder for the breeder who obey the law.

  28. I am a huge animal lover every animal I owned either my fsmily and I saved from off the streets or got them from a shelter. We treat are pets as if they are family and love them to death. I can't understand how people can be so heartless and harm any animal. I have heard so many awful stories about breeders and do believe that a good handful of them could careless about the animals and are just in it for the money which is so selfish! I really wish I could save all the animals I see it breaks my heart to see poor, helpless aninmals with no homes. This world can be so cruel!

  29. I have mixed feelings on the subject. I have tried to get a dog from a animal shelter, and like someone had said they make it very difficult. They do not want to adopt animals to people who rent and you need to provide a lot of paperwork. For some people this is to much of a hassle. We ended up buying a dog from a friend, becuase we werent' able to get it thu the shelter. We have also purhased dogs from a pet store, becuase my husband wanted a certain brand of dog and the pet shops gave us a warranty. We have also purhcased baby ducks from a farm. On the farm the people has their children help and you could tell the animals received a lot of love from the whole family.

  30. I completely understand why some people wouldn't go to animal shelters, but I think it would make more sense for pet stores to get the animals they sell from shelters before they go to some unknown source to get the animals. If this would start happening the puppy mills would soon become obsolete, hopefully. Those places are horrible, horrible places for those poor dogs. They are living in disgusting conditions, never knowing love or affection or the companionship that most dogs want so badly. It really breaks my heart. And those people who run them have absolutely no compassion what so ever for these poor animals. How can you watch this happen and not care? I just don't understand.

  31. I personally do not own any animals at this time, but if i did i would never cage them nor would I never give them any sort of entertainment. Toys and love is a must !!!!!!!

  32. Adoption is something everyone that wants a pet should consider! My parents have adopted many pets and I shall do the same when the time is right. Even donating to a shelter is a good idea.

  33. My brother got a puppy from the Amish and it was in bad shape, and is really tempremental. I would love to get a shelter dog because a lot of them are already trained, and they are generally more loving than most because even though they may not be able to express it or really acknowledge it, the animal knows they are in a better place.

  34. I hate puppy mills. Every year I go to PA and see all the amish people with their barns full of puppies I just want to go and let them all run free! The living conditions in those barns are unfair and no way to live.
    I bought my dog from a local pet store, she was very very sick when I first got her, but I look at it as if I saved her anyways. She may not have came from a shelter but in my eyes I did save her - from a terrible life that she could be stuck having. I do plan to adopt a dog once I get a family and such though. Buying from a pet store wouldn't be my first choice next time around even though I have the best dog in the world and she was worth all the vet visits & $ !!
    -Shannon Kappler

  35. I adopted my dog Sam from the Salem county humane society and while the paperwork and requirements sounded scary at first it was actually quite easy. They simply want to know that you have a permanent residence and will be willing to care for the animal and not mistreat it. I remember one of the questions specifically which asked if you would allow your dog to ride in the bed of a truck while being transported. Obviously saying yes would indicate that you don't have your dogs safety in mind. They will do a house visit (very brief, just stopped by to say hey) and will call you in 2-6 months to check in. I love my Sam and she's been very happy with us for that past year. Also the people at the SCHS were very nice and helpful throughout the entire process.

  36. Although I am not an animal lover, I do believe that if you decide to take on a responsibility such as caring for an animal you should provide the best care possible. I think that adoption is necessary for abandoned animals to ever recieve the care they deserve. I understand why some people would choose breeders over adoption but, unfortunately many animals are left without homes

  37. I am an animal lover, and I fully agree with not buying from breeders. I saved my two wonderful labs (mother and daughter) from some idiot who just simply didn't want them anymore. They did end up costing a bundle initially (they both had lymes, hookworms and bilateral ear infections, and they both needed to be spayed), but they are well worth the expense!!! One look in those soft brown eyes and you're instantly in love!!! They were well on the way to being put down because of some idiot's neglect, but we saved them!!! I will not ever go to a breeder as long as there are shelters filled with animals who need loving homes!!!

  38. I always make a joke about how I am going to end up an old cat lady with 20 cats because I love them so much. I always wanted to be a vet (before I realized how much I hate science:P!). I disagree with animal breeding though, I feel like it is unnecessary and can cause big trouble. I believe adopting an animal is the best way to go. I want to start volunteering at the ASPCA so I can show animals that each and every one of them deserve love and attention.

    1. Laura you and your sister will be cat ladies, but i love that you guys take them in and actually care for them. The cumberland county SPCA always needs volunteers.
      Melissa Lawlor

  39. Adopting an animal in my opinion is by far the best way to go when choosing a new pet. Everyone deserves a second chance, even animals! I adopted a 9 year old cat two years ago and he is the sweetest cat ever. All he does is sleep in my lap all day purring!

  40. Adopting from a shelter is what I suggest to anyone looking to get a pet. My friend recently adopted a jack russel terrier but he got it from a friend who couldn't care for her anymore. I'm not sure what the story is with the previous owner but the dog contracted heart worms and the previous owner wasn't able to keep up with her treatments so my friend adopted the dog, has kept her on her treatment and the pooch seems quite happy now!

  41. Mike A said....
    Its a shame that people either arent aware of these puppy mills or just ignore this situation. My family and I got a puppy last year from a private breeder and you could tell all he did was sit in his cage all day because he was so excited to play around with us even though it was just for a couple minutes. And that was just from a private breeder let alone the harsher conditions dogs go through at these puppy mills.

  42. john
    I personally do not owne a dog but, for those who owne one or more must treat these animals like the way they would like to be treated. If a breeder is selling a dog to a dog lover that means you are telling the breader to breed more and sell more dogs

  43. I'm in agreement with the majority. People do not go into breeding animals because it's such a fun easy job, they do it for the money and then when they see how much money is to be made it turns into a "puppy mill". Let me correct the beginning of my last sentence, most people, not all do it for the money. In today's world with so much over crowding of people and animals why in the world would we need to breed. There are so many animals out there in shelters that would love to have a loving family and home. In fact, they're probably even more appreciative because they are already living in cages and don't get alot of one on one companionship. Down with the "mills" and up with "adoptions"!
    Malissa S.

  44. All three of my dogs were adopted. they were rescued from breeders running puppy mills. My oldest Milo is an american bull dog AKC. He was two weeks old when i got him had to bottle feed him and everything. he is now seven and he is accompanied by a registered hlasa apso and a chijuajua. i think i spelled them correctly. they have been great dogs milo is mt best freind. I would guess that some breeders who do it for purposes of keeping a specific breed or temperment alive has the right because these are very important. by mixing breeds like the Mutts that we call them you never know what your going to get out of it. natural instics will trump anything you can teach them to do ad if aggression is part of that mix you never know when it will appear in the animals behavior. It is up to us to make sure that we controll the inheritance of these traits and by ethical and organized methods it could be done properly. letting these animals uncontrollably mix breeds is the real problem here.

