Saturday, January 21, 2012

Politics vs. Animal Rights

Do you care at all where your potential
Presidents stand on animal rights issues?

When voting this year, it may not be the only thing to go by, but you can tell a lot about people by the way they treat animals!!

These two sites give you a breakdown on each candidate; see who has the worst record!



  1. I've actually never even considered this in choosing my future political candidates to be honest and I'm happy this has been brought to my attention. I also agree that how a person treats animals says a lot about their character. This will definitely be something I look into before polling this year.

    I do not understand how a potential political representative can still run for a position of power with a history of bad treatment of animals - but MICHAEL VICK was incarcerated and suspended from a FOOTBALL team ! The system is all screwed up !

    1. I agree that the way a person treats aninmals could reveal something about thier character, but when choosing a canidate for president we need to look at thier life as a whole. We shouldn't just focus on the negatives but the positives also. I believe we lead by example, and I believe we should be looking at what example is being set by the canidate.

      Gerri Teat

    2. Yes i agree about how people treat animals could show their true colors. I always believe that you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat others below them. Which i guess the two are very similar. At the end of the day though you have to remember that we elected these people.

    3. We have such a bias judicial system. Fight a dog and you get incarcerated but if you rape someone you are most likely to serve less time.
      Post #7

  2. I have never really thought about animal rights when voting for people for office. Now that I have been reading up on the subject and seeing nasty images that are now burned in my head forever. I defiantly will be taking it into consideration from now on.

    Francis Yangello

  3. i agree with frank people and myself never think about animal rights when it comes to electing the president in 2012. people are more foucused on going towards a positive future for themselves

    Nicole Knight

  4. Owning two dogs of my own, I feel as if Romney should have the same exact treatment as his dog. Placed in a crate on top of a moving vehicle and hosed down when going to the bathroom on the car. Even worse continuing on the journey after the dog is wet. Tie him to the top of the vehicle, or better yet put him infront of it.

    Melinda Wine

  5. Romeny would not get my vote. That is just sickening. The people of America need to realize that there are more things going on than just economic problems. Animals are suffering because no one is taking the time to research stuff like Animal Rights. Whoever I vote for in the presidental election will be whoever is the most conserned about animal rights.

    Jessica Immediato

  6. I dont want anybody in office that is cruel to animals. To be honest people that are mean to animals have problems and should get help. It's a bad sign of how they may treat the people they represent. I have owned pets in the past. Most people dont even care about animals in politics but it should be a bigger debate. Animals were here first and sould be treated as so. People should give them more respect and value animals more. I feel animals rights arent stressed enough in the elections. Romeny is a monster and should be exposed as so. I feel we as the people should make animals a bigger deal; then the officals should take that into consideration. We all should do our reseach before voting. If a person who toutures animals gets elected into office, we as the people have failed animals and ourselves.

    Camille Nicole D.

  7. I feel that animal rights should be more of an issue for the candidates of the 2012 presidential election. Going to the links provided it seemed that Rick Santorum had the highest marks when it came to animal rights but I still feel it should be more of an issue. Animal cruelty happens every day all the time and in a way has become an epidemic and it needs to be addressed.

    Ryann Dyer

  8. It's nice to see that animal rights are brought up for a political decision. I wish Newt Gingrich was higher on the list though. The problem I have is that I think we have bigger problems to worry about then animal rights at this point. If we don't get out of this hole we are in, we're gonna end up having people losing their pets because they can't afford them.

  9. If the president don't care how animals are treated, how can he care about the people? It is wrong to have animals being abused.

    Octavia Adams

  10. I completely agree, you can definitely tell the kind of person someone is by the way that they treat animals. You could meet someone that is the nicest guy/girl, but then get home and beat their dog or any animal over something dumb. I think that the way you treat animals stands out a lot more then how you treat other people.. More then likely, if you're mean to an innocent animal then why wouldn't you have a personality like that and not hurt people.. I feel like if you have to take your anger out on an innocent animal, then you will eventually break and beat up a person.


  11. It is good to see that people that are running in the election care about something other than themselves. Human rights are just as important as animal rights. If we can not trust the leader of our government to believe in animal rights then how is it supposed to touch the lives of every other human being.

    1. Yes you are right animal rights are just as important as human rights. I believe in treating animals right if we treat them well they will treat us well. And animals can definitely since a bad person or bad in a person when came in contact with. N. Palmer

  12. Since reading these articles I will defiantly take into consideration candidate’s feelings towards animals. If a candidate can teat animals well then I’m sure they will be able to treat their citizens well too. I would never want to vote for someone who supports mistreatment towards animals.
    Joseph Tighe

  13. This is something I am a little on the fence about. I think it is important how someone treats an animal because it can say a lot about a person. With that being said I have never looked at a candidate and thought about what there stance on animal rights was, and as bad as I feel saying this I don't think I ever will. If it was brought to the attention of the public in a debate or a specific situation happened then yes I would not ignore it,and that candidate would loose any support I have for them. But I don't think that when I am looking to vote for a candidate I would look up their view on animal rights.
    ~Stacie Hill

  14. I believe it is a personal choice where our leaders stand on animals rights,but the fact remains they need to openly say where they stand without pressure.Becouse it one thing to say I love animals and another thing to really love an animal.They can say animal cruelty is bad just to get peoples votes but if they dont mean it its a waste of time.Animals need true heros all of us should show our support without being pressured to do so.

    Mercy k

    1. What difference would it make if a canidate openly, admitted where they stand as far as animal rights? Because like you said, some peopel will say whatever they think you want to hear to get what they want. That's why it's important that we all get out and vote for the person we think is going to do what he said.

      Gerri Teat

  15. I think that how someone treats animals shows a lot about their character. If you can treat an innocent animal that is a living being whose to say you will show the people any respect? I've never voted, but I can say I will take this all into consideration in the 2012 elections.

  16. I don't agree with animal cruelty, but I don't think the issue has anything to do with the way the President runs the government.

