Friday, January 27, 2012

The Fur Industry
"A fox being electrocuted for its fur."

Watch the clip below to see what happens 
to dogs and cats in China.  Unreal!!

Could you imagine this being your dog??  Many of these dogs are peoples' pets, and they're stolen and killed for their fur.
Don't buy fur or items with fur trim, like coats, collars, pocketbooks, and boots.  Most likely if the fur is real, you'll know it by the price, and many times the items are mislabeled saying the fur is jackal or something else, but in reality it's dog or cat.  You really don't know what you're getting!!

Sign the petitions below to help end fur farms and trapping; If you can't click on the link, just copy & paste it into the address bar:



  1. I just have to start this one off by asking, "What kind of people can do this??" Really! Like who in their right mind thinks it's OK to cram all those dogs in one crate then do the unimaginable to them? Monsters, that's who; no other explanation. And who can do that to a fox? Unreal! There's video in "Earthlings" of that happening to a beautiful white fox. It was horrible :((

  2. This preposterous ! They showed something like this in high school, and this breaks my heart all over again, like I'm seeing this for the first time. I can not even begin to imagine someone ever doing something like this to my dog. I do not , and will not ever support the manufacturing of animal fur. I refuse to take part in this abuse. No animals life is worth this horrible "fashion statement" .

    -Bria Kinder

  3. This preposterous ! They showed something like this in high school, and this breaks my heart all over again, like I'm seeing this for the first time. I can not even begin to imagine someone ever doing something like this to my dog. I do not , and will not ever support the manufacturing of animal fur. I refuse to take part in this abuse. No animals life is worth this horrible "fashion statement" .

    -Bria Kinder

  4. I was shocked by how incredibly disgusting and abusive the fur industry is. It is almost as if they do not think they animals can feel pain. Next time I see someone that is bragging about fur clothing I think i mite just smack them, that is how disgusted i feel about this industry.

    Francis Yangello

  5. Its crazy what animals have to go through for people to be warm and show off what they have on

    -Nicole Knight

    1. I think people do it more for fashion than for warmth. It is a shame.

      Octavia Adams

  6. I think i would have to agree with Francis. The industry doesnt seem to think its nothing wrong with using animals for clothing but they are killing these animals for money. A dog is a mans bestfriend so why would you kill your own bestfriend?

    -Dominick Perry

  7. I can not even get the courage to watch that video with the dogs shoved in a tiny crate! That is absolutely ridiculous and there is no need for that at all. People are cruel and I don't understand what goes through their heads as they are doing this to living things.!

    1. I think it is terrible to see all those dogs shoved into a tiny crate. I hate to even see one dog in a cage, it just seems wrong for them to be locked up like that!

      Gerri Teat

    2. I couldnt watch that either. I have seven dogs and love them to death and if I was to witness what they do to them I would be mortified. I nearly cried when my mom was telling me how they eat dogs too! oh my goodness I just cant imagine... -Marissa Kohrherr

  8. I'm all for having fur, but this takes the trade and skill to an all new low. The native americans killed buffalo and other animals for clothing, tents, and other materials needed for survival. After watching the video, My level of disgust hit the roof. Then again it is china and they have no morals. signing the petition isn't going to help either. The only way to stop these kinda people is to put a hole in em'.After you plug a few, the others might straighten up. - Shane Stranahan

    1. I agree with you, there is a right and a wrong way to go about things. They need to be electrocuted themselves to see how they like it. I understand this could be looked at as unethical but what makes it ethical that they can do it to them.
      -Marissa Kohrherr

  9. The video clip above was unbelievably sad and plain cruel. I didn't want to even finish watching the rest because it was making me sick to my stomach. It truley is amazing how these different companies around the world including China can get away with this because it is just wrong. All I could picture was my little dog crammed in one of those cages with ten other dogs. I wish their was a way someone could stop all of this!

    Kirsten Rebyak

    1. I dont know how you brought yourself to watching that. Im eating dinner while doing this and I couldnt. I wish we could stop them myself! -Marissa Kohrherr

  10. WOW... Unbelievable. I can't afford fur anyway, but this is so awful. I don't have and never had any type of animal, but I am devistated how these dogs are treated. I couldn't even watch the entire flick. I had to stop it. The world today is so confusing. Wanting to wear nice and expensive things cause living animals to suffer. What a world.


  11. The companiees that want to make moeny buy selling fur clothes should be taking pictures of the patterns on an animal and coping the pattern with fake fur. Not trying to be Cruela Devil.

    Melinda Wine

    1. Thats a good idea! There is nothing wrong with faux fur. Its just as good and unharmful! -Marissa Kohrherr

  12. I understand that forgein lands have different rules then we Americans do. Especially, when it comes to cats and dogs, but there is no need to cram too many in one crate. I feel as if the life of an animal is for food then it is alright when it is done properly. But why not take everything into consideration, for example the muscle is obviously for the meat, but why not find other uses for the rest of the animals.