  45. This is actually a surprise to me, I never really understand what a puppy mill meant, until I seen this video, and read the description that Mellissa has put up. I see why people are against puppy mills, and why is it so hard to clean and take care of these dogs, they could pay someone to do it since they are making all of that money off the puppies. I know people who breed dogs and they sure enough don’t do it like that.

  46. There are so many homeless animals out there today that we need not breed and make thousands more. Puppy mills should be banned. There ought to be a law against breeding sooooooo much. There should be a limit on how many litters one animal can produce. Breeders, not all I'm sure, are just in it for the money. So the more they breed then the more animals they have to sell. We need stricker laws for animals in general....against breeding, skinning, testing, etc. Some people treat animals like they have no feelings. Just because they can't talk like humans they still have feelings and can feel pain. More people need to realize that. If a person comes across a puppy mill, I hope that they have enough moral sense to report it. If more people would speak up and not be afraid to do so then we could start putting some of these people out of business. Breeding shouldn't be a business it should be something you do because of the love of the animal and want to share the opportunity to own a new and unique breed of animal. Stop the puppy mills!!!!

  47. adoption is better because you have these sweet animals in these cages lock up all day. maybe not getting feed proper. they need your help to come rescue them from all the hurt that they endure their whole life. so saving one animal at a time can change things.get out and stop the violence against animal cruelty.

  48. I heard a story this morning where a woman is suing on behalf of her dog. In NY dogs are considered property without a soul (really??), anyway, so if she wanted to sue, she needed to do it briefly after she purchased the dog (so she is having her dog sue instead). She is using because she had to pay a lot of money for medical bills for the dog. The point is that she bought the dog from a pet store...hence most pet store animal come from puppy mills and come with a lot of medical problems. Now that she has the dog and everything is better, I hope she wins, but I wish people would just stop buying from pet stores...adopt from a shelter where they'll be killed if not adopted!!

  49. wow, i think that adopting is the better choice. i know that after a certain time, they will put the dogs or whatever animal down if the don't get adopted and that is the saddest. the dogs did not choose to be there and they should have a loving home.

    TaShanna Parker

  50. I adopted my dog 8 years ago for this very reason. He was a puppy, and a runt. Other people in the shelter were like "you don't want that dog, he's a runt." THis just made me want him even more . That's like someone saying "I'm not going to love you because you're not as strong as the rest, you're too small." I love my dog to death, and he's doing wonderful! I have friends that breed their dogs like 3 times a year , and I try to tell them how they are contributing to a terrible problem. No one understands until they've seen the harsh realities though I suppose. I'll have to agree with the inspection they do to your house. It's only for the safety of the pets, not to cause an inconvenience. If it's that inconvenient then don't do it ! I'd actually be happy that they're taking the precautions to know I'm not some animal abuser, animal hoarder, or terrible care giver. It just ensures you that they want nothing but the best for their animals.

  51. I think adopting is the better road to go. I my family adopted my dog and she lives a great life and is very happy. I can only hope other people are doing the same.

    Francis Yangello

  52. Everyday i walk around my neighborhood and see stray dogs running around, then five minutes lates i see that same dog laying in the middle of the street with it's body smashed by a car. I tell myself evrytime that this would not have happened if someone would have took their time and went to the shelter and made a difference in the dog life by adopting them.

    -Dominick Perry

  53. adopting is always better then getting a animal from the puppy mill plus if u adopt an animal they get their shots and everything

    Nicole Knight

  54. Adopting animals is the best way to go when deciding to get a new pet. All of the commercials that are on tv about the puppies that need someone to love them and have been abused there whole lives is unbareable. It is not fair that they have to sit in cages all day and not get any time to play or associate with other puppies. People most definitely should think more towards adoption than buying animals from a pet store.

  55. I think sentencing any animal to a life of breeding is just horrible. Most people don't even know that an animal that constantly has babies suffers a shorter life because of the stress it puts on its body. This is why I think it is so important for people to have their house pets fixed so that we don't have "cat ladies" in our neighboorhood with a new litter born every other week. Meanwhile the older cats are dying because theyve had 10 litters by the time they were three years old.

    -Ashley Morris

  56. I totaly agree with adoption. Personally, I have expierences with both. I have gotten a puppy from a store and he was unruly, but the two dogs I have now, came from a relative, and even though one is def and 130lbs he is the sweetest teady bear. My little 17lb dog has great people skills, but needs to work on her dog skills, even though she gets along fine with my other dog, she can't stand a new dog.

    Melinda Wine

  57. Adoption is a life saver. We never got our animals from a shelter but in my mind they were rescued. Our animals have all been saved in one way or another and I am blessed that we have them. One time we got a cat from a pet store but that was the last time we did that. All of our animals were either found or given to us. Adoption is the way to go and can give the animal a new start.

    Jessica Immediato

  58. It’s a scary yet true fact that millions of animals including; dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes and other little friends are making appearances in mills. The term “puppy mill” was established in Avenson v. Zegart in 1984: "a dog breeding operation in which the health of the dogs is disregarded in order to maintain a low overhead and maximize profits." Shelters, pet stores, and kennels which are often heard differ due to the fact responsible breeders raise the animals with the intent to produce healthy dogs, and to ensure that all animals are provided responsible homes and socialization. The treatment in puppy mills is totally unacceptable. I have and will certainly push adoption over puppy mills.

    In puppy mills, females are sometimes bred to increase profits, resulting in decreasing sizes of litters. As puppies, mill dogs are also often weaned from their mothers way too soon. Puppy mills usually house dogs in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, without adequate veterinary care, food, and water. Puppy mill dogs do not receive any perks like; treats toys, exercise or basic grooming. To minimize waste cleanup, dogs are often kept in cages with wire flooring that injures their paws and legs. It is not unusual for cages to be stacked up in columns. In most investigation cases of puppy mills the dogs are sick and very unhealthy. Puppies bred in the mills often suffer from health and/or social problems. Puppies raised in a cramped environment shared by many other dogs become poorly socialized to other dogs and to humans. Dogs are then transported over long distances in poor conditions, sometimes resulting in animal stress and death. As the surviving mill dogs grow older, they are more prone to developing respiratory ailments and pneumonia, as well as hereditary defects. In addition, mill dogs are more prone to have problems with their temperament. Puppies from mills are usually sold as purebred dogs in an attempt to attract the higher prices associated with purebreds. However, the dog may not actually be a purebred puppy. Hence after I found the horrible information I had to post it to let everyone know of the dangers at puppy mills, thus adoption is a way to ensure animals are well treated.

    Camille Nicole D.