    Gerri Teat

    1. Thank you for saying that, i do not agree with animal cruelty either and i really don't think it has anything to do with how our government runs things. i feel like there are some many other issue or topic that we as human beings or america need to focus on than animal. i am so disgusted by human like me thinking that an animal life is worth more than a human life. in my eye an animal life will never be worth more than a human life. if the scientist have to cut a few animal to find a cute for a new born baby, a child or even an adults ( human in generate) so be it.


  17. animal cruelty is very wrong. i also agree with i dont think that has anything to do with the way the president runs our country.

  18. Considering the best politic only got a 60% humane scorecard towards animals rights just goes to show that the majority of politics are greedy and will just say what they want the people to hear. People with a strong understanding of politics know that politics know how to put up a front and know how to act in public, and usually keep their sick minds on hold until they're home in my opinion. Goes to show how twisted these guys really are

    - Robert H.

  19. I agree, you can tell how a person is by the way they treat animals. If a person in a leadership posistion condones animals being treated harshly, and doesn't care about animal rights; How do you think he or she would treat their inferiors.

  20. I agree, you can tell how a person is by the way they treat animals. If a person in a leadership posistion condones animals being treated harshly, and doesn't care about animal rights; How do you think he or she would treat their inferiors.

    Jeffery Battle

  21. I agree with some of the previous comments posted. Im strongly against animal cruelty in every way. Honestly though putting this up is gonna make ppl lose focus on whats really important on picking a president. Animals should be the last thing on someones mind when picking a candidate especially when half the selections we pick cant even take care of us citizens.


  22. I also agree with previous comments. If the president doesnt have some soft side for animals how will he or she change the animal rights laws. The animals are like family to some people and for them not to show a care in the world is just wrong becuase they have bigger things to worry about, well this is a big issue that needs to be resolved.

    William White

  23. People show their character by how they people and animals. I believe it is important that when choosing a canidate for anything especially president. If we choose a canidante that doesn't care what happens to aniamls, what kind of a president is he really going to be?

    brianna ottinger

  24. well if somebody treats an animal like crap, they most likely treat people like crap. and i dont respect anyone who treats any animal/person disrespectfully

    1. I agree. People treat animials bad because they can't do anything back. Once in the right seat of power, you can treat people how you feel like it. That is not cool.

      Octavia Adams

  25. I honestly had never thought of animal rights while thinking about presidential candidates. I will in the future though, I certainly don't want someone who addovcates animal abuse to become what can be considered today the most powerful man in the world.

  26. Also, animal abuse can lead to abuse with people. Most serial killers started out as abusing animals. I don't want someone like that being the leader of my nation. Also the above comment was me.

    Alec Gruetter

  27. I think a good animal owner has to display a certain type of responsibility. This quality is also important in politics. If someone is willing to take on the responsibility of animal ownership or, even defend the humane treatment of animals, they are more likely to o the same with the people the represnt in office.
    Amber Seibert

  28. I think the president should protect every living thing within our country, not only humans.

    1. that would be impossible and not to mention unfair to ask that of one person. the president is human just like everybody, yes he might have some authority over some things but he can't make decision by himself and pass them.


  29. yes i do care about our potential president views on animal rights. even though i do not own any pet, i still care and love animals and i don't think she should be treated any how. i think any presidential candidate needs to be in favor of all animals. most people the own them treat them like family and so presidential candidates need to treat them as one.

  30. i do care about future politicians and there views on animal rights. if they are humane they will see how terrible all this is and will do everything in their higher power to make the animal's lives easier
    -Davey Sutton

  31. I do care what my politicians and president think about animal abuse/mistreatment. It seems however that they dont care enough to make any changes to what is going on with this problem.

  32. If someone can hurt kill animals, then why wouldn't they hurt people? I know that if i even hit a rabbit in the road I feel like crap. I just don't understand why people are so sick.

    1. what about if there's two rats in your house would you kill it or would you let it eat with you, sleep in your bed, sit on your coach or play with your kids? what would you do? well my though on that is if i found rat is in my house i will kill definitely kill it or try get it out of my house. I do not agree with animal cruelty or hurt them for no reason but to be honest i would not allow an animal live in my house if its not my pet or if i am not aware of it.


  33. -Joey bancer last comment.

  34. I care greatly about politicians views on animals rights. My concern comes in when and if they will follow through with their veiw points. Many come in with guns blasing on what they believe in, then are slowly become corrupt and never follow through.

  35. All I have to say about this is poloticians need to come through with what they stand for. Not saying that all politicians are corrupt and never follow through, but more should. Kiersten Westley

  36. our president cant stop anything going on outside our own country, and the only animals they have time to focus on are our citizens. Its not like making laws is going to stop animal cruelty in its tracks...

    1. i agree and disagree at the same, the government is not to blame or responsible for everything that is going on in other country and in our country. the president is not the only decision maker in the country, it still have to go through congress.


  37. I personally dont believe that the presidents stand on animal rights should affect whether or not he is suited to run the country, just as I dont believe that the presidents religion should come into affect.

  38. The president of the US should address all issues in todays world. From our rights to animal rights. it is only fair if they do so.

  39. It is unbelievable how politicians are so fake and I wish that the people were not so susceptible to their lies. Mitt Romney is not funny, and I agree that you can tell a lot about how compassionate someone is by the way they treat animals.

  40. I notice that all the presidents have dogs maybe they don't take animal cruelty seriously enough .There are a whole lot of issues that need to be bought to the for front .animals have rights to just because they can't talk we have to be their voice.

  41. This is just another example of people being selfish and to what extent they can lie to get people on their side. I mean if you raelly care then go out their and do something rather than coming up with speeches just so you can win people's votes

  42. I didn't really think Animal Cruelty was still this big of an issue, I feel so ignorant! We need to put people into office that treat animals with respect. One of the leading signs of sociopaths is their lack of compassion with animals, so that may be able to tell us something important about a candidate's character.- Sara Donnachie

  43. Voting for a political candidate is extremely important. Sometimes you need to layout all candidates pro's and con's, then make a decision from there. I hope someone doesn't select a candidate strictly on animal cruelty factors.