    Melinda Wine

  13. The images shown were graphic; I can only image what the videos entailed. I feel as though animals killed for such selfish reasons are not right. I don’t own much fur, (besides UGGS) due to the fact I don’t want to be considered as an animal killer. I have a conscience and would feel absolutely terrible. Animals have rights and should be treated with respect. Animals were created first and then people as stated in the Bible. Since animals can’t communicate intelligently with people, people feel as though it’s ok. I do however understand people need to make a living and need food and clothes but it’s unacceptable to kill animals in an unpleasant way. The fur industry should not be as popular as it is. People that kill animals should look into other means like faux furs. Preserving a life is a beautiful thing. Animals usually don’t harm us thus we should do the same.

    Camille Nicole D.

  14. Wow, torturing these innocent animals to make some money is absolutely ridiculous. We should stop buying and wearing fur products because it is true, we can not know exactly where the fur came from and how it was obtained. The more people refuse to buy fur, the less animals will be tortured for their fur.

    Emily Murschell

    1. I agree, if we stop buying the fur the people who are selling it will realize how people feel about this and hopefully stop. If we all stop buying it, then there should be no reason for them to do this to animals for fur. -Marissa Kohrherr

  15. In my opinion, I don't understand how people can get away with these actions. It's inhumane to shove multiple dogs into cages and to electrocute a fox just for its fur. Animals are god's creation too. I don't think God would approve of any of this.

    Rachel Aronson

    1. Your right animals are God's creation and He would not approve of them being mistreated. This makes me look, at the fact, that we kill animals for food, is that right?

      Gerri Teat

    2. Rachel is correct about animals being God's creation, but God also provided animals for us to eat as well, but not torture.

      Priscilla Mosby

  16. Shane, signing pettions can help. That's how some laws get started, and what they need over there is stricter animal cruelty laws (we actually do too). China is coming along slowly, finally starting to treat animals better than they have in the past. They actually just banned all animal circuses. It's a start, I guess.
    And karma's a bitch!

  17. Commented on this before but of course got to thinking about all the talk about animals. What about starving children all over the world. I really need to see a blog about that... about to look now...


  18. Just tried to find something about the comment I made a few minutes ago... I cant find a thing. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places. Can someone tell me where the blogs are about human beings starving???


  19. The fact that we consider fur expensive and for the rich is annoying to me. I cant imagine what these animals have to go through just to make people look good and pretty oops! it hurts to imagine.

  20. I can't exactly bring myself to watch the videos because the pictures are enough to understand what happened to these animals.. I don't understand why the animals need to be tormented? What do people get out of doing this? If you'e going to kill animals for their fur, why can't you do it in a humane way?


    1. I completely agree with you that if they are going to be killed for their fur they don't need to suffer they should be handled with care. Also I don't think we really need fur anymore because we have many fabrics that we can use; fur is mainly used now as a fashion statement and not for function like the cavemen used if for.
      -Ryann Dyer

    2. Why does the fur have to be real? there is so many different things that are out now that makes "fake fur" look real. why do we need to continue to kill animals for the fashion statement? because all it says is that you killed an innocent animal, it doesn't make anyone look cool because you spent a ton of money for someone to basically torture an animal for your being...


    3. I dont think there is any humane way to kill an animal. I dont understand why people just cant settle for faux fur. -Marissa Kohrherr

  21. The pictures shown are very graphic and show just what happens for a person to wear the furs that they do. There are humane ways of going about things but these people are just cruel and crazy. There is no reason for animals to get treated the way they do, especially the things that are shown in this blog

  22. I will never be able to look at a fur jacket the same ever again. I could never imagine that dogs and cats are being used to make fur products that we wear. It is a shame how these innocent animals are tortured and slaughtered for humans benefit. I have no clue how these people sleep at night knowing that they steal peoples pets for a profit.I will never buy anything fur again!

    Joseph Tighe

    1. I completely agree with you. The only place we should see fur is on the animals not in clothing. People dont understand that these animals could be there pets.
      Melissa Lawlor

    2. I am not even sure these people have animals, they probably killed them for their fur too! -Marissa Kohrherr

  23. I already know that I cannot watch the video clip that was provided for this post. The idea of the torturing of any animal bothers me enough, but the torturing of animals known as house pets hurts me even more. No animal should be tortured for any reason. Unfortunately this country, and the world for that matter has its dirty secrets. Ive heard absolutely unbelievable and devistating stories of horrible things that happen to humans in this country, let alone animals. Unfortunately mankind will always have its evil side. It should be everyone else's goal to try and bring light to bad situations and try to see the good in things despite the fact that we know of horrible things. If we can't stop these horrible things, we should at least try our best to see the good in this world, because there really is some out there.

    -Ashley Morris

  24. This is ridiculous. I will never buy anything with fur again. There is no reason to kill and skin animals for fur, there are plenty of other ways to make shoes, coats, purses ect. People buy things more for the look the "fashion" of the item. I bet people would feel differently after reading and watching videos on how they skin and kill the animals. They would think the look was not as pretty but sick and cruel. It should not be legal to wear fur when there is so many other things you can wear that wont hurt and kill animals. And since it is legal why do they do it in such an humane way. The people don't care that the animals are hurting and thats not right. Animals need to be treated like people not like trash.