  59. I work in a pet store, and I know that we don't get out puppies from puppy mills. But there are times that I do agree with adoption being the better option. There is so many dogs that don't have homes and get put to sleep because they get too old or they just don't have room for them. If more people would adopt dogs instead of going and buying little puppies, I honestly think that rate of puppy mills would go down. If people stop buying, they have no buisness.. Just think about all the dogs that get put to sleep because no one wants them, just because they're not a tiny little "puppy"


  60. I have gotten my dogs from breeders each time and when we go to them the first time just to look at the puppies we make sure that they have the proper paperwork and we look for the classic signs of a puppy mill. I feel that their should be more strict guidelines when people apply to get their licenses in order to become a breeder. There are good breeders out there that do things the right way you just need to know what to look for and ask them for their paperwork.
    -Ryann Dyer

  61. I can not even imagine how someone could have a puppy mill and put animals through that type of torture. There definitely needs to be an alternative that can give animals the freedom to have good lives and homes. I have lost a few animals in the past and it disturbs me that there are people around that cause that much harm to a living thing.
    ~Nicole Raymond

  62. I am 100% for Adoption. I would not buy a dog or cat from a pet store or breeder because there are millions of aniamls being put to sleep everyday because there is no one to take them, people rather go to a pet store or breeder. I feel that it should be illegal to purposely breed dogs when there are millions of dogs being put to sleep because they do not have a home. People need to spread the word and educate about Adoption so people do not buy there animals from a pet store or breeder. Also the animal will be so happy to get out of the shelter that they will appreciate it and be more loving. I know someone who bought from a pet store and then from a adoption place and will never go back to a pet store, the dog they bought from the adoption place was more lovely and just like the pet store, no need to go to a pet store when you can adopt and save a life. I could not imagine being stuck in a cage all day long and the aniamls should not have to either. We the people can fix this issue by simply Adopting.

    Tiffany Yeich

  63. I agree that adoption is the best choice when getting a dog. There are so many dogs and cats in shelters and pounds that have no homes. I adopted a dog from the pound and he is the best dog I have ever had; he almost seems grateful that I choose him. Puppy mills on the other hand are terrible. They physically abuse dogs and they do not care for their health. Laws need to be created to put pressure on these mills to close down.
    Joseph Tighe

  64. It amazes me what some people will do to make money. I don't think it is right in breeding new dogs when others die everyday because no one wants them or cant afford them and they are just left to die. Puppy mills are no way for any animal to have to live. They don't care at all about the animals health or safety not to mention it can traumatize the puppy's and make them timid or mean and that just gives people another reason to have them put down. I 100% agree with adoption. There are so many loving and un-harmful animals that are being killed because there is no one to take them. Also, why spend hundreds of dollars at a pet store when you could save a life for a much cheaper option?

  65. This is a very educative blog.I now understand what puppy mills mean.Adoption is a good thing and just like any other human adoption agency legal guigelines should be put in place to protect our puppies from selfish people who are out to make money.
    Mercy k

  66. Puppy mills are aweful, as i saw in the film EARTHLINGS, puppy mills mistreat pets. They are put in small wire cages and not fed properly, not played with, not showered or let run. Most petstore bought pets are from puppy mills or places like these and they dont even know it, these pets can grow to have mental and physical problems because of the mistreatment.

  67. I agree that all animals deserve a second chance. They shouldn't be put to sleep just because a human doesn't want them. And the ones putting these loving creatures into tight cages and skinning them are heartless and should be the ones we test on not the harmless animals. They don't deserve the cruelness.
    -Rachel Aronson

  68. I believe there are breeders out there that treat all their animals very well and are not just about the money, but i do believe that adopting is the right way to go. from personally experience, I have only bought one dog from a breeder and it ended badly. My puppy lived for six months in and out of the vet hospital because she had a disease. This disease she had caused her bones to grow fater than her skin and muscles, so she was basically growing out of her skin. Not that I have anything against breeders but people who want to breed have to pay attention to what their doing with blood lines and more. Also from personal experiences all the animals i have are adopted from the local pound or families who could not take care of them. Both my labs who are loving and loyal, my cat who is also loving but wild, my horse whois just wonderful and sweet, and all three of my sugar gliders. I feel that adopted animals show more love, compassion, faithful-ness, and loyalty towards their adopting owners because they are the who know your doing them a favor. People should consider going to their local pound or aspca before going to a breeder.
    Paige M. Johnson

  69. I definitly think people should consider adopting a pet. Of course you can do whatever you please, but at least give it the consideration it deserves. You could save a dogs life. My family adopted one of our dogs when i was a baby. She would watch over me and treat me like her own baby. These pets are no different than any other pet.

  70. I am a proud owner of an adopted dogs, best choice ever made. it felt so good to save her from being abused. and good to have my puppy now . best choice.

  71. My family has always adopted from shelters and I have volunteered with them in the past.

    I feel a need to point this out:

    - Jay

  72. I feel this is a bit exaggerated after reading the previous post. A while ago I've been to one of these mills and I have to agree partially. They do put the animals in the cages and some of the mills treat the animals poorly, not all.

    - Robert H.

  73. I don't agree with this 100%. My family has bought a dog from breeders because we used to show dogs and that was not the case at all. Those dogs were more well taken care of than some people take care of their kids! We have also adopted a dog too. That was a wonderful feeling because we were giving the dog a much better home.

    Rachel Layton

  74. I agree with adopting a pet, but sometimes these animals who are in a shelter have discipline problems;they haven't been nutured right which is sad.

    Jeffery Battle

  75. I do not believe that all puppymills are cruel to this extreme, but it is clear that some are. Instead of getting rid of every puppymill, the law must be enforced that every puppy mill must meet specific requirments. They must clean the animal cages frequently, make sure the animals are fed a nutritious diet, and treat any animal as needed. Puppymills should be checked on frequently to ensure that they are meeting these requirements. That being said, I still encourage adoption. There are so many dogs sitting in the pound who will soon be euthanized, while puppymills are busy making new dogs to sell. Adopting a puppy and saving his life is one of the greatest feelings one can have.

    Emily Murschell

  76. I personally think that this is a rare scenario. Ive adopted dogs personally before from different places and not seen extreme cruelty or lack of affection. Do they exist? Most likely but youd really to me have to look for it. If you think thats what all of these places are like then go save a life is all I can say.