  44. Honestly I have never even thought of animal abuse when it comes to voting. I think it's important for people well known to take part against the fight in stopping animal abuse. Other people look up to all the candidates if they start showing they care more others will follow in their footsteps!

  45. Personally I can't stand politics. never will we find a president to make us all happy. Never will we find a president who is fair. It would be nice to find one who could make all of our problems go away, but it won't ever happen. One problem is fixed by causing another. Animal cruelty should be on the list of things to fix, but everyone is so self consumed, that politics won't be able to fix it. but we can all hope.

  46. These links were particularly interesting to me. Politicians say they stand for a lot, and promise even more action on issues they feel are important to the American voters, sometimes just to gain votes. This is why I was glad to see some actual documentation of where some of them stand on an issue that's important to many. The ones who were known to be more active in animal rights, I think shows they are capable of compassion, which is rarely seen on the campaign trail.
    -Kristen Gehret

  47. I'm all for animal rights, I just don't care if the leader of our country is. They have bigger things to worry about.

    1. actually i do think there are bigger problem and issues to worry about then animal right.....(sorry! don't want to offend anybody) but let's list some issue we got going on beside animal issue. i.e domestic violence, school shooting, the church incident that happen in North Carolina, people that are getting kill by cop for no reason the list go on and on.


  48. GABRIELLE RICHARDSONJune 9, 2012 at 7:48 PM

    Well I Know Obama loves animals..So I will definitly vote for him..

  49. Although I can't yet vote, unless there was an article about the way candidates treat their dogs, most likely I wouldn't have even thought to add this into my evaluation of them. However, I am glad that Obama cares about animals yayyy!!

  50. When reading these articles it occurred to me that while animal rights may not be the most prominent stance to base ones vote on, it does show the type of character the presidential candidate has. If the president sticks up for animals rights, imagine how he would act towards the treatment of humans. To me if a presidential candidate supported animal cruelty, I would not vote for him.


    ENG 101

  52. i wouldnt vote for a president or anyone that treated animals badly. it shows who they really are.

    mary stigliano

  53. I think that the way political candidates feel about animals can reflect their characteristics as a person. People need to consider this before they vote because the person your voting for might treat people in a way that reflects their feelings about how to treat animals.

    -Eric Brandt
    COM 101

    1. If a person can be heartless to an adorable little puppy that says a lot about them. If you can kick a dog, you can sure as hell kick a man down on his luck. If a candidate isn't nice to animals, they're probably not nice people

  54. f a person can be heartless to an adorable little puppy that says a lot about them. If you can kick a dog, you can sure as hell kick a man down on his luck. If a candidate isn't nice to animals, they're probably not nice people.
    Joshua Squires

  55. people that are in politics should have no say in the killing of animals only in protecting them there is no politician that cares about anything but there own pockets
    nick tucci
    com 101

  56. "Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  57. Lisa Velez

    "God made all things". So, everything should be taken care of, and valued the same. Yes, I would vote for the animals.

  58. Lisa Velez

    They say you can tell how kind your mate will be by, the way they treat their mother. So, i would assume it would be the same way if you watch how a person treats its animal. Vote for animal rights.

  59. When reflecting on how individuals can treat animals, I believe you can learn a lot about the person. Watching and reflecting how they treat animals and their family is more beneficial then a pointless commercial. I think that the way political candidates feel about animals can reflect their characteristics as a person and leader. People need to consider this before they vote because it could change their position.
    Joshua G.

  60. Knowing a persons personal stance on animal cruelty can really open a door to understanding their personality and their motives are. If someone is willing to abuse an animal, I don't see what would stop them from hurting another human being.

    Jessica Z.


  61. Knowing the politicians stance on animal rights seems very beneficial to me. How can you trust a person to lead our county as a politician, if they can’t even care for an animal with respect and compassion.

    Bethany S.

  62. I agree with everyone above me. Knowing how politicians treat animals is an amazing way to see how they would treat us. This shows how much they care about certain things, and how empathetic or sympathetic the candidate is. Useful information to know when you want to pick someone to run your country.

  63. Like I was always told. "how your man treats his mother is how he is going to treat you." I see it the same way about this as well. If they have no respect for animals than they wont have a ny respect for the people they are so called fighting for. All they want is the money and fame. Misty F.

  64. I am 100% for animal rights and of course Obama loves animals because he has a dog. I am happy to see if Obama can help decrease animal cruelty. This is a huge issue for me because animal rights are very important to me.

  65. Wow this was very interesting to me. These are things that need to mentioned in the news more often.

  66. Reading you blog I am learning so much. Next time I vote for anyone I can definitely look further into them than the usual political reasons. I do think Obama is one for animal rights although I am not sure he is doing anything about it at this point. Something I would like to research a little more.

  67. After reading "Where do the GOP Candidates Stand on Animal Issues?" article, I was was surprised to read that only three congress men took action to help animals. I thought there would have been more congress men or women that would stand up for animal's rights. There needs to be more congress men and women in Congress to help pass laws that protect animal's rights and to keep them out of testing. I also agree with Jasmine that animal's rights issues needs to be mentioned more in the news and during election seasons for all government representatives.

    -Danielle G.

  68. I do not recall ever hearing something about animals in a candidate's speech. Then again, I do not watch a lot of political events. I really do not pay attention to stuff like this, but even from my parent's feedback when speaking about elections and each person's views, or anyone's [public]for that matter, animals are not mentioned.
    I hope this made sense.

  69. I never really thought of animal rights when it came to the presidential candidates, but just reading that one article that told me that Mitt Romney strapped his dog on the top of his care for a trip makes me think of how cruel he could have been to not only the animals but the people.
    Samantha G-SCC

  70. It is very true that we should think of the position of the people that we vote for when it comes to things like this. Sometimes these types of topics are forgotten when it comes to debates and candidates. But, if we want the things done that we feel strongly for I guess it is also important to think about the people that you are voting for.

  71. some people say animals are just animals well if we had a president that did not care whats so ever about what may others do to animals then what would he do at a war against people or if he or she took over a county then they would do many horrible things

  72. I am surprised that I never took this into account when voting, but I definitely will now! Gabrielle P

  73. These topics are not made a priority when voting for a candidate . I think many people including myself over look things like this.