    Tiffany Yeich

  25. I do not wear Fur nor have i ever because i don't understand why someone would want something on them that looks so itchy. People don't think what happens to an animal for their fur and sadly some don't care. Fur makes people feel established due to the price of it, but to people who know how Fur is gathered, these people look like monsters. They help to contribute to the torture of animals, for status or to look good. Animals are delicate creatures and should be treated like it. If someone wants a Jacket they should be like everyone else and wear one made out of cotton or other material, that does't harm Animals.
    ~Stacie Hill

    1. I wouldnt be able to stand the thought of me having a little chinchila on my head just for a hat. Go buy some yarn and knit a hat! -Marissa Kohrherr

  26. It's not at all right or ethical to skin animals for fur. The 'rich' buy animal fur for the status but do not think nor care about the torture they go through. No matter what social status your in, rich or poor, you do not NEED animal fur to survive when there are plenty of other options of clothing to chose from that does not involve the torturing of animals. They are living creatures just like humans and should be treated with the same respect especially when there is not real need for their harm.

  27. Just Crazy! I just cant understand how someone can treat a poor defenseless animal like this. Its unbelieveable, i wish i could meet these people in person id punch each one in the face. I cant even hit a dog when they've been bad, theres no way i could do anything close to this. Id kill myself before i ever thought about doing anything close to this. So people go to jail for killing and abusing other people, but this is ok? Riiiiight makes perfect sense?!?!?!

    1. I think all of us want to punch whomever right in their face. Although I dont want one hit, I'd like to have multiple. Lol. -Marissa Kohrherr

  28. I had no idea that animals were being treated so cruely, I must admit I never put much thought into animals and how they were treated! But I think its terrible the way that these animals are bein treated.

    Gerri Teat

  29. I just don't understand why animals should be treated to bad. Like is our clothing really that important?

    1. Seriously! It's such a shame that animals go through so much torture in order for people to make fashion statements. Richelle L SCC

  30. When it comes to people who own their animals and let them roam free they should have them all spayed/neutured and possibly chipped so that if ur animals was caught you and your animal have a chance at seeing each other again. For those who truly care about all the stray animals and especially the ones who feed those stray animals there are places that will spay/neuter them for free because in the end your doing a favor for them and many more. Animal cruelty can be stopped so easily if the ones who are commiting this crime realized what they were doing and stop.
    Paige M. Johnson

  31. The fur industry is indeed needlessly cruel and wasteful and has been as such for centuries. It's a shame that these practices haven't been outlawed yet.

    I do have to ask: where is the proof that some fur comes from stolen pets? Are there any verifiable sources for this?

    - Jay Januszewski

  32. The fur industry is just disturbing and cruel. totally unnecessary. poor innocent animals do not deserve that.

  33. It's completely unnecessary for people to kill these poor animals in such demonic ways, if you're going to take the fur just take it when the animal died a natural cause instead of being so greedy that your causing an animal holocaust. I'm surprised that governments keep their heads turned while all of this is happening and hopefully it one day they will stop the madness.

    - Robert H.

  34. This is all a little unsettling. If this type of treatment of animals must continue just for their fur, there at least has to be a better way. How heartless can you be to make an animal suffer that much?

    Rachel Layton

  35. I agree with Robert H. like there is no need to skin an animal while it is awake and breathing. Atleast wait for it to die and then get their fur. It disgusting what people can do with their own two hands.


  36. I also agree with Robert H. Just wait until the animal dies to skin them for their fur instead of throwing them into cages all bunched up, and then killing them when they are alive.

    Jeffery Battle

  37. I was unaware of the suffering that the animals were put through it was horrible to see the fox laying skined and how would those people like it if some stuck an eletric rod up thier butt for their skin.

    Felicia Simmons

  38. This is very cruel and I had no idea that that kind of behavior was happening to animals. I knew these people used animal fur but I didnt know they tortured them so bad to get the fur.

  39. If I ever even thought about wearing fur...never again. That was just absolutely awful. I hope that these ppl are getting paid tons because I dont think I could ever do that. You have to have something not clicking mentally if you can skin animals like that day in and day out.


  40. I am not even going to try to watch the video because the images above are graphic enough. Fur is not a necessity and for these people to hurt and torture these animals for something that is not even necessary is unheard of. No animal should be hurt or tortured for any reasons at all! The extent that these people go to for fur is heartbreaking.
    -Jessica Scull

  41. I don't think any animal should ever be tortured just for their fur. It's just not worth it in my mind. I think there is something wrong with a person if they have ever tried to hurt an animal. This is truely messed up and I don't think anyone should wear fur because of this.

    Zach McDonough

  42. I 100 percent agree with Zach, what those people are doing is so rude. As a person I wouldnt want those things done to me. Is the fur worth that much to do this.

    William White

  43. in the case of dogs, i do not agree at all with any kind of testing or negative treatment. my dog is literally my best friend, and i could never imagine hurting him, or any other dog, nor would i want anyone else to

  44. The image above literaly made me cry. One of the dogs in the cage looks like the dog I just got for my family. I just woke my puppy(Charlie) up out of his bed to hug him. I can't even imagine the pain these animals must feel not knowing why this is happening to them. It would be more humane to me to just skin the people doing this and wear them.
    Amber Seibert

    1. i agree with you amber... i have dogs too and i just cant stand to watch things like this being done... i would have a word or two to say to them if i saw this in person... i cant believe whats going on... there is no way any of these people have pets because you have to be a complete ass to be able to do this to animals and have one of your own... its just so wrong...
      Nik Tarabicos

  45. animals will always be animals, but they have feelings too. they should not be killed in that manner. even if they have no one, they can still be put to death in a dignified way without them going through all that pain

  46. I cannot imagine this happening to my own dogs, or someone elses pet. This is so awful to treat these animals so terribly.
    -Jessica Scull

  47. I rather have knock off fur than real fur honestly. What's the point of wearing real fox skin boots or something around town?