  77. I have two dogs and they both have been rescued in some way. My pitbull/lab mix was rescued from a shelter and my pitbull was found on the side of the road in bad condition and we decided to keep her. Both of my dogs are the sweetest, most loving dogs I have ever met. They are so wonderful and they bring so much joy to our family. They are a part of our family and spoiled for sure! I am all for adoption and rescuing animals. I will never buy a dog from a breeder because adoption makes me feel good and I know I saved a dog who really just needed some love and attention. I think people need to be more informed about the option to adopt an animal.
    -Jessica Scull

  78. I think adopting a pet is worth a lot of consideration. All pets that are behind cages arn't crazy, there just like all other pets but just have had a way tougher life than the typical pet. A pets personality in my belief comes from how the owners treats it so don't treat it wrong and give it a seond shot at life from adopting one.

    Zach McDonough

  79. I dont have any cats or dogs but if I were to get one I would probably get one from the shelter. It only seems right if I was in an adoption home I'd want to be founded by a nice family.

    William White

  80. i think everyone should adopt animal its an amazing experience. Many animals if not adopted by a certian time limit are put down and thats a horrifing thought to how mant aniamls are put down in a year just because a family want a puppy instead of an older dog.

    brianna ottinger

  81. I agree with Brianna adopting is much better than going to a breeder. My girlfriend rescued her dog from being put in an animal shelter. The dog was terrified of everyone at first and had medical problems but she warmed up to everyone quickly. Now whenever I see her she instantly runs to me and sits at my feet. My point is that there are alot of animals like this that need homes and also many homes that are open for them.

    Alec Gruetter

    1. I so agree with adopting! I think animals are like people and it is not right to breed them just to get money. Most shelters are grossly under supported and over populated becuase there are just too many dogs being bred and not enogh being spayed and nuetered.
      Amber Seibert

  82. I think rescuing or adopting a dog is better then buying a puppy from a mill. I just adopted a dog from a Rescue center and she is definitely the most unique dog i've ever seen!

  83. Adopting a dog a nice jester espeically if you preventing it from get killed, becasue they didn't ask to come here so why should they be treated so unfairly and then have the lives taken away because they aren't a particular breed.

    Felicia Simmons

  84. For my next pet i definitely plan on adopting or getting it from a pet store!
    -Angela C

  85. My fiance and I own a dog and he is extremely lovable. He was hit by a car when he was a puppy so he isn't all right in the head but he is still so gentle and amazing with the kids. I am glad we adopted him from a shelter. More people need to do this and save puppies lives.

    -Jonathan Mahoney

  86. Any animal I ever had were always from rescue places, my whole family does that too; I have had my schipperke for 15 years now and with all the love and attention she gets people STILL ask how many months is your puppy, I usually answer around 180 months lol rescue and pund animals are always the best, for your and their life. kiersten westley

  87. For me I don't like to Adopted animals, but I can let anyone else do that. My part is going to be maybe by supporting them Physically and morally.

  88. This can be a positive or negative situation. A positive would be giving this animal a better home and a better life. A negative could be that this animal could be unstable and could act in a violent way from their previous owner. I am all for adopting when and if i feel that animal can be trusted and show a good home to.

  89. I have never adopted a dog from a shelter before. However, I have 5 dogs at the moment, three of them which are puppies. I would try to find them a happy home my self before i where to drop them off at a shelter if it came down to me having to get rid of them. The idea of not knowing what is going to happen to them once they are in the shelter's care is enough for me to not want to leave them there.

  90. both the dogs Ive had were saved from the pound. My first dog was supposed to be put down the day after my family adopted her.

  91. I agree that adoption is the best way to acquire a pet. Both of my dogs are adopted.

  92. I believe that everyone that is looking for a pet should defitnely adopt one from a shelter. Not only are you getting a loving pet but you are saving an animals life. Both of my dogs were adopted from a shelter!

  93. I feel bad for these pets in shelters that have been beaten or whatever. I think that everyone who wants to buy a pet should buy one from a shelter.

  94. I adopted my dog and my cat, and they are both very great pets with awesome personalities. Any animal I get which is available at a shelter, will always come from a shelter.

  95. I have three dogs and they were all adopted. I dont agree with people going out of their way to spend hundreds of dollars on a dog when they can just adopt and save the animals life. -Bob Ferrell

  96. I agree that adoption from a shelter is the best option. I have 2 dogs, both of which came from shelters.
    -Shayne Coleman

  97. I've been to a few puppy mills, and just the atmosphere is terrible. Frightened dogs howling and screaming everywhere, all of them stuck in cages. I always wondered why there wasn't anything better set up, and why they weren't given any love. Puppy mills need to be reformed. -Sara Donnachie

  98. --- I feel as though all people should get there pets from shelters. My boyfriend and I recently adopted two kittens from a shelter near my house. It was so sad seeing all those animals in need of a home. Many of the animals in the shelters get sick too. The faster they get out the quicker they can gain health.

  99. I agree with this concept, in theory. During my adult life, my husband and I have purchased dogs both via the shelter and through a breeder. My experience at the shelter was fantastic, but the dog I adopted was a mess. I spent months trying to train the dog that had obvious emotional problems. I've heard many stories of families rescuing animals from shelters and they all live happily ever after. This was not the case for me. On the other hand, when I purchased a dog via a breeder, it was amazingly different. This dog was easily trained and didn't have the emotional baggage the dog from the shelter had. Maybe it would be beneficial if the shelters offered some support on how to handle a dog with emotional situations.

  100. I love shelter dogs. They're so loveable and they really all just want love back. Sure some dogs may have been beaten and have temper problems now. Some people can handle them some cant. That has to be your own decision. I would rather adopt a dog and give it a real home then buy a dog that already has one.

  101. MY husband has been wanting to buy a dog for a long time. We never really considered or thought about adopting one, but now I think we will! I would love to give a dog a home, rather than buy one that already has one!

  102. Right now we have an english mastiff and he is enough for us to handle,but when we do decide to get another dog it will be from a shelter.

  103. Animal shelters provide such a great service to homeless animals, yet it is a shame that they have to put down so many of the poor cats and dogs because people buy them instead. I once took a stray kitten to a shelter, and it broke my heart to take her there, since I am a cat owner. Just makes me sad to know that so many awesome animals will never have a home, and end up in a shelter or will be put to sleep.
    -Kristen Gehret

  104. Yeah I'd much rather adopt than to buy. Free is better and youre saving an animals life. Win win.

  105. My family has adopted all of our dogs except two. I must say one pro about buying a new dog is that there are no "problems" associated with that dog including neglect and attitude. However, I've loved all my adopted dogs, and will continue to adopt when I have a house.

  106. I think that adopting animals is a much better option than buying from a breeder. My family has had three dogs two adopted, and personally I feel that those two dogs were nicer, and more fun than the pure bred dog. There are so many loving animals waiting and needing to be adopted every day, it is a shame that people spend hundreds to thousands of dollars instead of picking out one that needs a loving home.

  107. i have adopted all the dogs i ever owned and will continue to do soo. these puppy mills breed dogs as if theyre a crop of vegetables. no regards to life at all. please put these places out of by not buying or even visitng these places unless its to protest.