    Ashanti F scc

  74. I've never considered animal rights to be a contributing factor in my decision in an election. After seeing and reading some of the things I've recently come across I think I will consider these issues more in the next election.

  75. I guess I have never thought of it that way but yes I guess you really can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat animals. (although I guess that can go without saying)And our elected officials are no different. -lmcconnell scc

  76. I never really thought of all this. Next election that I vote in ,I will definetely first do my research on the candidates view on this topic.
    Elizabeth W.

  77. I don't really care about the president's views on this. animal cruelty is an individual and personal opinion, so I can not judge him on what he may or may not believe
    Kamisha Martins

  78. I do feel that this is an important topic but feel that we should definetely look at the whole picture when choosing a candidate.

  79. Animal cruelity is an issue that should be faced as a whole. I do not believe it is an individual and personal opinion. Its happening everyday, its real. We shouldn't hide it and I think the next presedental cannidate who sheds light on the issue will increase his or her odds on winning the next election. The president is the voice of the people and has been for many years. However, if he or she is to go beyond that and speak out for others besides the people. I believe is the president that we need.
    Nathan Mills

  80. According to me the government should put laws governing animals in place. These rules should be adhered to regardless of the leaders in place. The law should emphasized and followed like any other. It should also be revised often.

  81. Caring for pets have therapeutic benefits. They can ease loneliness, reduce stress and promote getting your daily walks so at the end of the day caring for a pet benefit us a great deal.

  82. It's all about interactions with animals that tell a lot about a person's character. I'd love to see a candidate that does more than just like animals but to stand up against animal cruelty.

  83. I feel that the government should stand up against animal cruelty. Make laws against puppy mills and dog fighting ect. Make penalties towards those people harder and more difficult to fight. I have rescued a dog from a puppy mill and the damage that was done to this dog was unforgivable. He has come a long way but it took a lot of hard work and patience to get him to where he is today and he still has issues.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I feel if a person careless about their animials they careless about any life form. I have to wonderful dogs one being a pitbull i rescued who was used for bait as a puppy for other dogs. i found this just evil and i still feel people like this should be jailed and treated the same as they treat the animial.

    Shawna H.

  86. I feel if a person careless about their animials they careless about any life form. I have to wonderful dogs one being a pitbull i rescued who was used for bait as a puppy for other dogs. i found this just evil and i still feel people like this should be jailed and treated the same as they treat the animial.

    Shawna H.

  87. These politicians who support animal rights and then get to Washington and find other agenda items they feel more important really make me sick. I can't understand how you can try to represent your county and state and be an advocate for humans and animals and not introduce legislation that is desperately needed to protect animal abuse. As voting citizens, we need to spread the word that an elected official isn't doing what they need to, there a way to vote them out of office. These well to do lawyer turned senator, etc. also need to be taken back to their childhood. Maybe we need a role call of their pets when they were children and what they are going to do for them!!

  88. The politicians need to stand up for the animals that suffer so needlessly in this country. I care about animals and I vote. I feel very strongly that the government needs to address the problem of factory farming in this country. It is terrible for the environment, terrible for the people that consume all of the growth hormones and antibiotics that they feed the animals and most of all it is terrible for the animals. Any candidate who will address this problem has my vote.

  89. I feel it is really important for government officials to address animal rights. If the government had more people in it who cared for the animals and actually addressed animal cruelty to help put an end to it people would be happy. It is a very important issue because it is something that effects everyone in some way. I feel any candidate who would stand up for animals and actually meant it would get more votes right away because it is such a sensitive issue. They certainly would have my vote!

  90. I didn't know the story about Romney and the way he treated his dog. I have always been a dog lover and can never understand how people can mistreat mans best friend. I also think its important for these acts of cuelty to be addressed. I will be researching the candidates issues to see who will be getting my vote.

  91. I do not think the government puts enough effort into monitoring certain industries to prevent animal torture. There needs to be a lot more effort and a more clear focus on the various things companies get away with. Cleary, so many companies will do whatever they can get away with to turn a profit and we need people in office that are going to stand up for the helpless animals.

  92. This is a good example of how in-genuine our government has become. I don't feel our politicians will care until either the majority of their voting demographic cares, or the system is revamped to not allow corporate interests to buy politicians. I feel this will be the main block in the way of progress.

  93. I feel animal rights are one issue that politicians in America can speak freely and openly about. To lobby for an animal rights group competition is scarce; you do not have nearly as many people lobbying against animal rights. Politicians are very transparent when it comes to their pets and how they feel about animals. Such as Mitt Romney and his Irish setter. His campaigns political ideas such as women not being able to get pregnant from rape, and there is no such thing as rape are just as stupid as his idea of putting his Irish setter on a crate on the roof of his car. Who does something like that? Put the dog in the car! You can tell a lot about a person and their animals.

  94. i haven't thought about that when im voting but now after reading this it makes me automatically think about it next time I vote.
    -Vadil L

  95. I do not think the government puts enough thought into what really goes on in certain businesses when it comes to the animals including clothing factories and farm factories. I defiantly think the government needs do something about farm factories because there are other alternatives for those animals to live a better life before they are used for a food source. Animals do deserve to be treated fairly and not abused. The American population should defiantly start putting the important things out to the public instead of caring about what Justin Bieber is doing this week.

  96. Thinking about what a politician did with their own pets was not something that I worried about before. I never for one second believed that someone who was in the public eye would treat their pets like Romney did VERY publicly. Sure, it went through my mind to check things like their stances on animal rights before I voted, but not to worry about how they treated their own pets! I think it's a real shame that there should even be a chance that things like this can happen. Pets are family!
    Cory Mullica SCC

  97. I think if animal abuse and cruelty was brought to their attention more then maybe they would care about it. Like Kendall said instead of hearing about the life of Justin Beiber, things like that are irrelevant. How often to we hear about animal abuse, once in a blue and most likely about pit bulls, more than any other animal. Animals should be apart of our news especially since they are a part of our everyday lives.