    Priscilla Mosby

  48. This too much, this is when people get too greedy to make money and start harming animals. this is criminal acts without a doubt
    -Davey Sutton

  49. I think if the animal has to be hurt to get the fur, it shouldn't be allowed.

    Octavia Adams

    1. I never saw the point of wearing real animal fur anyway

  50. That is just the most messed up things ive ever seen. i cant believe that they would do that to animals... like there isnt a better way of going about getting fur? how could they even stand themselves to do that to animals? its just wrong and cruel. Somebody needs to step in and stop this and make them get fur a different way...
    Nik Tarabicos

  51. I was thinking when i was reading the article and looking through the pictures. Not only is it how horrible these animals are killed, but how F***** up does a person have to be to work at a place like that. They say that young psychopathic killers torture animals when they are young. Who are the people doing these horrendous crimes against nature? No sane person could watch animals die day after day.

  52. I feel like animals, despite having a lot less rights than humans, do have a right to not suffer. This type of torture is beyond "suffer," it's straight up...well torture! The need to electrocute the animal is not necessary. It's just plain old dumb, inhumane torture.
    Dallas Duffield

  53. Selman G.

    People who are taking an action to those which are vulnerable and need protection, can be a human being.

    1. Sorry this should be Can Not be a human being

    2. Who in their right mind would think this is okay? Some people are really messed up in the head. I could NEVER imagine this happening to my dog, or someone elses family pet. This is just beyond cruel.
      -Angela C

  54. I know this is wrong and I would never do it, but I guess I am just as guilt for not doing anything about it. I can sit here and complain about how the human race is degenerating, but it wouldn’t change a thing. I really hope that things get better in this world. The truth is everyone know what they do to animals for fashion, but most of them don’t care. For them, its easier to turn away from all of this and I do understand why, but its sad. This planet is meant for more than just survival of humans.

    -Mitulbhai Patel

  55. The process of obtaining fur is HORRIBLE! they should not be skinning and slaughtering animals just to get there fur.
    There are alternitive ways of keeping warm if need be.It's so sad to see many animals killed for those reasons

  56. This is so messed up. I saw a video of how fur is obtained for cheap coats on youtube, its sickening.
    -Joey Bancer

  57. Humans are terrifying in their ability to be so cruel to another species and each other. This is not done for the need to survive, but only for lack of any type of compassion. Truly sickening to read anything like this.

  58. This makes me completely sick. I once saw a video of a Japanese woman stepping on a kittens head with her high heel shoes. Things like this are disturbing to say the least.

    -Jonathan Mahoney

  59. This is so wrong on so many levels. To say that humans are "evolved" is a term that does not apply to many. -Kiersten Westley

  60. I always heard that they killing animals to survive Because they have very high population density, but after what I saw there my whole thoughts about them are change.
    They are really bad people. After this video I will warn everyone I know to stop shop at J.Crew until the company stops selling all fur

  61. Loriel LaMaestra

    I knew people killed animals for fur but not dogs. This image is so disturbing I can not even imagine seeing an animal in a cage like this. I had a pet dog and he became my family so to see other dogs like this breaks my heart

  62. I don't understand why people feel the need to wear fur in the first place. Especially when they're aware of how the fur is obtained.
    -Shayne Coleman

  63. My dog just had 3 puppies and I could not imagine having someone steal them from me, for there fur none the less. In this capitalist world we live in people will do anything for money. Unfortunetly, people love the idea of wearing fur around there neck.
    -Carlos Jimenez

  64. I cant imagine how they can kill the animals for it fur without any mercy for the animal it-self
    They kill it in a really bad way, there is no grace in anyway in their hurts

  65. I cant believe that the kill animals for fur. Its ashame that people can kill without having any reguard for the animal at all.

  66. It is so sad that these animals have to go through this much pain, just for the selfishness of the human race. I understand if certain livestock have to get killed for food, but we should at least do it humanely. Animals should not have to go through this pain for people just to want to look good.

    Karly Turner

  67. I really do not understand how people can do these horrfic things to animals. All the pain and suffering these poor animals have to go trough is just plain wrong!

  68. I think that it is crazy how people kill dogs and cats just to use their fur for clothing. Just go buy clothes without fur on it. there is no point to kill animals for clothes.

  69. I think it's horrible,I never knew they used dog fur this is so disgusting. People will do anything for a dollar. My heart is hurting. Some body should do the same thing to them.

  70. It's kind of sad that humans can be so selfish and cruel to animals. I mean animals can't talk and say how much pain they are in as they are being used for their fur or whatever but humans can and they need to understand that just because animals can't talk does not mean that you can be very cruel towards them.

  71. Vincent Wood

    Its a shame that they held those animals in the cages like that. They were throwing the cages around like there wasnt a lot of dogs in those cages. That was wrong.