  109. I agree that prople should adopt dogs instead of buying from a breeder. Help save all those lives! it is sick that people do it just for money!

    mary stigliano

  110. I firmly believe that people should adopt dogs so that way a dog that could live for years and years does not get denied his or her existence because it is not a purebred. I think that people need to adopt dogs and keep them happy regardless of if a dog comes off the street or from a breeder he will still be "man's best friend".

    -Eric Brandt
    COM 101

  111. adopting is no doubt the way to go...i whish i had adopted when i had got my dog from a breeder
    steve stopper
    com 101

  112. adopting is what should be done there is no reason an animal should be killed in one shelter and then in a home someone breeed another its just ridiculous to kill an innocent animal instead of adopt one
    nick tucci
    com 101

  113. Animals aren't a product we can manufacture, I don't know when they became one.

  114. I love dogs but I want a new puppy so I can train it to be they way I live. I dont like the dogs in the shelters some of them have been abused and I dont want any dog turning on me because of their previous owner.

  115. I like the adopting idea, but then again i agree with Michelle. If you want to train your dog from the beggining then you'll have to get a puppy, but say your an elder that just wants some company than i'd suggest to adopt. I love dogs and I'd hate to see them die in shelters.
    Shelby Ahl

  116. Adopting is the great idea. If people love dogs they could get them from shelters. People could also save money. Dogs should not be locked in those cages.

  117. Adopting is the great idea. If people love dogs they could get them from shelters. People could also save money. Dogs should not be locked in those cages.

  118. Lisa Velez

    Personally, I would adopt a pet from a shelter. I think some people are skeptical! They are afraid if they adopt a pet, It has been abused.

    1. Yes, I think that some people are afraid to adopt a pet that has been abused. Some people may feel that the adopted animal may end up attacking them. People need to be more educated about the animals by the shelters.

  119. Lisa Velez

    Adoption is a good option. As long as you have the pet checked by vet.

  120. That's exactly same with what I think. On one of the streets in Korea every Saturday people do a campaign to adopt the dogs which will be euthanized. Although now abandoned, perhaps they might have brown to be love in the past. When big enough to live alone I want to adopt a lot of animals.

  121. I do not agree with what puppy mills do, and I do support adopting an animal from a shelter. But what would happen to all of the puppies that are born from puppy mills and sold in pet stores when noone buys them? It is not their fault how they were born. I have two dogs bought from a pet store. My one dog practically died after being home for 2 weeks. If I hadn't of bought him and taken him to the hospital he wouldn't be here today 7 years young and brings such joy to our house every single day.

    Cynthia C.

  122. I do not think puppy mills are good and it is very sad to actually see that happen to so many dogs. I think adopting is great, but when it comes to certain breeds people like pure-bred. I have a purebread American Bulldog. I am happy I got him from a good breeder. I got what I paid for, which is a fun, loving, outgoing, good temper and great body. I am not saying that dogs from the shelter dont have those things, but there is a lot more problems that can also come from not knowing a dogs back ground. I know this is about puppy mills, which I do not support, but good breeder I do not have a problem buying from.

    Melissa F.

  123. I do not agree with the idea of puppy mills and the way that animals are treated in them. However, I do support adopting dogs and purchasing them from pet stores. I think that it shouldn't matter whether the puppy is in a pet store or not. They all have the opportunity to be saved and have a home. It's wrong how mistreated and malnourished these animals in puppy mills and certain places are.
    Joshua G.

  124. Puppy mills are disgusting. Some of the animals are products of incest. I don't see the harm in adopting an animal from either a pet store or the pound. I actually have two dogs that I adopted from the shelter and they're the best dogs in the world. I wouldn't have a problem buying from a breeder, as long as I knew the bloodline of the parents.

    Jessica Z.

  125. I think that buying from a rescue shelter is so much better than buying from a breeder or puppymill because those people do not care about the health of the puppy.

    Benecio Lopez

  126. I think that buying from a rescue shelter is so much better than buying from a breeder or puppymill because those people do not care about the health of the puppy.

    Benecio Lopez

    1. I agree! If people would stop buying from the breeders then they would go out of business. I think rescue shelters need to do a better job at advertising the fact that they have animals available.

  127. Puppy mills are disgusting. My boyfriend’s mother actually helps run the Joplin Missouri animal shelter, and I have learned a lot from her. I never really knew anything about this topic, until I read up about her rescue. It sickens me that people over breed dogs, just for them to end up in over-crowed animal shelters. Only the lucky ones make it to the no-kill shelters. These puppy-mills treat animals inhumanely, just to make money. People like this, in my opinion, need to be treated the same way they treat the puppies they breed.

    Bethany S.

  128. Creating more dogs does not make any sense! Why not just adopt a dog from a no kill shelter. Actually, I was reading the local news paper just the other day and there is an advertisement for a 9 month old puppy that was thrown from a vehicle. How sad is it that someone would throw a dog from a vehicle, I hope he finds a good home.

    visit for details

  129. I did a report on this in high school, and it really opened my eyes. I tell everyone to adopt rather than a store or a mill. Shelters are the way to go! They need loving homes and freedom. Looking through the newspaper is a good way to find adoptive dogs as well.

  130. I hate euthanization. It kills me inside when I hear about all these poor animals being killed because there is no room for them. If I could, I would just adpot them all. And I agree that breeders are greedy. The main reason most people breed their dogs is so they can get money for the puppies. Which is wrong on so many levels. People aren't born just so somebody can sell us for money. More action should be taken to stop all of this.
    Christina M.

  131. That is alot of dogs and cats being put to sleep. Wow! 3 to 4 million a year. These animals need love and they didnt ask to be here so why hurt them? It just doesnt make any sense to keep breeding animals when so many are ready for adotion.

    Misty F.

  132. I rescued my dog from Delaware spca... it was worth every bit of my money....3 to 4 million a year animals are getting out to sleep... I rather adopt then buy it from a personal ownwer... There are several animals that need to be adopted by a good owner that will take care of them and save their life... I love my dog so much , and I know I made the right choice by adopting her....rose golda

  133. I do believe in adoption, but I think the process is way to stringent to be able to adopt. I tried to adopt from a shelter but was not allowed because I did not own my home. I ended up buying a puppy from a lady in the newspaper. She was not a breeder, her dog had a "trist" with the neighbors dog. LOL! I love my baby and I do think it was sad I was turned away because of the fact I don't own a home.

  134. I do believe in adopting pets to save them from being put down.I did get my dog from a breeder, but she was a christmas present. When I get my own dog I will most likely adopt.
    Amanda S.