  98. I would of never thought of this when it came to a political point of view. No one thinks about the animals when they are voting for a person in the government because they are only worried about what there going to do with the economy. The way they treat there animals is terrible, no animal should be treated like how Romney treated his. Pets are family and they should deserve the same respect as everyone else, because once its in your home its family. I will definitely use this when I go to vote, because animal rights is a big issue now a days.

  99. I don't think I ever gave animal rights a thought when choosing a political candidate; mainly because what I most worried about was human conditions and worries. I realize that when running for office people are what matter, votes matter, taxes matter,jobs matter, the economy and making better lives for all matter. Even though I have not thought about this in the past, political viewpoints on animal rights is something to take not of going forward. I'm glad this blog brought it to my attention.

  100. It seems like all of the candidates for that particular election signed some sort of pill promoting animal welfare, although some more than others. I thought it was ironic how Mitt Romney strapped his dog to the roof of his car during a vacation, but was then signing animal welfare bills during his presidency. I think a lot of candidates do it just to earn the support and vote of the public. It's important to find a candidate who actually cares about animal rights, because some of the things that people do to animals now a days are just ghastly. And promoting protection of species and wildlife is important too. I personally don't want to live in a world without the animals I grew up learning about and forests and nature to enjoy. Politicians are the people who make decisions about what can or can't happen to an animal, and that's extremely important.
    Kira H

  101. Way to go Mitt, if he has no problem being publicly cruel to his pets, what do you think he does behind the scenes. I have to admit, I never ever even gave animal rights a thought when it came to choosing who I would vote for. But, I think I am going to start. Think about it, how they treat a animal could say how they would treat a person. In reality, it's a known fact that most people who are purposely cruel to animals tend to move to being cruel to people. There has got to be a person in office willing to say, ENOUGH, enough with use of animals for testing, enough with the unnecessary cruelty when putting an animal down, enough with the disrespect of the wildlife, it has got to stop and it needs to start here.

    Gene H. SCC

  102. I have never given thought as to considering animal rights when deciding who to vote for. It really does show a lot about a person with the way they treat animals. I would not want someone who treats animals badly to represent anything. Especially if they are doing it publicly because who knows want they are doing behind the scenes.
    Dana M.

  103. I have to admit that when it came to politics I never really thought to think about animal issues. After reading this blog I now for sure will pay attention to the views and feeling politicians have towards animal rights. I said it before, animals do not have a voice and cannot speak up on their own, so we have to fight for them.
    Jaleesa Colon, SCC

  104. I never thought of this issue when I was choosing which candidate I preferred more. This post has opened my eyes to how I should view the importance of animal rights issues. I've always thought it was odd that most of the US Presidents have had their family pets with them during their stay at the White House. Now it's all making sense.

  105. I never even thought to look into this while deciding who to vote on but now that I think about it why wouldn't I? Animals are just important as humans and their lives are just as important. I do want a president who is going to protect the animals in my life just as much as the people!

    Courtney R.

  106. I must be honest and admit that I never considered the issue of animal rights when choosing who to vote for. This has opened my eyes to do further research during the next presidential election because I am definitely an animal lover. This has become another important issue to consider while making my choice.
    Jennifer B

  107. Brenda

    I, myself, am not a political person. I am a registered and active voter. I research the candidates so I know what they stand for and how they will make a difference. It never accured to me to find out their stand on animal rights. I am a animal lover. After reading these articles I have realized that not only should the candidates be fighting for the peoples rights but for animal's rights as well.

  108. It's really nice to be introduced to this kind of blog to expand our knowledge on what is really going on. I never considered animal rights when voting, this article has completely changed my mind. Animal rights are just as important as human rights, I live on a farm and love animals, this article makes me sick.

  109. I have thought about this before and I am actually shocked to see this. The way a person treats an animal can really tell a lot about the type of person they are. People who abuse animals are obviously more likely to be criminals or be involved in criminal activity. The president of this country should most definitely contribute to animal rights. Animal cruelty is not taken seriously, and is usually set on the back burner. Pets are like family to many people. If a president cared about animals and making a change for them, I believe they would have a lot more support from people who usually wouldn't care.

  110. When it comes to Politicians, I don't trust any of them would do anything about animal rights, because they are more likely to take "gifts" from corporations that are the biggest abusers. They have no regard for human life. I wish there were candidates out there that cared for animals, and humans alike, but it's not gonna be in this current system.

  111. After reading about this blog my eyes were opened to how much our country really cares about the treatment of animals. Somehow it is acceptable to kill bears, deer, and any other hunted animal, but it is against the law to kill a dog in America. To clear it up, No I am not with the choice to kill dogs and after owning a dog it will let you see he bigger picture on how harsh it is to kill a dog. The point I am trying to show is that it should be illegal to kill any kind of animal, because all types of animals are still classified under one category. So why she we allow people to kill only certain animals, that is just not right.

  112. I know when people vote for presidential and other high office candidates they do not consider how that candidate feels about animals but I think we should start to consider it. I know animals aren't people but believe it or not animals have families and live everyday just like American citizens.

  113. Many people do not consider presidential opinions on animal rights when choosing a president. This is a very important subject and I feel as though we should pay attention to their opinions for these animals. Animals should have just as many rights as we do and we need to stick up for them.
    Taylor W

  114. I believe Politicians do not care about animal rights because big corporations fund their campaign. Thats the reason Politicians don't care about animal rights. I believe animals should have same rights as human .

  115. Most of the presidents elected always own a dog or an animal as a pet in the white house. this will tell you they love and care about animals right? but what do they really do about animals when in office? Someone to tell me the answer.
    E Fellah

  116. When choosing a president or another leader in office, I've never thought about how they feel about animal rights. There should be some consideration because there are a lot of people that love their pets and treat them like family. Animal cruelty is rising and its crazy!

  117. Animal cruelty is not taking seriously. If this problem was addressed, there would be less animal abuse in the world today. Animals have feelings just like us humans. This definitely opened my eyes to do further research during the next presidential election. I can't wrap my head around how humans could do this to animals.:(


  118. While thinking about politics, I have never really thought about rights of the animals. I don't feel as though animals should be treated harmfully and they should be thought of as one of us. The abuse of animals is only increasing and it is so crazy! I cannot understand how people can be such heartless but I do feel as we should think more about animals and the rights that they need to have since they are living also!