  72. There is no reason to exploit an animal for its fur when we are capable of creating faux fur as a replacement. -Bob Ferrell

  73. I had no idea that dog fur is sometimes used to line coats and boots and whatnot. That really freaks me out. It's also so messed up to squeeze any living thing in a cage with countless of other animals and no breathing room. Truly inhumane. -Sara Donnachie

  74. This is absolutely disgusting! Wearing or decorating fur was never something that appealed to me, but this just reafirms my decision. This article doesn't acctually surprise me. I'm dog and cats are used in more than just fur.

  75. I think that the people who put these animals through this torture should all be put in jail. It is the same as torturing a human. People go to jail everyday for that, why should they be able to do this to those poor creatures? Just because they are helpless doesn not mean you can take advantage of them. -Marvin Bowe IV

  76. I never even knew that they did this to dogs and cats. It's disgusting and the people who do this should have the same thing done to them. Then we'll see how they like it! These poor animals are so helpless and defenseless. These people should be put in jail and then tortured!!!!!!

  77. I couldn't get past the first video after just seeing that poor cat's face pressed up against the cage. I am a multiple cat owner and lover, so I feel what they are doing is repulsive. They have no concern for what those animals are being put through.
    Kristen Gehret

  78. Why do people do these things to dogs and cats are beyond me. I agree with Leah, these things should be done to the people that do these things to them.

  79. Wow... They were just throwing them pets around like the were cargo.

  80. Gabrielle RichardsonJune 9, 2012 at 6:40 PM

    Wow.... How can people treat animals as if they have no feelings..? I dont Think people realize that cats and dogs have emotions like human begings...So sad..

  81. To think that someone can just wake up in the morning knowing that they've just murdered a beloved dog, apart of someone's family, to receive money is out of this world! If this were my dog, I'd be devastated.

    Adele Taylor
    ENG 101-E1

  82. how evil can people be!? I mean how do people come up with these horrible ideas. i think these people should tasered just to get the horrible feeling of hell!

  83. Shaishav Patel

    It is kind of sad that we humans killing animals left and right. Those poor cats and dogs deserve to live freely on this earth. People who kill them gone pay for it on earth. Karma will come after them.

    eng 101

  84. I don't think that people would want to be electrocuted for the hair on their head so they should not electrocute animals for the fur on their skin. It is a shame how people will kill animals for fashion or because it is a rare commodity.

    -Eric Brandt
    COM 101

  85. I've always been against the fur industry since I was little and saw 101 Dalmatians. That movie made me so sad until the puppies were okay home safe and sound. my puppy has great fur and if anybody tried to take it I'd kill 'em. The fur industry is a horrible thing.
    Joshua Squires

  86. i hate the idea that people kill dogs for fur all i can think of is my two dogs like how could anyone willinilg kiil a dog they are mans best friend
    nick tucci
    com 101

  87. Is jackal or wolf fur supposed to be ethically better then dog or cat?

  88. This is aweful. Cats and dogs should never be mistreated, let alone killed for their fur. I just don't see how any human in their right mind could do that.
    Shelby Ahl

  89. I think fur industry is horrible. It makes not only immoral problem also another problem like robbing pets.

  90. the saying treat people how you want to be treated. that also goes for animals also. if a person doesn't want to be bald why do people thing animals do. they have minds to think for thereselves.

  91. That was so Nasty I am glad I dont by fur and I dont shop at J Crew . I just wanted to cry I looked at my dog and felt the pain

  92. It is so sad why animals should have to deal with pain. I can't even watch them do this. I don't know that person is doing that. He should be ashamed about hurting animals.

  93. It is so sad why animals should have to deal with pain. I can't even watch them do this. I don't know that person is doing that. He should be ashamed about hurting animals.

    1. Hardeep,
      I agree! How can a person do this and sleep at night? Its so sad

  94. It is so sad why animals should have to deal with pain. I can't even watch them do this. I don't know that person is doing that. He should be ashamed about hurting animals.

  95. Lisa Velez

    I don't think animals should be tortured. There is other ways to provide clothing.

  96. Lisa Velez

    I couldn't understand how many animals were caged! How could the Chinese Government not know about this?

  97. I would not be able to stomach watching the videos above but I do not support wearing fur at all. I can't understand what is appealing to someone who does wear fur. I do not know how people can sleep at night after partaking in such horrific acts.

    Cynthia C.

  98. As I read over the comments and watched the video, I am in disbelieve. I cannot understand why people think this is okay. I look at my puppy and I could never think of anything that horrible happening to him. I have never worn fur and I will never buy it. I am just in overall shock.

    Melissa F

  99. I agree with Eric B's comment. If people don't want to be electrocuted for the hair on their head then why is it okay to treat these animals that way. They should not electrocute animals for the fur on their skin. It's unethical, and the cause isn't even a probable event. Fashion and fur is not that important to murder family pets and all of these animals.
    Joshua G.

  100. I couldnt even watch all of those videos. It is so sad what people do to animals and they think it is okay because the animal can not speak their mind and tell them that what they are doing is hurting. I would love to take some of these people and do what they do to these animals and do it to them and laugh at them when they cry and know they are in pain. These videos make me so angry and want to put all these people through the same things they put animals through.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. The sad truth is that entirely too many of the products that we use daily are made by something taken off an animal. I refuse to watch the videos, because watching an animal get hurt just breaks my heart. I honestly did not even know that they took fur from dogs to make fashion accessories, and I surely didn't know that they electrocuted them in order to do it. This whole page just makes me sick to my stomach!