  135. I much rather adopt an animal and save them then to buy from a breeder. People need to stop breeding and start looking into adaptions because animals should not have to go through what they go through in animal shelters. It melts my heart and when I am ready for an animal I am going to an animal shelter and saving an animals life!

  136. Puppy mills are just horrible at taking care ofthe dogs nd giving them the love they need, i would never support them. I work at a shelter and i have t say that the animals there are just so nice and they all want good homes. Knowing that the older and sick ones get put down breaks my heart, thats why i always tell people to adopt rather than buy and animal. In either case make sure you are ready for he responsibilities, i have see to many animals return to the shelter.
    Melissa Lawlor

  137. I understand that puppy mills are bad, but it is very hard to adopt certain breeds of dogs. And the price breeders charge is crazy. I did consider adopting from a puppy mill once before because i thought its better than these dogs never being given a chance.

  138. I agree with adoption over spending tons of money for a pedigree any day. Unless your in the business of showing dogs professionally than why the heck do you need to spend thousands on a pet. I have always adopted my animals from shelters. They are beautiful, loving, healthy and loyal.

  139. I cannot stand seeing all the poor animals at the animal shelter. I wish I could own them all.

    1. Especially the abused ones. I dont know why people do this to them. They have feelings,too. I would never want to go through what some of them do.

  140. I cant go to any animal shelter, it makes me so sad the animals in cages. I want to just take them all some where were they can all be loved.
    Samantha G-SCC

  141. I agree that it is very good to adopt animals instead of buy them "new". I personally have tried to save my animals when I can when getting new pets. All of our cats are rescued and two of our dogs are rescued as well. We have always tried to help the animals that cannot help themselves because it is important to make sure that they have homes before we create more animals.

  142. adoption is the best way to save this animals. i don't see the reason behind breeding more dogs when there are thousands of them available in shelters. i don't have any thing against dogs but i'm am very scared of them. i would adopt one if i wasn't so scared. i just want to encourage other people that love dogs to adopt and not buy the breaded ones

  143. I think it all comes down to selfishness. People want the puppy experience and not enough people think this way about just adopting a life in stead of making a new one when there's plenty of other dogs to be cared for.

  144. I have two rescued Pit-bulls who I consider my kids. I rescued them both when they were just puppies from the shelter. I can't even walk into a shelter because it breaks my heart how many animals are in there waiting for a forever home. They both are sweet and will lick anyone to death. Very lovable animals. I am SO glad I opened my home to them as they have taught ME so much.

  145. Interestingly enough, I plan on visiting the local humane society very soon to adopt a kitten (or cat). I've been dying for one for awhile, and want to rescue one from life in a shelter. Cats are subject to similar situations like puppy mills.
    Emily Gardiner

  146. I recently went to our local humane society and looked at dogs to adopt. I fell in love with a pitbull named eve. Im so glad the conditions there were decent. More people should adopt animals. There's millions of homeless waiting for a good home.

  147. Every time I get another animal i make sure to adopt. These animals need to be loved because most of them surely did not have any of that in their lives prior to my ownership. I treat this animals with respect because that is what they deserve. I would not want to be homeless, I do not wish that upon anything else.
    Elizabeth W.

  148. I feel like a animal needs attention, love and care just like a human. There are alot of dogs that need to be taken care of. I think everyone should adopt a pet if the pet needs a home.

  149. My family bought my first dog from a puppy mill. But the breeder never told us that one of her parents had epilepsy and had passed it on to her. Don't get me wrong she was a great dog and I loved her very much. But it was always very stressful having her as a pet because we never knew when she could have a seizure. A few times she actually had them was when she was swimming and we had to jump in the water so she didn't drown. I'm just very thankful that my family picked her because I know that no other family could have cared for her the way that we did. Just goes to show that you can't trust these kinds of breeders.

  150. I also cannot level with the fact of creating new as the old and homeless are being killed. Adoption is a great way of showing a dog companionship and love throughout the rest of its life. My family has adopted many animals from the ASPCA and Humane Societies and find that each and everyone of them showed us exactly what we showed them: love, happiness, and affection. I would highly recommend others to adopt. It is a feeling like no other.

  151. Pets are adopted and purchased based on family need, so while it is thoughtful and caring to adopt a dog that comes from a puppy mill, I do not agree that you should HAVE to adopt from a shelter. I believe that there are times when these pets that are available in the nearest shelters do not meet the needs of the family looking to adopt, and when children are the driving force behind why a family adopts, the dog being child friendly as well as the amount of care it requires will factor into the decision. I know for my family, we made a point of only adopting dogs that had short hair, so that we did not have shedding or much in grooming costs, and we wanted dogs that were more or less considered quiet. There are no always dogs available in shelters that meet those requirements and to meet this preference there are times when we purchased the pet we wanted.

  152. I think that adoption is a great choice for families to go with. The animals were lost, abandoned, or abused. It would be a great thought to adopt a pet knowing that your giving it a better life.
    -J. Keen

  153. I feel that all animals should have a good home, and where you get the animal from doesn't really matter.

  154. I've never even heard of this and it's even more sickening to know this because my first dog was from a pet store. I hope she wasn't from a puppy mill. I hope that her mom and dad weren't a pair of those dogs who had to breed until they died. Just thinking where my own dog could have come from and what she had been through makes me think a little. If this is true then I'm even more greatful to have had my dog so she had a better life with us.

  155. When my boyfriend and I moved into our first house together, we talked about getting a dog right away. We both had been raised with both dogs and cats and we wanted to get a silver Labrador. this breed is very rare so we started to research where we could adopt one. What I discovered was very alarming and many people warned us to avoid certain places that were puppy mill products. After the initial shock from the research, we looked at adopting from a humane society and I'm happy to say that we have a beautiful Australian Cattle Dog and he is everything we ever wanted in a protector for me and hunting buddy for my boyfriend. There needs to be more strict policing and shutting down of these puppy mills, they serve no useful purpose.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I love animals. I grew up in a household where pets just were not allowed and when I moved into my own apartment i immediately adopted my first pet, a cat that was the most wonderful friend I could imagine. Now 25 years and a lot more of adopted pets later, I feel tremendous gratitude for all the love they have given to me and my family. The best friends ever can be found at an animal shelter or rescue group. I agree we need to shut down the puppy mills, all they do is make money for unscrupulous people.