  119. I believe animals have their own rights too so we should try and respect them.
    Adefunke L.

  120. When voting, I never looked at what the candidate views on animals rights were. Never really crossed my mind to vote on someone based on in if they liked animals or not. However, if a person can treat an animal without respect, imagine how they would treat citizens that they govern.This definitely puts things in perspective when election time roles around.

    Krystal M.

  121. Irene G. Most people dont choose a political candidate based on how they feel about animal rights. I do believe that how someone treats animals tells you alot about their character for sure. Hmmmm something to think about!

  122. Not for anything, almost every Presidential candidate has had some kind of pet living in the White House. I am sure their stand on animal rights was not significant to any of their campaigns and I am sure that is it much like the abortion issue, guns rights issue and gay rights issue, they really won't make a strong stand on the issue because it affects major industries that are part of our economic system. It would affect the medical industry, the cosmetic industry, the clothing industry and the food industry. Politically, this can ruin a candidates campaign. I am sure no one is "for' animal cruelty but I don't know if they would fight for certain animal rights unless it was something like the illegal dog fighting. Bull fighting is part of cultural society event but I think it still would be considered wrong under animal rights. Is that what we want to regulate? Who would initiate this and monitor it?

  123. I think that animal rights should be more of an issue for the candidates of the next presidential election. The links provided information that Rick Santorum was most conserned when it came to animal rights but I still feel it should be more of an issue. Animal cruelty happens on a daily basis and in a way has become an epidemic and it needs to be addressed.
    Savannah M.

  124. I honestly never would have thought until reading this post to think about how a candidate stands on the issue of animal rights when choosing who to vote for. I will definitely take that into consideration for the next presidential and governor's elections in the future.

  125. This is very interesting. When considering who to vote for, people don't typically look at a politician's position on animal testing. I agree this should by no means be the only factor by which an official should be elected, but it is a strong factor to consider. Gandhi was right, "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

  126. Animals should have rights just like humans. They have feelings and don't have anyone to speak out for them. But if there are guidelines and restrictions on what can be done to them, for them then we wouldn't have so much animal cruelty just because going on. Some pets are just like family members. N.F.

  127. The thing about politics is that, they will always say what we want to here. A majority of people would want someone who is an advocate for animals, so that's what that politician will say. It's all twisted, and hard to believe anything related to politics, in my opinion. I have honestly never thought about this when choosing a politician, but it truly is something that should be considered. If someone can't even treat a helpless animal right, how can they be expected to treat humans fairly? There are little things that people fail to look for in a person that can truly exemplify who they are, and this is one of those things.

  128. I would hope that all politicians are for animals and not against them. Many of the politicans never mention about animal rights and what they would need to do when going into office. They always say the right things just for you and I to be on their side, but when it comes to animals we hear nothing about it.

  129. One rarely hears about animal rights in politics, for politicians are more focused on government and warfare. If politicians mentioned animal rights more frequently, I believe this would help them to be either more or less successful. When a person in power talks about something that we understand, such as animals, we tend to listen more because it is significant to us. Oftentimes, people are confused about the government and what is occurring, but if politicians talked about animals, the public may be persuaded one way or another.
    Blair W.

  130. Politicians will basically say they are against animal cruelty to get your vote but as I was reading the articles I noticed their actions towards their animals didn't match up. From reading the article the best way to know how a politician feels about animal rights we would be able in tell in the way they treat their pets (if applicable).
    Sharonna M.

  131. I notice that all the presidents have dogs maybe they don't take animal cruelty seriously enough . Lauren Cooney SCC

  132. I think that looking into how a political canidit treats animals is a great idea. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals. It would also be a good idea to get more people in office that care about the rights of animals to hopefully make a bigger difference and to take a stand against animal abuse!

  133. I believe that we should care what the people who we elect think about animal cruelty because its important that they themselves don't do it. Amy T.

  134. We should defiantly think twice of who we elect when it comes to who supports animal abuse/cruelty. By taking a stand and believing in whats right and wrong will defiantly be a big decision when I'm electing someone into office.

  135. I don't think the president of the United states should be voted into office just because he treats his animal well. This is not a definite measure of how the president is going to handle his job while in office. Adolf Hitler had a German sherperd called Blondi that he treated lovingly while he was the leader in Germany, but we all know his position in history.

  136. A person will say whatever it takes to be elected for president. When they are elected, they forget most of the things they had talked about.
    anneque P

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. The statement about you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals is very true. I've come to learn a lot about people in my life because of their behavior with animals.
    Jesse H.

  139. I thought of animal rights while thinking about presidential candidates. I will in the future from now on, I certainly don't want someone who advocates animal abuse to become what can be considered today the most powerful man in the world. Fatmata K.

  140. It all depends on what kind of person you are. I don't think that just because you treat animals well you should automatically be elected. We need someone that will keep this US in good hands.

  141. I honestly don't think how politicians feel towards animal rights should define their campaign. Out of the politicians listed in the first article, I agree with Huntsman's spay and neuter campaign because getting an animal spayed or neutered can help keep the number of strays controlled. But I do not think that a whole lot of focus should be on animal rights and they should be more on our rights, like gay marriage and abortion.

  142. I never thought of picking a politician based on their animal rights view. Although I would prefer one that was for animals rights, I don't think I would solely base it off of this.

  143. Picking who to support always seemed to focus on other things, like marriage rights and a womens right to choose. I never thought to look at their thoughts on animals rights. Being an animal lover and being able to vote this is something i will continue to look into when considering who i want to lead.
    Somer K

  144. When it comes to politics, I never thought to pick a candidate based on their view of animal rights. Although this brings out the point that a candidate may show compassion towards an animal, that candidate may show compassion more towards humans also. Although supporting animal rights will not be my only basis for choosing a candidate.
    Elizabeth M.