    Jessica Z.

  103. Seeing animals lose their fur is very cruel, especially if it is house pets like dogs and cats. Animals need their fur to survive!

  104. This is so upsetting , cats and dogs should not be used for their fur, I couldn't even watch all the videos.
    Semiyah N

  105. This video literally made me sick to my stomach. I could not even finish it. I personally have animals. I have two dogs and four cats. They are the sweetest things in the world. My oldest dog is four-teen, my oldest cat is seven-teen. They are like my children. I could never imagine this happening to them. They are precious and loving, just like all other animals when treated correctly. This should be stopped, and I will NEVER ever again buy anything with any type of fur on it.

    Bethany S.

  106. i own nothing fur like and never will. This is so cruel for them to treat these poor animals like that just for there fur. I have a cat and she is like my child and could'nt even imagine doing anything like that to her.

  107. I don't own anything that is real fur, not that I could afford it anyway. But even if I could, I wouldn't buy it. Animals need their fur for a lot of reasons, if they weren't killed in the process. I just can't believe human beings are so greedy and need the real thing. Fake fur is just as cute!

  108. I think that it is really sick for companies to use dog or cat fur. I am a huge sucker for dogs and cats, so this just doeesn't seem right to me. I don't think any real fur should be used at all, from any kind of animal. Nobody really needs those kinds of things.
    Christina M.

  109. i would never use or buy any kind of fur..i have one dog at home and i could never imagine cutting her hair and then using it as a coat or any kind of clothing.. that is so cruel. rose golda

  110. This is so sad. I have a dog and I could not imagine her being one of those dogs. I dont like seeing dogs in cages.
    Amanda S.

  111. Poor animals. I dont even know what to say but thank GOD for USA. I can see that this might be another country and this may be okay over there but this is inhumane. Almost too much to bear. If china makes so much stuff why can't they prefabricate fur. ...... . D Robinson CSC115

  112. The images make me sick! I can not imagine this even being my pet. I have never worn fur and NEVER will. So sad that people still in this day and age treat helpless animals like this.

    1. It is sad, and people show it off as a fashion trend. It's a bit tacky, in my opinion.

      -Tiana R.

  113. WOW!! This is horrible! I didn't even realize that this is possible in the world we live in. Unbelievable and heartbreaking. I am a pet owner of various animals in my lifetime. I cannot imagine treating them like this. Those poor dogs.
    To think that that "fake" fur could be a cat or dog is too much.
    Thank you for your post.

    1. I would never be able to digest the fact that I could be wearing cat or dog hair. Wow.

  114. I watched one of the videos. I am pretty sure that I saw three mini dogs in a cooking pot on some cooking surface... they barely even could fit. That is awful. Do they really cook the animal? Seems like that is what was going on.

  115. This just breaks my heart. What is wrong with people? This is completely unacceptable. I will never understand how this treatment is legal. There is nothing humane about what they're doing. -Richelle L SCC

    1. We all have to ask ourselves, is this treatment of animals necessary? I know it is not! I'm glad I don't know anyone this cruel, I don't know how they live with themselves. No amount of money could make me treat any living creature in this manner....what is wrong with people? Desiree S.

    2. see reply above

    3. I agree with you Desiree, why would fur be necessary in today's world. Maybe back in the uncivilized days when you killed animals, ate the meat and used the fur for warmth, but that was survival. Today it's fashion. I wish before anybody who buys fur products was forced to see a video on how their item was made first and then ask them it they still want to buy it!!

    4. Ashley, I think ignorance is the biggest problem! I'd like to think if people knew what these animals were being put through they wouldn't purchase fur. Maybe wishful thinking? Richelle L scc

  116. This is horrible to me. It is hard to see the pictures that are coming up on this page but this is one of the worst. It does not sit well with me that people so easily treat animals badly and can torture them for their fur. Animals do not deserve to be treated so badly and it needs to be addressed. These images really are disturbing for me to see.

    1. I agree these images were totally disturbing, I look at my dog who has a beautiful fur coat and I can't imagine what if she ran away and these people caught her and treated her this way. Even if they aren't pets there's no reason for this!

  117. I definitely could not watch the clip as the pictures were extremely upsetting for me to look at. I never heard of a company using dog or cat fur on their products. The thought of someone's pet being stolen is bad enough, but then, imagining that it was tortured for it's fur is just unthinkable. Shame on the companies that participate in such acts. Valentina P.

  118. These clips were a bit too much for me. Yes I understood where fur coats ect come from but never knew they go to these measures. If only other people seen these clips it might change other peoples minds about purchasing certain clothing.

    Ashanti F SCC

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. This is probably by far the most horrible thing I have ever seen. There is so many unfair things that go on that are just push under the rug and aren't address. There's no reason that this type of stuff should be going on today. Those people deserve to be treated the extra same way they are treating those animals. Throwing them off trucks like that, are they that heartless?


    1. I agree with you Edward I feel when it comes down to animal cruelity to this extent I feel we should bring back the eye for an eye, arm for an arm rule and treat these "humans" the same way, then see how they treat animals after that! If only that was legal to do to them...