  156. I do not like puppy mills or breeders at all. My family rescued a boxer because she was the runt of the litter, they cut her tail too short and she was deaf. The breeder was going to have her put down, so my mom adopted her. We had to put her down because her kidneys had failed and we didn't want her suffering. She was the best for being a deaf dog, she spotted more than most dogs do who have all senses. Another dog was the runt of his litter. He is a mut and the offspring of a dog that was breeded too many times. This dog was going to be put down because he does not like men, because he was beat as a puppy. We rescued him because we felt our home was more suitable for him. My family rescued a half blind cat who again was going to be put down. She died over a year ago and she was a very loving cat and you'd never know she was blind. The problem with people is they want the "perfect" dog or cat so they buy from expensive breeders. Most of our animals were free because we adopted for rescued them. All animals have the potential to be the perfect pet, but most never get the chance. People who want a perfect pet will pass up having a free dog that has hearing problems to buy a $800 dog that from the visible eye has nothing wrong with it. I would've put my boxer that was deaf in a contest of the better dog against any other dog. We gave these animals a chance to live and they sure lived or are living a great life!

  157. Part of me feels that the "pet" culture itself is part of the problem. There is such an over population of stray dogs and cats in society, that many end up dying in shelters or being sold from the shelters to laboratories or research facilities. Would these animals be dying if we did not approve on such wide level of pet ownership in general? Is there even enough demand in the pet community support all the animals being sent to these shelters even if people only adopted?

  158. Puppy mills break my heart. I cannot believe they still exist. I agree mutts need love too. We adopted a mutt from Georgia. His name is Mr. Spock because he has giant pointed ears. That's another thing about mutts: they always come out adorable. You never know what to expect with a mutt.

  159. Puppy mills break my heart. I cannot believe they still exist. I agree mutts need love too. We adopted a mutt from Georgia. His name is Mr. Spock because he has giant pointed ears. That's another thing about mutts: they always come out adorable. You never know what to expect with a mutt.

  160. Puppy mills are very disturbing. Not all of those dogs can be taken care of properly and I have heard of many diseases and problems that do occur because of the repetitive birthing that the females have to endure. I myself have adopted my puppy from an organization that saves puppies from high kill shelters. People think you cannot get the dog of your choice from adoption, and that is not true. I got the exact puppy type I wanted and I saved her life from what could have been a terrible fate.

  161. I believe in breeding dogs. If I ever purchased an animal I would want a pure bread puppy.

  162. I am outraged that people actually run puppy mills and people buy dogs from them. It's disgusting. Dogs shouldn't be treated or bred in this manner and should have a better up-bringing. No animal deserves this treatment. Poor care, poor treatment and sick poor puppies. Adoption should be utilized more to put the puppy mills out of business and close them down permanently!

  163. I believe there are good breeders out here and the bad ones make them all get frowned upon. I think people should adopt pets first just to avoid them being killed after being in a shelter for too long. There should be a law against breeding too many pets until a certain amount are sold.

  164. I couldnt agree more with this post. I feel as if adopting a pet is MUCH more satisfying then buying one from a pet store or breeder. Knowing you helped that animal, and gave it a home, love and affection is a great feeling. Personally, my family and I have always adopted our pets instead of buying, it is much more rewarding in my opinion.

  165. One of the saddest things I can think of is the poor animals in the shelters that have to be put down because no one gives them a home. These animals aren't even given a chance to fight for their lives. Meanwhile there are people out there 'making' their own breed of dogs. It seems so cruel to do that, knowing how many dogs are in shelters right now just seconds away from being sent to their deaths. I wish that people looking to get a new animal would at least just visit a shelter and see if they were interested in any animals there before buying them from puppy mills or pet stores.
    Cory Mullica SCC

  166. Adoption is a good idea. But buying these pets too. If these pets aren't bought, then where do they end up? In a shelter or a puppy mill. Adoption if animals reminds me of adoption with people. Its kinda like why adopt children from other countries when we have children in American that need help also. Everyone or every animal need help. but the question is where to start first?

  167. I am somewhat torn on this issue. As I agree puppy mills are a cruel way of life for dogs just so people can make a buck, but what about that puppy that goes to a loving home? I just got a puppy off of craigslist and I'm sure people would be upset with that, but it was from a supposedly normal home who's pet just happened to have a liter. I suppose if people stopped adopting from so called puppy mills then eventually they would be shut down, which would be a good thing. I think more people just need to visit shelters and they would see for themselves what a great option it is for both pet and owner.

  168. I am somewhat torn on this issue. As I agree puppy mills are a cruel way of life for dogs just so people can make a buck, but what about that puppy that goes to a loving home? I just got a puppy off of craigslist and I'm sure people would be upset with that, but it was from a supposedly normal home whose pet just happened to have a liter. I suppose if people stopped adopting from so called puppy mills then eventually they would be shut down, which would be a good thing. I think more people just need to visit shelters and they would see for themselves what a great option it is for both pet and owner.

  169. Growing up, my family has had very many types of pets. We are great cat lovers and got our cats from all sorts of places. We took in 3 stray cats that were on our property when we moved in. Then we got a Persian cat from a breeder, and a Himalayan/Main Coon from a family that was selling it. We next adopted 2 tabby kittens from the shelter and adopted another stray. We have loved all of our cats dearly, and the ones that came from breeders were all humane breeders who kept the parent cats as pets and sold the kittens. I myself adopted a kitten from a friend's litter and I couldn't ask for a better cat. My dog that we had for 15 years came from a store, and we got her because she is a golden retriever which are known for being family friendly dogs. My boyfriend is starting to breed beagles, because they are good for hunting dogs (he keeps the parents as pets). The way I see it, you can have an amazing animal from breeders, stores, or shelters; all of them need homes and love. It all depends on what you want and there's nothing wrong with wanting a certain breed of animal, just as there is nothing wrong with going to a shelter and picking out an animal.

  170. I got my dog from the pet store and I can tell you the first time I went in there I just looked at all the puppies. Then the second time I went into the pet store we had noticed that all the other siblings were gone except for one and it had been over a month we went in to the store. My son then talked me into buying him since he was still left there. I can say that the pet store does not tell you everything when you buy the puppies, I took our dog to the vet and the vet said to me "this is the one with the hernia right?" The pet store never told me the dog had a hernia and that was the reason why he was neutered. Thank goodness our dog has not had any other issues. Our next dog we took in from my son's friend that could no longer care for the dog and was going to take it to the shelter. I'm just glad that the two dog's get along so well and if we separate them, they are also looking for each other and will whine until they are together again.

  171. I have never bought a dog from a pet store , we got ours from a lady that had puppies. Though we did get my cats from the pet store and i was to young to remember if anything was wrong with them. But i have heard about puppy mills and how horrible the animals are treated in pet stores. When i get my own place i would love to adopt an animals and save their life.

  172. I personally do no have any pets, and I don't think I want one at this time. I know that I will not dedicate the time and effort that it will need. But, when my son gets older and he decides that he wants a pet I would be glad to adopt one from the shelter.