  145. We should defiantly think twice of who we elect when it comes to who supports animal abuse/cruelty. By taking a stand and believing in whats right and wrong will defiantly be a big decision when I'm electing someone into office.

  146. I've personally never been in a voting booth because I don't care for politics. However, I believe that the way a person treats animals says a lot about their character. If a person is able to harm an innocent creature then they clearly have no morals. I wouldn't want an immoral person in a powerful position.
    Kylie Parish

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. We often times get so caught up in our own worlds that we don't take the time to think and consider the views of others. Politicians however are important to the government and i believe that knowing there view against animal rights could give us a good feel for what type of person they are. Granite you can’t judge someone based on their opinion but it tells us what they feel is ethical and could show us there true character.

  149. understanding the views of politics on animals is very important, and shows more about them than they think they are showing. Animals are apart of our lives and apart of our loved ones, so if they don't care about them.. what else do they not really care abotu?

  150. Politics are very confusing to me. When voting for the next President, I will now check to see if they are involved with animals and treating them right and taking action towards a better future for animals and saving them from being tortured. Animal rights are just as important as human rights.
    Sarah L.

  151. I don't really fully understand how politics work. It is very confusing with alot of back stabbing and lies. Seems there is always the aggenda of fullfilling the needs and wants of whatever company has thier hands in these people's pockets. Even with all the other issues that need to be spoken of and have action taken on, it is an important issue that animal rights be spoken of and action taken toward. Cruelty is cruelty no matter if against humans or animals. So laws/actions should be in place to counter this. Corey M.

  152. if it left to the people in politics on how animals are treated I will go with the animal lover. Its wrong that some care for animals and others don't. It gives the world kind of the wrong impression on animals as a whole.

  153. I'm not really into politics but I do think that the way a person treats animals reflects on how they are as a person. Also, i think that some people tend to overlook the well being of animals because they cant speak up for themselves.
    Delaiah C.

  154. politics is very complicated and confusing game let me call it a game.because as you see each an every party fight for her/his own definitely i don't think their serious about these but it would be more evidently if they would come with certain ways like a law or a signed petition which would be passed and agreed between the companies and the government.In nature its always struggle for the fittest and for these innocence and defenseless creatures need to be taken care of instead of exploiting neglecting their right. Monicah M SCC

  155. I honestly never paid attention to politics but the older I get the more important I realize it is. Animal Rights is never something I take into consideration when looking at potential candidates but I really need to. As an animal lover I would feel terrible if I voted for someone who doesn't stand up for animals at all.
    Vicky M

    1. i completely agree with this. I never paid any attention to politics nor do i completely understand it but now i almost want to be more involved and learn about it

  156. I have never really been into politics but when it comes to animal rights I do think the way you treat an animal does reflect on the kind of person you are. I do not completely understand politics but now I actually want to look more into it and animal rights

  157. I believe many Americans are animal lovers, so our politicians should make sure they have some sort of animal rights platform when running for office. It would be great if our country could come together for the safety of animals.

  158. As an animal lover it's important to also ensure you animals' rights, since they can't speak for themselves. I believe it's important to question whoever gets your vote, on their views of animal rights.

  159. I honestly never gave thought about the presidents or runners for the election having a side on animal cruelty. Especially after being moved in to the White House the first thing the do is obtain a presidential pet. However it makes me think that it is not the choice of the president it's what fits the American Dream. Something to seriously think about when voting.
    Jennifer W.

  160. I have never though about animals in regards to politics. This is a time of year that I tend to watch very little television and pay attention to who is running or being voted for. Its my own personal opinion, but I think most elections are already planned out and I'm not sure how actual votes contribute to the outcomes. Take a presidential race for example, everyone is going to show the world how much they like animals so they can get those votes; but this doesn't mean that they are advocates of animal rights. This one is a tough subject for me.

  161. Austin W
    Honestly, I am sure that no political candidate would be “in favor” of animal cruelty. I am sure they vote on issues that affect animals and how they are treated and if they are used to test products or for medical experiments but in the long run they are just like you and I. No normal human being is really in favor of treating animals cruelly.

  162. I've never really thought about animals with politics together. I'm most definitely not in favor of animal cruelty. I don't know much about politics either, or animal's rights. This is a tough topic for me. Amy T.

  163. Honestly, I have never correlated presidential candidates with animal rights. I am not much into politics but I haven't seen any influences positive or negative from a president that directly or indirectly affect animal rights. There are many people out there who don't own any pets but don't necessarily dislike or despise them.

  164. I think it is extremely important to see where a president stands on animal rights. It is one of those little things that people don't really think about all of the time, but it makes a huge impact when it is brought up. How an individual treats an animal says a lot about them in my opinion. It exposes their caring, compassionate and loving side. It shows if they're tough exterior is just a cover up, and if they really do have a caring side deep down. If a president, or anyone in a leader position can't treat and animal with love and respect, how can they be expected to treat people right? Animals are much easier to deal with than people, they are simple and generally love you no matter what. If a leader cannot handle that, they should not be in a leader position.

  165. I do not believe any normal human being would be inclined to support a legislation that favors animal cruelty or oppression. However, I don't think animal right would ever make a significant impact in any national election as there are a lot of other issues that candidates would try to address when it comes to seeking votes. If for any reason, animal right becomes a significant issue in any election, most politician would grab it and act like they support it even if they would be most likely opposed to it. Politicians are untrustworthy.

  166. I do not believe any normal human being would be inclined to support a legislation that favors animal cruelty or oppression. However, I don't think animal right would ever make a significant impact in any national election as there are a lot of other issues that candidates would try to address when it comes to seeking votes. If for any reason, animal right becomes a significant issue in any election, most politician would grab it and act like they support it even if they would be most likely opposed to it. Politicians are untrustworthy.

    1. I absolutely agree with you, its unfortunate but it is true I have never seen anyone running for presidency talk about anything animal related. And even if they did I feel it would be for all the wrong reasons and not because they truly care. Thats not to say that there aren't any animal lovers who are politicians I just think they don't make a big deal out of it.