    2. I completely agree!

    3. I agree with you Edward and Ashley. It's sick to know there's people out there that are okay with doing these horrendous things to animals. I just don't understand how it's allowed to be done and why anyone won't put a stop to it. If it's okay to abuse animals, it should be okay to abuse that sick person who cares more about fashion and money then hurting an innocent animal. I have two dogs myself and I could never imagine anything like this could ever happen to them.
      -J. Keen

  121. that is so wrong how can they not have any laws against animal cruelty, and they also take peoples pets and skin them how can they do that imagine that one day you went to china and you lost your pet the next day you are shopping for a fur cot and you see this one that is a really pretty cot with a pattern that you liked and reminds you of your pet so you buy it and wear it and not knowing that you are currently wearing your own pet. that's just wrong on many levels.

  122. This is despicable and makes me sick, I can't imagine how heartless and cruel these people are. Why would people do this? I just don't understand. Gabrielle P

  123. Dogs are suppose to be mans' best friend, but I cannot even imagine the kind of self respecting person that could do such a terrible thing to animals. I'm not even a pet owner and it makes me furious to know that these are the same kinds of animals some of my friends have, but are being treated so differently. I have friends that treat their pets like members of the family. I cant imagine what they would say if they seen photos like these.

    1. I don't understand how someone could do this either. My husband is by far not an animal person but he stands my dog since she's mine. Granted she's bad every once in a while but even he's told me never would he think to hit her or harm her in anyway. It makes no sense to treat an animal in such a way.

  124. People can be so cruel. I don't understand how some people have no heart at all and all they care about is money in their pocket. I am sorry but if I was forced to make money to support my family in some inhumane way like trapping these poor animals and slaughter them for their fur I would rather die. What does this say about their own character? Studies show people who abuse animals are more likely to be a criminal.

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. I was about to cry watching the video on cats and dogs being used for fur. It was so depressing seeing their cute little faces and hearing their cries. I do not have fur items thank goodness, otherwise I would have to immediately throw them out.
    Emily Gardiner

  127. Omg this video brought tears to my eyes. I can't beleive abuse of this nature takes place in this day and age. Seeing the way they are thrown around and theirs lives are carelessly disregarded. To put it simply this is sickening!

  128. This is just so wrong on so many levels, who are these people torturing these animals and are they not being tracked down and arrested? I'm not an animal lover, but my gosh this is just sick

  129. So cruel, I do not own fur items thankfully. And have a hard time believing in this day and age that people still think it is worth it! -Lmcconnell scc

  130. It is crazy how a person can have the conscience to do something like this. All this torture and inhumane punishment just for fur is ridiculous. How can people live with themselves when they do things like this.
    Elizabeth W.

  131. Brought tears to my eyes.....animals are here for many different reasons.....none of which should be torture
    Kamisha Martins

  132. I can't stand seeing things like this. I have 3 dogs who are like family. I couldn't imagine them going through anything like this. It really does hurt my heart.

    1. I agree Betsy! I have two dogs that are like family. Almost everyone in their lifetime has owned a pet. It's horrible to think there's people out there that have to conscience to do this. Watching this didn't make me want to cry, made me want to kill. Just disgusted me and made me angry, fur is not worth the sacrifice of an alive animal.
      -J. Keen

  133. Wow!!!!! I could not watch this!!!! What a shame. I am such an animal person and knowing what they do to these animals discusses me!!!!

  134. I feel so bad for those animals and even worse for the poeple who could actually do such harm to a living creature. I think killing animals in this way just for there fur is inhuman and should not be allowed. Nathan M.

  135. This is so sad. These products are good but on the other hand animals don't deserve this. The more the demand for these products, the more the animals are killed. If this is all that takes for me to have those products, I better stop buying them.

  136. This is really heartbreaking. I honestly can not tolerate any type of abuse.

  137. I have 2 dogs myself and i couldn't imagine this being my dogs. I look at my pets as humans only thing they can not talk. So seeing this is very heartbreaking for me.

  138. This is really heartbreaking. I dislike to see these animal go through such harm. I can imagine what these animals go through. Tanaya M

  139. This makes me so sick.It's so unethical to treat creatures like this!

  140. I feel that using fur is an ethical situation, however killing animals to use not only their fur, but their skin too is unethical. Animals need to be shaved during the summer for many reasons. It becomes way too hot out for them to survive, the bugs get extremely bad when there is a lot of fur, and it is also adding weight to their already heavy bodies. It is heart wrenching to see what they do to some of our love-buddies however :(

  141. I have a hard time looking at animals being abused in such a way just for their fur or skin. These are animals that can not defend themselves from inhuman acts like this. It is heartbreaking to see that these animals that just want to be loved get treated with such disgrace. Tammi D.

  142. This is so heartbreaking. I had such trouble watching even 40 seconds of this video. These poor dogs shoved in cages like this looking so sad and scared just makes me sick to my stomach. The saddest thing is one of them looks just like my dog Finesse. She too, was in a very bad situation at only 4 weeks old and I saved her, just wish I could do the same for these dogs.

  143. I have nothing but love for all types of animals so I was not able to bring myself to even play the video at all, but I got a pretty clear picture from the article. It is an absolute travesty that this torturing of animals is going on. And for what? Fur?
    The fact that someone can wear an animals skin under any circumstance, especially for fashion is unethical in my opinion. The way these animals are treated, and the manor in which they were slaughtered is horrific! I will continue to support the efforts to get people to stop wearing fur.