  173. It is not even a question to me as to whether I will buy a dog for hundreds of dollars or simply adopt one from a shelter. I never understood why people make such a big deal out of purebred dogs and other dogs that come from breeders. It is so easy to find a dog at a shelter and give it a new home. I do understand the hesitancy from not knowing the way that the dog was treated before entering your house, however, with enough love, any dog can be a family pet!
    -Caitlyn Perry

  174. I understand that there is more importance in adopting animals but I do not criticize people who buy their pets. Animals of all kinds deserve a home no matter what. Whose to say after the tedious process of adopting, because it can be very difficult at times, my rescue will develop severe sickness due to inbreeding? It would be extremely unfortunate for myself, and everyone else concerned with the new adoption. Today's society makes doing the right thing a lot harder than it should be.

    Pam F SCC

  175. I got my dog from a shelter, and never bouaght one from a pet store. I think it's better to adopt. I hear the mills are horrible and treat the dogs bad. I like saving dogs and giving them a good place to live!

  176. I believe that it is very wrong to cage an animal. If you have an animal, it should be able to roam free, the way you and I do. Caging an animal is a form of torture, they have legs so they can move around.

  177. I adopted one of my cats from a shelter and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Too many people get caught up in the lifestyle where they absolutely need a pure-bred animal. There are too many animals already without homes that are capable of being amazing pets. I hope more people think twice before purchasing a pet from a breeder.
    D. Gearhart

  178. I am a huge advocate for adoption and rescuing animals! Personally I'd rather give an animal another chance at life rather than give money to someone who over breeeds their animals for their own good.

    Courtney R

  179. I am hugely in support of rescuing over buying a bred animal. Not only does rescuing mean one less dog will have to die, it means less are needed to be bred. Even more so than the terrible things listed above, bred dogs are often inbred which means even after the terrible conditions they are born into, they are more prone to disabilities and disease and early death than mutts. In many cases pure bred dogs are also more aggressive and less responsive to training.

  180. I completely agree. People who run puppy mills are disgusting. People who are obsessed with having "papered" animals are buying a pet for the wrong reason in the first place. Pets are to be loved and enjoyed, not used as a social status or trophy when company comes over and ignored other times. This is why you CAN find pure bred animals at the shelter. I am PRO shelter animals all the way.

  181. I do understand the urgency of adopting a dog verses buying one.. but isn't the real issue putting an end to kill shelters? Or putting an end to puppy mills? What is the issue of buying a whole bread dog? Every animal needs love, there is no difference between a mutt and a pure bread. Creating a loving home for every animal and ending kill shelters should be the real issue, not putting down people for buying certain animals.

  182. I would like a dog so much, but I'm not allowed too. Things like this makes me very upset to hear that animals are killed everyday for not having homes when you have a person like me that would do anything to have a dog.
    -Jamae P

  183. Why isn't there better regulation for breeders. Shouldn't there be a limit to how many puppies you can produce a year. How horrible of a life for those dogs to be constantly pregnant in a cage and or nursing. If there were better regulations and awareness on puppy mills more people would adopt.

  184. Ingrid S
    I agree that adoption is best, but I rather have a small puppy that I can raise as a baby. I don't see anything wrong with wanting a new puppy or people breeding dogs. I know how many unwanted animals there are in shelters today, and it's sad. But at the same time, how many unwanted children are there sitting in foster homes, and orphanages? I would consider adopting a child one day, and maybe a puppy.

  185. I believe in breeding dogs. If I ever purchased an animal I would want a pure bread puppy.

    Lakia A

    1. bred* im sure you wouldnt want your animal to be made out of bread. there are plenty of pure bred puppies at shelters too, im sure. and rather than buying from a pet store, you could search for single-time breeders. there are hundreds out there; thats where my family got our pure lab.

  186. The first thing is you dont have to pay for a dog or cat, and the second thing is that dog or cat can get a home again.

  187. Although I see no harm in breeding a pure bred dog to keep the lineage running, I also think that puppy mills are wrong. In my opinion, puppy mills are the equivalent to factory farms in that they are dirty, the animals are constantly caged, and do not get the proper nutrition or medical attention they need. Pet stores need to stop buying from puppy mills, because they're only feeding the fire. I recently bought a pure bred Saint Bernard, and my boyfriend and I are planning on breeding him for multiple reasons. If I saw a single reason not to breed him, I wouldn't. We want another Saint Bernard puppy and would want it to have the same traits as the one we have now. We discussed it, and we would sell the puppies to only responsible buyers that we personally know. I have volunteered at shelters and I think that people should breed less and adopt more.
    Kendra B.

  188. Adoption is the way to go!!! I see a few post on here saying they want puppies, not grown dogs. Well I hate to be the barrier of bad news....YOU CAN EVEN ADOPT A PUPPY!!!! How about that?? I personally have a dog that we adopted at 12 weeks old! My sister also adopted her dog who was only a year old! Adoption is so much better, there are to many dogs and not enough homes. So before you go out and just buy a dog, Defiantly look into adoption! From my experience, dogs that are adopted seem to be more friendly and loving!

    Chris K

  189. Rebecca S.
    I totally agree with you in the fact that that people are breeding more pets, when there are pets already existing in prison like cages. Why is that? Why can't we help give homes to the animals that were left behind and forgotten.

  190. I agree that puppy mills are unnecessary and cruel. Also my family has always adopted its pets rather than purchase from a breeder. Due to the number of dogs currently in circulation I think that the issues of puppy mills will only get worse. Personally speaking I think that some dog breeding is necessary however the type that is used in puppy mills is cruel and lead to inbreeding.

  191. I am totally against puppy mills it is cruel and unjust punishment just for some to make a dime. My daughters boyfriend bought her a dog from a pet shop she was a beautiful yellow lab this was against my better judgement but I fell in love with her and we kept her. She had all kinds of medical problems beginning at six weeks when the vet tried to convince me to take her back to the pet shop. I couldn't do it we were alway attached. She continued to be sick off and on but at the age of four she started to choke a lot so I took her to the vets thinking she ate something that was lodged in her throat but little did I know she wouldn't be coming home ever again. They did an x-ray and found that she had a tumor wrapped around her esophagus and needed surgery. After the surgery was performed the told me they couldn't get the tumor and I needed to make a decision of course I didn't want her to suffer so we put her down. I would have paid more than the $1,800 for they surgery if she could live but she needed a miracle. I ask the vet how she could have possibly gotten this rare tumor and he said it was because she was an inbred and because she was from a puppy mill that only cares about money. We must put a stop to these puppy mills.

    Thomasine J.

  192. 4. When purchasing animals from breeders you are giving an animal a home, but at the same time you are also encouraging that breeder to keep producing litters of those puppies or kittens. There are many other animals that are in need of a good home that are wasting away in shelters. Plenty of people are willing to adopt a purebred akc registered lab puppy, but what we really need in the world is more people willing to give an older dog or cat a loving environment to spend their last years.
    -Sarah Dickinson