  167. I agree I think that someone during their presidency should focus on animal rights. All other civil movements have taken more importance over animals. But we are all living beings, and now is the time for them to not be put on the back burner.

  168. I have never been interested in politics, and I haven't registered to vote yet. However, it's the things the candidates stand for that (to me) says a lot about who they are as a person. Animal rights will fall into that.

    However, in this day and age, I don't believe animal rights will have as big of an impact as to who votes for who compared to other, bigger topics. Not that I'm saying animal rights isn't a big issue; it always will be.

  169. Even though this information is from a former election, it is interesting to see how each of these candidates perceived animals rights. Animals is certainly not a popular topic when it comes to the media coverage and campaign debates. Maybe if it was, it could be taken more seriously by the government. The only way to do that is to continue spreading awareness.

    -Samuel W.

  170. 8. Politics vs. Animal Rights

    “Do you care at all where your potential Presidents stand on animal rights issues?”
    This is an important question to ask. I am yet to hear a presidential debate that features the candidates about their animal rights positions.

    Michelle Bachmann
    “She has supported only a handful of animal protection bills during her congressional career, voting for measures to make animal fighting a federal felony, to ban commerce in animal crush videos, and to pair veterans with service dogs for therapy. “
    She did all that, yet she has a single digit ranking?

    Newt Gingrich
    “He did vote to allow sport hunting in the Mojave National Preserve, and to allow foreign aid dollars to be used to promote trophy hunting of elephants.”
    Why would he do that? Does he have “skin in the game” or something?

    “Gingrich is, so far, the only presidential candidate who has actively talked about the importance of the human-animal bond while on the campaign trail.”
    That statement did not score him any major points. Someone’s love for their leather jacket can show the importance of a “human-animal bond.”

    “ Gingrich wrote the foreword to the guidebook “America’s Best Zoos,” “
    Be it that he is some kind of “expert” on zoos, I must ask, what is the criteria for “Best Zoo.” Is the way they treat their animals taken into consideration?

    Jon Huntsman:
    “When he signed a bill in 2008 creating a first-offense felony penalty for abusing dogs or cats, he praised the animal advocates for their persistence in advocating for the new law,”
    It is thanks to people like the creator of this blog and its supports that pressure politicians to make laws that support of animals.

  171. Even though the information is on candidates from a few years ago, it's still quite surprising. To think that these people have a chance at running our country. If we can not trust them to support the humane treatment of animals, how can we expect them to advocate for or protect the American people? It doesn't sound likely to me. Good information to know.
    - Chelsi S.

  172. I agree that even though this information is from a former election, that it is still so relevant. Politics is a big game whether we like it or not, and we usually are the pawns. However I think we as well as the politicians, completely forget about the role animals take on. I highly doubt politicians care about what happens to animals on a large scale. Given that they have other things that grab their attention, its the little things that matter. loving is part of our nature and if a candidate cant even show their compassion for something other than money, what does that say about them?
    J. McCardle

  173. This information is from a few years ago but it is very interesting to see all of their views on animal rights. Although animal rights would not be the first thing I would be worried about when voting for a politician, it is still important. Caring about animals shows that you care about life. If you do not show you care about innocent animals, you could be seen as cruel or heartless. Why would anyone want a leader like that?

  174. With the up and coming presidential election nearing I'm pretty sure none of us have even given thought on what each candidates position is in relation to animal cruelty. However if we want to change this issue that would be a very good charecteristic to consider. We select our presidents based off what we want then to accomplish so why not select a president who cares just as much about animal cruelty then your self. Just something to think about for next month.

  175. I never thought about animal rights when voting for presidents but now I will! Animal rights is so important to many people and I feel the need to be apart if it. Animals have feelings and lives just as much as us humans do!

  176. I was unaware that a president COULD actually make a difference in the rights of animals. From now on, I will most certainly take this into consideration before I vote!

    Jordanne A.

  177. I believe animals should have Rights. I will definitely look into any potential Presidents animal beliefs before I cast my vote. I guess it does make sense to get a our Commander and Chief out look on the situation, If change is to happen it will be best started by him/her.


  178. E Lankenau SCC
    I'm not very politically involved, however, i am the kind of person that makes judgments based off of people's view on animals. I think the people who take the time out of their lives to petition and do their research to end animal cruelty are so great. It proves selflessness, responsibility, admiration, caring qualities about that person. On the other hand, people who are so quick to agree to animal slaughtering and torture, in my eyes, are proving themselves to be selfish, lazy, and ignorant. People who are willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent animals just to have the next best fashion statement is ridiculous. If i were into politics, I would definitely look at whether or not the candidate appreciated and respected animals. It would affect my decisions greatly if they were for animal rights.

  179. I have never given any thought to considering how politicians treat animals, and I probably never will. I believe there are more pressing issues in America that should be focused on. Yes, character can be judged somewhat by how a person treats there animals, but you can still be a horrible person that love loves their pet. I do not feel as though being nice to animals equates to being a good person.

  180. I don't agree with abusing animals. however that's the least on my mind when it comes to choosing who will be my next president. I focus on issues like the economy, education, and safety. i want to know that by the time i reach retirement age i will enough money save to take of myself. Marie C Paul

  181. It's really nice to be introduced to this kind of blog to expand our knowledge on what is really going on. I never considered animal rights when voting, this article has completely changed my mind. Animal rights are just as important as human rights, I live on a farm and love animals, this article makes me sad and disgusted by what's going on in the world.

  182. It's really nice to be introduced to this kind of blog to expand our knowledge on what is really going on. I never considered animal rights when voting, this article has completely changed my mind. Animal rights are just as important as human rights, I live on a farm and love animals, this article makes me sad and disgusted by what's going on in the world.

  183. I've never put much thought into presidential candidates and where they stand on animal rights. Not that they don't matter, I love animals, but I don't feel that this is something that would really sway me one way or another on a candidate. There are more important topics among this one that should be dealt with first and foremost and then we can address animal rights.
    Jena B

  184. When it comes to who is president, their view on animal rights is not at the top of my list of things to look at. Animal rights are important but, there is a lot more important stuff to look at when talking about the leader of the free world. Shareese M.