  144. After reading the article and watching the videos I too cannot understand why people still feel like animals can be tortured as if they feel no pain. Dropping and tossing animals in cages as if they are luggage without any remorse is completely insane and beyond anything I can try and comprehend.
    Brenda L.

  145. This is awful. I do not understand what is going on in side peoples heads. You must not have a conscience if you can do something that is too alive and has feelings.
    -Morgan L

  146. OMG! I had to just go hug my dog!! Animals are suppose to be man's best friend, not to be used for some sort of sick twisted game of torture. I don't get how people can do this and sleep at night. Animal welfare is everybody's business.

  147. I couldnt even finish watching the video. This is horrible! This has to stop! People are sick to do this to dogs and cats. They just do it without hesitation too.

  148. Putting aside the obvious fact that this is completly creul I want to ask a question. If you put yourself in the same situation, how could you bring yourself to do this to these poor innocent animals. How do you just throw them knowing they'll break something or kicking their legs sticking out of the cage knowing how fragile they are? How, as a human being, do you do this to defenseless animals?

  149. I could not watch all of this video this is disgusting. Even though it is their way of living there has to be away to stop it.

  150. I could not look at the video. I could barely look at the pictures. The government has to know what is happening to these animals. Someone needs to put a stop to the madness. These animals don't deserve this treatment only to die in a horrific way.

  151. I couldn't believe the horrible torture that these "humans" could impose upon these poor helpless animals. It sickens me and makes me have very little faith in human kind. Thank you for bringing this to the attention of people who care and who believe in kindness. Hopefully we can all help to end this type of cruelty.

  152. This is really bad watching. I didn't like this one bit. It was horrible. This makes me not want to buy anything fur. I cant imagine coming home and my dog not being here. I couldn't see these animals go throughout that. Especially when the animals were still alive. This was crazy and this needs to come to an end.

  153. This truly made me sick to my stomach.. I don't think I will ever buy anything fur again.. knowing that they are being stolen, tortured, and skinned alive and still living even after being treated that way is disturbing.. I couldn't imagine living with myself and getting up and going to work if I were those people. that is some true cold heartedness and that is not fair.. that needs to end right now! those poor animals don't even have a chance.

  154. Fur clothing is fashionable, yet inhumane. I agree that it should not be for sale, or made, however the price tag is indicative to the type of person buying these items. The fur and leather jackets that hold thousand dollar price tags are meant to appeal to those with pocketbooks that are itching to give away money, regardless of how the item was made.
    Delia W

  155. Fur clothing is fashionable, yet inhumane. I agree that it should not be for sale, or made, however the price tag is indicative to the type of person buying these items. The fur and leather jackets that hold thousand dollar price tags are meant to appeal to those with pocketbooks that are itching to give away money, regardless of how the item was made.
    Delia W

  156. Animals deserve their fur. It's theirs. It sickens me to the core that people don't mind an animals abuse for their style. There are plenty of warm synthetics fibers these days without having to kill animals. What if a larger species came along and made a fur out of your family? Please stop wearing fur for fashion!!

  157. I will never understand how people can do this for a living. I am not sure how they go home at night after torturing animals for trival things for us to wear. Not only is this heartbreaking to watch, but extremely difficult to comprehend.

  158. The epidemic that is the fur industry gives validity to modern movements such as the Animal Liberation Front. I really feel these people should lose their homes and be cast out of civilization.

  159. I never really saw the attraction to fur items in the civilized society we live in. Back when The Native Americans killed an animal for food, they would make use of the entire animal with little waste. The logic in being useful and not wasteful is beneficial to the circle of life and ecological system. However, I think the fur industry is wrong by torturing animals in such cruel and senseless ways for the sake of fashion or to simply earn a dollar!

  160. It is hideous and totally unnecessary to use the coat of an animal for an article of fashion or to decorate anything. Back in the prehistoric days of the caveman, yes, it was necessary. That was what they had. Now, we can artificially manufacture anything we need under the sun. It's one thing to shear an animal to use it's coat for fabric when that animal can comfortably grow more fur. It's obscene to do so when it comes to murdering them.

  161. The torture and cruelty I have seen on this post just for the use of animal fur is appalling. I understand that there is a large already unmanageable population of cats and dogs, and as I have rescued two cats and a dog, I could never imagine something so horrible happening to them. It is terrible to mislabel products as something they are not, but that is a common issue in the capitalist society, to earn money and should be stopped. I did because of this information look through my clothes and shoes and found I must be too poor to buy animal fur anything because I do not own any items labeled as such.

  162. I never put so much though into what I wear and where it came from. Now seeing this made me think twice about purchasing a fur. Although I don't own a fur im in no rush to purchase one.

  163. I cannot believe that these poor animals are stolen off the street and from yards to sell their fur for clothing! Seeing these videos will definitely make me think (and look!) twice about the clothing I buy and whether or not it is labeled correctly. To torture and murder helpless animals for their fur is an outrage to me when there are alternatives that can be used. This cruelty should be stopped and hopefully will be soon.

  164. Samantha Taylor

    To have animals caged up and tortured the way these people do should be against the law. No animal should have to indoor the pain of living in those condition just to be worn as clothing. I will sign all petitions against this act.
